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Viers was in the middle of a dance.

Realistically, his partner wasn't a woman with jade-like skin and heavenly beauty that caused the downfall of nations. His partner was a freak of nature, a bipedal zebra with the physique of a bodybuilder. The zebra monster was fighting with the style of a boxer, giving Viers combinations of left and right hoof punches.

The quest transported Viers to a private arena where the monster was waiting. As soon as Viers appeared, the battle began. Others might find themselves unready but Viers had practiced fast-pulling his katana from the dimensional Casket for times like this.

Arte - Water Slash!

Viers used one of the most basic versions of water Arte. At Viers’ stage, most Pathseeker already replaced elementary Arte such as this and seldom used it in battle but not Viers.

His water-wreathed sword cut the neck of the zebra abomination but it didn't go all the way. The monster’s body was too tough.

That wasn't all, my power went down… Not much though.

Because of the cultivation limiting feature of the trial, all participants’ cultivation was made the same, Level 2 middle.

Before the reduction, I should be about Level 2 high so I’m above average, huh? Good to know. No, I damn well should be after all my hard work and cheats!

Viers ducked to avoid a right hook from the Zebra Ray Robinson. A left swiftly followed but Viers let it hit empty air with the help of his sword.

No abnormalities in my body, my physique and motor skills are basically the same as before.


Boxer Zebra let loose a one-two. For something with a weight above 250kg, its punch was really, really fast.

If Viers was a normal person he would have been sent to the hospital but he was not. Victa-infused, his body moved faster and sharper. Viers dodged and parried the strikes, eyes glowing viridescent green.

All green on Euryale Sight. I’m a bit worried it would be banned. Glad I was wrong.

Euryale Sight Arte didn't simply give Viers abilities to zoom in faraway objects, see-through all manners of illusion, magical x-ray, and highlight traces of mana. It also helped Viers in battle. With sharper vision, Viers could read the bodily movement of his enemies. Therefore, reading and anticipating their attacks. That was why Viers often used this ‘investigation’ Arte in battle before.

The primary use of the Arte was not for battle though. Viers picked it up so he didn't miss opportunities and be deceived. Euryale Sight allowed Viers to pick up many missable benefits and razor-sharp observation but it wasn't omnipotent.

Lately, he started to see things that he couldn't see through, signifying the power of the opponent or the mysteriousness of an item. Euryale Sight was an exceptional Arte that he got from Clarissa but an Arte was only as good as the user.

Using Euryale Sight Arte also consumed Victa so he didn't have it on all the time. There were times where Viers got caught off guard, like where Harry approached him under an invisible cloak.

All things considered, Euryale Sight was one of the most important Artes Viers ever had and he was eternally grateful he gained the Arte very early in his Path of Power.

I pretty much have figured it out. Time to finish this!

Viers stepped in to close the distance amidst the barrage of punches and struck like lightning.

Arte - Water Slash!

It was the same Water Slash but the power was twice as strong compared to the previous one. The zebra’s torso was diagonally severed as a result.

Because this time, Viers turned on his Horizon Aspect.

Every Arte would receive 127.16% boost but without additional Victa cost! Since everyone's cultivation was the same, just with my Horizon alone should place me in as the top contenders among the contestants. Only…

Viers allowed a pause to pass and nothing happened. Viers was worried his Aspect would be banned because it clearly wasn't a normal Level 2 ability but since there was no red alert afterward and the ability was working as intended, Viers sighed in relief.

Horizon is at 127.16%. I should note that down. I wonder how high it would get after the trial, after loads of new and exciting new things here. He-he-he… It's only ten days in the real world, right? Like DBZ’s Room of Spirit and Time. Classic!

The monster now lain dead, Viers had finished his quest. A fleck of pure light and a portal appeared near Viers.

Viers summoned his black spark and the little thing greedy absorbed the fleck of light similar to a hungry baby.

That must be the reward Aletro was talking about, a shard. I wonder what will happen when my spark becomes big enough… Anyway, that portal must be the exit. Hmn? Wait a minute…

Viers examined the zebra monster he had defeated.

Is this… real? Flesh and blood monster? Loot!

Viers cut the monster up for loot and ingredients.

Other than the spark shards, we also can get benefits from the quest itself. The implications of it… Those without storage items would be at a disadvantage.

Viers did not process the monster completely, it would take too much time. It was from the stage 1 easy difficulty quest after all, how valuable could it be? He judged his limited time was infinitely more precious. Still, it was a Level 2 monster so Viers took some of the most valuable parts of it.

“I wonder how fierce the competition will be… Alright girls, pay attention. I’ll summon the mask for questions and answers.”

Viers utilized this private space to have a chat with the powerful being that put hundreds of people inside a book world. He stood straight and mind his manners.

“Whaddya want to know?”

The mask spoke with Aletro’s voice. From the tune, it must be the black-clothed Aletro.

“Greeting, Honored Aletro. This humble one seeks your guidance.”

The floating mask emitted an amused voice. “Polite arentcha? Ask.”

“Then I’ll do so. Is the trial broadcasted to the outside?”


Too modern of a term? “Transmitted. I’m thinking that perhaps the book is showing our actions inside the trial to the outside world as if this is a show.”

“Oh, no need to worry. What happened in the book cannot be observed from the outside. Not even by Level 5s.”

Veirs was relieved. He was afraid that he was in a show watched by an untold number of eyes.

“Good to know. And how is the secrecy inside the trial? That is, how many… observers? Other than you and the white guy, of course.”

“...I see, you’re worried about revealing your secrets, right kiddo? Bwahahahah! Relax, there’s only me and that other me. If your secret goes out, it would be through other contestants that have witnessed your secrets. No other existence observing the trial. Our function is to create a suitable trial for the trial takers and keep it working as intended. That is what our main body desires.”

“To create powerhouses, right? Why? Why do all of this for free? Speaking of which, this is free, right? Or does it take some kind of payment from us? I would like to know if that is indeed the case.”

“Heh, twitchy guy. The main body wanted the world to have many strong people. That’s all I can tell you. There are no traps and the like, only the opportunity. The worthy, rise. Good thing you shot the book, eh?”

Viers winched.

“I apologize for the rudeness. I do not know what it is at the time nor the consequences.”

“No big deal, you won't be able to scratch it anyway. This is just how things are. The trial is on the way and all is well.”

“Your magnanimity is without compare, sir. Since you and mister white are the highest authority in this trial, might I ask what are the taboos around here?”


“Yes. Necromancy, blood sacrifice, that kind of thing.”

“Mehhh. If you can use it, then feel free to use it. Those we find unacceptable won't be able to work inside the trial. As simple as that.”

“Even against the other participants, sir?”

“The world is a dangerous place, kid. Hehehe.”

“What about the rules of engagement and conduct? Can people assassinate others freely? Wanton theft? Acceptable degree of wounding and severity? Crippling and maiming?”

“The main hub is a safe zone, the place where you were before. No violence or theft is possible. Not on our watch. No killing until stage 3 but other than that, it's a lawless land. Do whatever evil you want but you shall be responsible for your own actions.”

Viers dipped his head in gratitude.

“I’ll remember the pearl of wisdom you gave me just now, sir. Next question, please forgive me for being frank: Will you move against a participant because of their abilities, possessions, and secrets?”

Viers’ neck felt damp from the cold sweat but this question was too important.

“Hehehe Ohohoho! Hah! Kid, you’re worried we’re gonna snatch the flower inside you?”


“Or Aspect? Your dual-affinity? Your transformation ability? The tag-along three souls inside you? The rank 7 monster core?”

He knew…

“Perhaps it's even about your ‘past’, hmn?”

That sentence stabbed deep.

Does he really know about my otherworlder status? No! Stupid, dont think about it. Blank you mind, blank you mind, blank your-

“Hmph, cool your head, kiddo. I have no interest in any of it. It is true that you have many good things but making powerhouses is my only objective. You have the potential to become one so naturally I won't impede your growth. This trial is just one instance of fertilizer so you trial takers might grow big and strong. No, I won't plunder your things. Does that ease you, worrywart?”

Viers did not take what black Aletro said at face value but there was not much he could do either. If Aletro really wanted to harm him, could he resist? Viers might be no different than an ant to the mysterious figure.

“Well, it's not certain you’ll become one yet. I’ve seen countless geniuses wilt before they could bloom. Just do your best.”

“...I will. I am grateful for your instructions, sir.”

Viers bowed. Not with servility but with respect, respect for the strong.

“Besides, if you think you can take the top spot in this trial using a fraction of your strength then it is a dream of a fool. You better compete with all you have if you want to become among the top ten in this place. As for the top spot, even after considering all your assets, the way I see it the chance you get it is pretty much zero. You’re not the favorite in this race, kid.”

The mask conveyed Black Aletro’s voice full of belittlement.

Far from discouraging Viers, it put fire in Viers’ bellies. Intensely, he clasped his hand like a Dao-seeker in the epics past. A palm covering a fist. Eyes and spirit burning.

“It would be my honor… to prove you wrong.”

The floating mask was noiseless for some time then Viers felt it, the attention. It was as if Viers was under the direct gaze of a sentient sun. How powerful was Aletro for a mere projection of his to possess such power?

Even so, Viers was unbending, eyes straight and true, watching the inanimate proxy.

“Good. Good! Struggle! Struggle like a caterpillar in a desert struggle for water! Diamonds in the rough clashing against each other, swallowing the destiny of the defeated, that is how a true expert rises! I’ll be watching you, Viers Isuel!”

The mask disappeared as both parties had said all that needed to be said. All that remained was the action.


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