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Because of Aletro’s displeasure, the third day began with an announcement. People flocked to the Quantum Main Hub as there was a national assembly.

Aletro released a ‘patch’. An update.

Hobo living was no longer tolerated. Sleeping out in the open would be penalized heavily in spark shards. Littering was punishable by deportation. Pricing update. The private quest space that Viers had used as his own room would no longer be permanent and the contestant must exit within an hour of the quests’ completion.

Other than that, Aletro also fixed some loopholes, additional adjustments in the resort’s features, every contestant could now see other people’s aliases with a little concentration, and many more.

Wow, this is the third day so, patch 1.3?

“That’s all. Because you’ll now lose shards every day, do take care to not end the day with 0 spark shards.”

“What would happen if we did?” Someone asked.

“You don't want to find out,” Aletro replied.

“Great Sage, has the impossible difficulty been adjusted?”


“B-but no one has completed any,” the guy pressed further.

“Only those destined or those that can make the impossible possible can finish any of the 5 impossible quests. It is called impossible for a reason. You already got the chance to free-try one without penalty if you fail and you want more? Naive child. If you feel it is unreasonable, how about you create your own trial, hm?” Aletro’s annoyed gaze turned the guy’s courage into tofu.

“Now put you back into it. I swear, kids these days...”

Aletro disappeared while grumbling and the gallery scattered soon after. Viers went to the quest obelisk just like the other 99% of them.

In other words, Altero said: Git Gut. That’s true, I suppose.

The impossible quest indeed came with a crutch that any injury, no matter how fatal, would be exempted upon failure for the first time. That was why Viers dared to try the impossible quest.

There were 5 of them and Viers’ quest was about a test of martial might. Viers fought shadow warriors using different weapons and styles to reach the higher floor of a tower. There were ten floors and Viers got defeated on the fifth floor.

He should be half dead according to his injury but Viers returned without a scratch. He concluded impossible quests were beyond him.

Destined people, huh…

As the one who wasn't destined, Viers wasn't fond of that word.

Viers repeated his questing-spree right from the start. After the update, one could only take five quests at once. Viers must follow the rules. After picking the suitable five, Viers burned one of them to start another round of massacre. One thought plagued his mind.

Is it just me or is the solo quests are getting scarcer?

“So what’s the plan, Viers? Repeating the questing sprint until the last day? You’ll burn out your Victa.” Clarissa said. Before Viers, the water tiger monster was already ready for battle.

“Surely you three don't forget about this, aren't you?” Viers summoned a jet-black metallic revolver out of nowhere and cocked the revolver’s hammer. “I make it a point for me to come out of conflict with benefits. Although there are a few black marks in my history, that fool Sigma is not one of them.”


Viers opened fire without hesitation. Little Friend didn't use any Victa to use, only bullets. Bullets made of soul.

And Viers had just harvested a lot of monster souls after two days of intense questing.


Half a day into day 3, Viers slowed down his spark shards' sharp rise.

“Fairy Ice, the monster went that way.”

“Yeah. Let's pincer it just as planned.”

A man and a woman ran across the field. When they came out from the bushes to the clearing, they saw the monster had lain dead.

“Whoa, that was quick,” the man with the alias Mr. Great said.

“It’s all this guy. I just found the monster,” Tanael replied.

“...” The last member of the four, Backlasher kept silent. From the start, he was a guy with few words and a permanent dark expression on his face.

Viers judged he had enough spark shards for now and mingled with the rest of the trial takers.

The reward divided itself evenly for the four of them and they parted ways.

“Hey,” Tanael called Backlasher that was already half flew to the obelisk.

“What?” He said curtly.

“You look desperate.”

The words made him twitch slightly. Viers would have missed it if he wasn't paying attention.

“I stake everything on this trial… Everything.”

Backlasher left a determination-filled parting words.

Viers made a mental note.

Mr. Great and Fairy Ice, prey. Backlasher… not prey.


“Well, this is new,” Viers hummed.

The quest card was of black and white color. According to the description, it was a race competition. A never before seen format. Those from black or white spark group could join.

I should use this chance to observe those white spark guys.

Viers took a card and burned it. Unlike solo quests, the competition would start once 10 people had registered. In less than half an hour, the quest started and Viers got transported to a jungle wilderness.

The reward will be based on the performance. 1st and 2nd place will gain different amounts of spark shards. Let’s see my competitors.

Six from white and four from black. Viers knew after concentrating and their name was written on top of their head, in black or white according to their choice of spark.

Blade of Justice… Isn't he among the top five? He even rose to the top once. I should observe him closely.

And then, Viers was at a loss for words about another unusual contestant from the white side.

Anne, just Anne. A girl about fifteen? Sixteen? Super cute… and she’s a Level 1.

Viers’ brain took a moment to process.

How the hell, she could be Level 1!!? Shouldn't all of us be Level 2 according to Aletro?

The cute girl with petite clear eyes and silky black hair noticed Viers’ gaze and waved back at him with a very refreshing smile.

The race got underway shortly. The jungle was filled with obstacles and monsters. They were supposed to use their judgment to find the best path.

But the Blade of Justice guy just went straight through, cutting down any obstacles in his path. Trees, bushes, boulders, monsters, his sword cut them all.

Incredible. His swordsmanship is very amazing, beautiful and fearsome at the same time. Definitely not prey.

On the other hand, Viers turned to the one not far behind.

She’s… not helpless. In fact, in Level 1 she has the power greater than the average level 2. How is she doing it though? She must have something like my Horizon. She’s too weird. And weird prey is often poisonous. I better stay away from her. Far, far away from her.

Viers was warier about the harmless-looking girl than the top talent noble warrior because the girl was an enigma.

Who knew what was hidden under that pretty face.

In the end, Blade of Justice got 1st place, Tanael at 3th, and Anne at 4th.

The participants meet and greet for less than a minute before leaving.


Viers continued his blending-with-the-sheep session. While he was in a group, Viers didn't use any of his elemental Arte, water or soul. His role in a group was a supporting one. Thanks to his sharp senses, thanks to this unusual physique, combined with Euryale Sight and Enhanced Hearing, Viers made a good scout. When he must battle, he uses items instead.

In the Marakkus’ vault, Viers got many bomb beads. Each of these red beads had the destructiveness of a stick of dynamite. Viers had about a thousand. When he was alone, he also used Sunburn, Octo-melt Scroll, and other items to save his Victa. Of course, his gunslinger style was still going strong.

By the second half of the third day, the spectacle of the participants furiously questing had died down significantly. That was because most of them had their Victa at critical levels, but not Viers. And Viers wasn't the only one with such a stock of consumables in his person.

Day 3 ended peacefully and Viers was at 41st place. His rank went down because he spent half a day scouting others but Viers didn't mind. As long as he was in the top 50. Grudgingly, Viers procured a room at the resort, the cheapest one.


“Hahaha! You all look like shriveled fish. Not enough Victa huh? Rejoice! You’re about to get more Victa to get the competition hot! Some of you, anyway.”

Aletro made another announcement. After the black Aletro had spoken, it was the white Aletro’s turn.

At the Quantum Main Hub, Viers watched the announcement like with many others. A vial appeared in front of Viers. It contained blue liquid.

“Those in the top 50 will get a vial of blue colloid as a reward for your efforts. Top 150 will get the pink colloid. These colloids are an alchemical mixture that will replenish your Victa.”

An MP potion! I always thought it existed somewhere in this world. The way he says it, the blue one should have a superior effect than the pink one.

“As for the rest of you, too bad. Want a reward, get those spark shards,” the black Aletro taunted those below the rank 150.

Login reward, like in the mobile games! Or is it a ranking reward? This trial’s format is really game-y. I love it! I hope the next stage is even more interesting.

Viers chugged the blue energy drink, which was quite delicious and sweet, immediately. Many others did the same. A significant amount of Victa welled up from deep within him. Viers’ situation was unique. He still had some left in the tank and now he had even more.

“Here’s a lesson for you baby chicks. In this world, those who are strong often get stronger. While the weak often remained weak. Rich people get richer and poor people get poorer. Those who are behind must put a greater effort to catch up with those already ahead. That's just life. If you don't accept your circumstances, then struggle. Struggle to change your fate!”

“While my other self can say that more tactfully, he wasn't wrong. The Path of Power is a difficult road to travel. You’ll suffer many hardships and setbacks. You who are in the lower rank, do your best to rise up. Think how to best those above you and act. Those in the high rank, don't be blinded by arrogance and let down your guard. Geniuses felled by an ordinary person are a common occurrence.”

Both Aletro disappeared after the message and the fourth day began.


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