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Khalmar, son of Adhalmar thanked the ancestors of his ancestors all the way up to the Origin Spirits for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity he found himself in.

Now he would do everything he could to not squander it.

The beastfolk was almost no different from the human race except for the existence of tiger ears and tail on his body. He stood in front of six others, all beastfolk. Their support and confidence in him gave him strength like no other.

“Hail, Khalmar.”

Just like Khalmar, there was a person representing his group. A beastfolk with bull horns.

“Hail, Ubah son of Ubos,” Khalmar said.

“We’re both busy people. You want to talk so talk,” Ubah haughtily said.

“Alliance,” Khalmar simply said.

“...Why should I accept? Bull tribe and tiger tribe have been enemies since the Treachery of Red Fields a thousand years ago.”

“Grudges, old wounds, pride… That's why the humans beat us, heir of mighty horns,” Khalmar’s voice was loud and clear. “Look around you, from 382, more than 300 are humans.”

“...Your point?”

“Together, we will be stronger than apart. Let us reap the benefits of this place together.”

Ubah snorted.

“You’re a disgraced scion that ended up in the human lands. I’ve heard the rumors. You’re prideless beastfolk and a beggar!”

Khalmar knelt.

The six behind Khlamar held their breath. Ubah’s group -all beastfolk- surprised. Ubah himself squinted his eyes in disbelief.

“A hundred tribes, a hundred differences, a million grudges. All in the name of pride… That is our way of life. Must we, beastfolks fight each other until extinction? It. Must. Change.”

“...What is your aim, tiger cub?”

“To restore our race to greatness,” Khalmar met Ubah’s gaze. “To defeat the invaders of our land. To protect my brothers and sisters down the south. For that, I’ll do anything, even casting my pride away and begging for help.”

Those who heard, had their heart touched. Ubah however, was a leader. He had a responsibility to his group.

“I’ll not ally with a weakling. Fight me,” Ubah’s physique bulged with muscle and took up his mace.

“If that is what it takes,” Khalmar rose to his feet.

The two fought, and Khalmar defeated Ubah in one hit.

“Cough… ” Ubah coughed blood while lying on the ground. Khalmar walked towards him and extended his hand. To Ubah, this was unexpectedness akin to the sky falling on top of his head.

“You’re this strong and still beg for help? Why?”

“My strength is nothing. Unless we unite, the humans will kill us all. Let us show them. First, in this place, the unity of the beastfolk,” Khalmar sincerely said.

Ubah silently gave Khalmar a long and deep look… before taking the offered hand.


“Hmph! Truly, a revolting person. To think the poisoner loser also came to this place… That Aletro guy should have left him outside to rot. Isn't he supposed to be a great sage or something?” A silver-haired wolf beastfolk said angrily.

“Calm down, Naya. He couldn't hurt us,” a handsome teen poured a beverage he found in the room into empty glasses.

“It certainly wouldn't stop him from trying. He will come for you, Aravin. Please be more concerned,” the last member of the group, Sabine, the priestess with blonde hair said with concern.

“Noted,” Aravin gave the glass to his two companions. “Here’s to us. The spark shards are coming along nicely.”

“Yeah! Aravin is in 12th place!” Naya raised her glass excitedly.

“It could be higher though if we didn't use this room,” Sabine softly said.

“Now, now. I couldn't possibly allow you two to sleep on the streets, right?” Aravin added. “Just relax, enjoy the moment. Oh? This drink is very nice.”

“Phuaah!” Naya sighed after finishing her part with big gulps and slammed the glass to the table with a loud sound. “It better be, since it’s so expensive. Aravin, the next time we meet Jaime, we’re taking him down, got it?”

“I got it, I got it. You two have been Jaime this, Jaime that the whole time. We’re in a book for Goddesses' sake. Isn’t this far more important? Anyway, I’m really glad you two are here with me. Naya, what did you talk about with Khalmar earlier?”

“Well, he wants me to get into his group.”

“Are you okay? The talk was a bit heated,” Sabine asked.

“It’s fine, I'm staying with Aravin and you. This is my tribe now, hehehe,” the silver-haired girl hugged Aravin and Sabine both.

“I, for one, am grateful. I wouldn't be able to get this far without you two.” The human youth said.

“It’s the least I can do,” Sabine sipped her drink.

“Good you think like that. I want a reward,” Naya suddenly kissed Aravin and the sight made Sabine spurt out her drink.

“Cough, cough… You two… for shame,” Sabine said with a red face.

“...Naya, aren't you tired after all that? We’ve been fighting nonstop for a whole day,” Aravin wasn't as calm as he let on.

“I still have energy for this. Come on, Sabine. We’re taking a bath first,” Naya urged the beautiful priestess, pulling her hand.

“Ehhh?” Sabine’s cute voice spread to all corners of the room.

“If the prim and proper priestess doesn't want to, I suppose I’ll be having Aravin for myself this time then,” Naya teased.

“...I don't want that,” Sabine said with a voice so minuscule it was almost audible. The beastfolk kept pulling her hand and Sabine did not resist.

The two girls went to the bathroom, leaving Aravin alone in the living room. After they went away, Aravin broke into a dance by his lonesome. The excitement was too much and he couldn't stay still.

“Yes, yes, yes, YESSSSSSS!!!!”


“We’ve already met all the participants but the guy we seek is nowhere to be found. He is probably already disguising himself… In the best-case scenario, he isn't taken into the book but I doubt it.

“There are only five of us from the Garden of Perfection. The rest must be left out in the real world. I checked around while scouting.”

“The guy with the name ‘Killing Shot’ is the most suspicious. Although, there's no way we can be sure if he’s the one that shot the book.”

“What should we do now, boss Fajrin? The plan is falling apart.”

There were five people in the room, they were asking the leader for directions. Although they were all similarly Level 2s at the moment, the leader was a top-tier Level 3 on the outside. Even without his cultivation level backing him right now, the four understand the youth was still stronger than all four of them combined.

They were inside one of the rooms in the resort. Their room was not the cheapest one but far from the most expensive. The youth had been closing his eyes while listening to the report.

“There’s no choice. We have to accomplish the mission. The thing will appear in this trial. Ready yourself, lads. If we cannot give Garden Warden Lejek what he wants, he’ll surely give us the Green Hell treatment.”

While the four grimaced, Fajrin continued.

“Until we find our target, we must keep going to the deeper stages of this trial. Let go of personal goals you have and focus on the objective. If we fail, you won't be enjoying whatever benefits you reap from this place.”

“Yes, sir!”

Under the threat worse than death, the group was tied by a bond of steel.


A separate space of a finished quest, that was the place Viers chose to spend the night.

It was now almost midnight on his pocket watch and so Viers put an end to this questing spree and rested his body.

“I’m taking a bath, girls. Good night.”

Viers closed the V-stream and unrobed. His body was caked with sweat, blood, and mire after all he’d been through today.

“Bath time. Arte - Water Sphere.”

There was no water in this place but Viers created a big floating sphere of water big enough for him to take a dip out all of a sudden.

Viers scooped some water from the big floating sphere and used the soap from his storage item. As Viers often found himself traveling on the road, he always prepared some toiletries in his bag.

Before long, Viers finished his bath, dried himself with a towel, moved some distance away from the place, and donned fresh clothes. Viers was now spic and span, which made his fake handsome face… handsomer.

The magical water that Viers created with his magic was not safe to drink, neither would it last permanently but it was still water. Taking advantage of his status as a water Pathseeker he could bathe in a waterless place without a problem.

As for where the water he created disappeared, Viers didn't think too much about it.

“God, I’m tired...” Vier said as he sprawled on his camping bed.

This is not how I expect this day would go.

Yesterday, Viers had a clear plan for one week ahead. He had been training peacefully while anticipating his reunion with Dia, Luca, and her parents. Now, he was inside a book and would be out ten days later in the real world but for him? It would be significantly longer.

Months? Years? Viers didn't know.

Before ending his day, Viers did his before-sleep routine, practicing his Serpentes Renovamen Profound Codex. After that, finally, he was done for the day.

It’s getting late, I should get some sleep.

Pathseekers still needed sleep. Although, they could stave the need for days if necessary. Outside, he had no doubt there were people still doing quests for collecting the shards at the expense of shut-eye but Viers had no intention to do so. Cultivation was not a sprint, although he wouldn't say it was a marathon either.

However, sleep didn't come to him even after shutting his eyes. There was something stuck inside his mind.

This will not do!

Suddenly, Viers summoned the mask Aletro gave him for asking questions.

“Back so soon? What now?” Aletro -the black-clothed one- sounded out.

“I have one more question, in the short term, this might be the most important matter for me,” Viers spoke in all seriousness.

“Hoh, speak.”

“In the five stages of the trial… will there be a one-on-one tournament?”


“Very good! Thank you, sir. I believe I can sleep soundly today.” Viers was no longer plagued by a heart devil.

“...Okay… Weird kid…” Aletro faded away.

Marvelous. I’m afraid the next arc will involve a tournament since there are signs of it before, U-18 something. Yes I know the signs are outside in the city and not inside the book but tournaments in cultivation stories are as common as weeds! You can have one there and have one here. The xianxia authors are happy for the easy word count but the reader -Me!- became fed up with tournament arcs and grew up hating it! Viva no tournament! VIVA!

Viers drifted to sleep with a smile on his face.


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