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Viers had things to do, such as murder, mayhem, theft, arson, and payback. Letting a Level 4 loose could throw a monkey wrench in his plan. Therefore, he placed Takju away from the board and released him only after the game was over.

“Why?” Takju said with a stupefied face. As if the sky was just turned upside and down.

“I have no use for you,” Viers shrugged. “So you’re free now.”

“...I am stronger than you. You can use me as a bodyguard.”

“Other people’s strength doesn't interest me. I’m getting my own strength,” Viers proudly declared.

Takju made a difficult expression for a while then fell on his knees and wept. Crying tears of joy. Viers sighed in his heart. He didn't want to deal with drama but doing something crass might ruin the moment. He let the older man cry his heart out. Meanwhile, his thoughts go to a darker place.

Relying on bodyguards is a definite no. It might create a false sense of security and having him around might limit my growth. It would also defeat the purpose I’m traveling in the first place, experiencing, avoiding, and solving dangers. Nourishments I need to become a mighty Pathseeker. On a more realistic side, I doubt Irkun’s family has been wiped out. Having such an eye-catching slave will attract attention to me. Killing him doesn't benefit me either. I can't absorb a Level 4’s soul. Letting him go and let him owe me is better.

“Virtuous youth, can you release him too?” Takju pointed to Boram.

“Unlike you, I have use for him. I have grand designs for him, you see. That being said,” Viers turned to Boram.

“I never plan to make you a slave forever. I have given you a new life by buying you from the slave trader and taking you as an apprentice. Therefore, you must save my life once or pay me back my investment in you in full before I release you from my service.”

Boram listened and visibly hugged the bundle he was carrying a little tighter.

“Do you understand?” Viers asked.

“Yes, Master.”

Boram’s reply was resolute and he was glad of his apprentice’s response.

“But-” Takju was cut off. Viers’ reply was instant.

“It is done. This is between me and him. Outsiders shouldn’t intervene.”

“...I understand.” Takju took a step back. “Avel, was it? I will never forget this kindness. By my honor as a Gigantes.” Takju conveyed his gratitude to the helmeted young man.

Wow, he really is from another race. “Where will you go now?” Viers asked.

“I-” Takju hesitated. “I actually don't know. Back to the land of my birth, I suppose.”

“Where’s that?”

“A place you humans called the Menace West.”

Forbidden West, Viers corrected in his head. “There? But If you go west from here by land then you must pass the Zetel nation’s territory. That place has a harsh policy about non-humans. It is better to go to the Untamed South first. It seems our destination coincides, to the port city of Regidana. From there we could board ships to each of our destinations.”

Viers and Boram to Valkut city to the north and Takju to the south. From the southern lands, he could make way to the Menace West without entering Zetel’s borders.

Viers left Takju to his thoughts and addressed Boram next. “Now show me what you carry. That’s not a baby isn’t it?”

Gingerly, Boram showed the black cat inside the cloth and explained what happened.

“You picked an injured stray cat,” Viers said in a disbelieving manner, face turning into a scowl -unseen because of the helmet-. They would soon be traveling in the wilds and the kid wanted to bring a pet. It was absurd in Viers’ mind. Look at him, he picked up a Level 4 Gigantes. At least the big guy could be relied on to take care of himself.

“Oh fuck it. I’m too tired for this shit. It will be your responsibility. Take care of its injuries and feed it yourself. If it makes a mess, it is on you.”

“Y-Yes!” Boram’s face was beaming.

After a long sigh, Viers took one last look at the chaotic Marakkus city. It was two and a half hours past midnight so the sky was still dark. Viers focused his sight on one of several burning buildings in the city.

Because it was his own doing.

Enjoy my gift, Homen. That’s the price of taking MY inventory ring. Shame I won't be able to see your face when you find out your home is cinders.

As chief of the city guards, Homen must be busy in a time like this. He must be having a hundred fires to put down at the moment. Little did he know his home was consumed by one of such fires. The lack of his presence in his own home at sleep time was proof enough, making Viers’ arson go smoothly.

Viers’ revenge was now complete. He had already got what he needed from Marakkus city and it was time to continue his journey.

Viers rode on his steed, putting his hand on his stab wound, grunting. He had stopped the bleeding but it was far from completely healed.

“Now let's get out of here before trouble finds us.”


They had won.

The Silver Legion had won.

The two Level 5 cultists had died.

The Demon King’s left eye was sealed anew.

The lower-ranked cultists were captured or killed.

The Hellgates were broken and the demons were all slain.

But the price of victory was great.

Rose’s Victa channels felt as if they had been stretched to the point of snapping. Her Victa was produced at a much higher rate thanks to her blessing so she had more Victa than most. She had been using her healing Artes nonstop since the Legion had evacuated from the horrid place. Too many had died and it might still rise.

She pushed herself to the breaking point because she was the only one who could help her friend.

I won't lose another friend. I won't!

“Arte - Life Dew of Restoration!”

A flower bloomed from the seed on her palm, the last of the three seeds she got from a fortunate encounter. A white flower bloomed and dripped a single drop before fading to nothing. Using the seed as a catalyst, Rose was able to stabilize Conn’s condition. Four holes on his chest were closed and the Victa Stigma was mitigated.

“Rose!” June stopped Rose who almost fell over.

“...I’m fine. Just tired. Conn is okay now. He would still need an experienced healer to look after him,” Rose wiped the sweat from her brows.

“Heh,” June said mirthlessly. “We’ll hear him brag he is immortal for weeks, mark my words.”

Despite what she said, June held Conn’s hand tightly and looked at his unconscious face gently. They knew each other before Rose met them. Rose didn’t want to interrupt so she moved away after giving a pat to June on the shoulder.

Rose and June also suffered their own wounds from the battle although they were not fatal. Rose looked around at the Marakkus’ church that had been turned into a makeshift infirmary. Many Silver Legionaries were lying around.

After the battle of the Tomb, before the place was falling into the void completely they managed to evacuate.

Two dozen people sacrificed themselves to buy time. Stabilizing the space so the rest of them could make it out safely.

Including a Level 4, Ash Priest Shay.

Rose saw her master, Mita was talking to Holy Inquisitor Malcolm and Supreme Commander Flavia. Probably about how to deal with the aftermath, settling the prisoners, pursuing the stragglers, and finding a new place to permanently seal the Demon King’s left eye.

The place was still busy with healers and helpers moving to and fro. Rose wished she could do more but her nerves were burning up. She retreated to some corner and leaned her back on the wall. Her feet were too tired and she slid to the floor.

They had won but the injured people in front of her and the lives that were lost painted a darker shade on everything.

I wish I could do more to help.

The angelic blessing inside her pulsed, giving her a warm feeling. The blessing approved her intent.


Rose sighed and heard another sigh from next to her. There was a person there now. A teen woman of her age, wearing worn and battered legionary armor.

“Tough day?” The woman asked?

“This is actually my first official mission,” Rose answered.

“You’re unlucky. There has been no mission like this since the Zombie Plague of Jizam. That was… six years ago, in the Herkelan Empire.”

“Or perhaps this is precisely where I meant to be…” Rose replied.

“The path of the Blessed is laid by the angels, I know the saying,” she smiled understandingly then offered her hand. “Freya.”

Rose knew the name and her status. She was her superior in standing and reputation. She struggled whether she should offer a proper legionary greeting but Freya kept holding her hand out expectantly.

“Rose,” she replied, shaking her hand.

“I’m happy you took my hand. Almost everyone is too afraid of my grandma.”

“Commander Flavia Maruanus is regarded as the symbol of might and guardian of peace. I’m sure it was a sign of their respect,” Rose cringed a bit.

“Yes, she is… I look up to her a great deal but there are times I wish she doesn't constantly cast a shadow over me, you know?” Freya said in a hush, one hand covering her mouth.

Supreme Commander Flavia -the Level 5 grandmother in question that looked no older than thirty- who stood across the room turned her head in their direction before continuing her conversion.

“I think she heard you,” Rose replied.

“Yeah… Aww, shoot.”

They both exchanged giggles, chasing the dark mood on them a little.

A couple of small conversions later, Freya broached a new subject.

“I heard you're from Luxore town.”

“...Yeah. I was not there when it happened. Even now we don't really understand what happened there,” Rose said darkly.

“That is my fault. I was tasked with the investigation. I managed to catch the tail of one that might be involved but he gave me the slip.”

“What happened?”

“To avoid capture, he awakened two monsters and unleashed them upon villages. I was left with two choices: to pursue him or save the villagers. Believing he will commit more atrocities if let loose, I pursued him… consigning the innocent villagers to their fate.” Freya’s tone was like a bare nerve, exposed, vulnerable.

“Convinced I’d cornered him, I let my guard down and he managed to escape. Thanks to my master, the casualties were zero… But if my master wasn’t with me, their death would haunt me forever.”

Rose didn't reply. She didn't have the words to console her and consolation might not be what Freya wanted.

“I was made aware of my immaturity but the trail has gone cold. I haven't given up though. I might have failed to bring him in but I saw his face.”

Rose’s heart skipped a beat.

Freya showed Rose the wanted poster of Cain of Ur. Rose’s eyes widened and her breath left her lungs.



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