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Day 5.

In one of the rooms in Bird Nest Inn, there was a pile of mana crystals and trinkets worth a small fortune. Like a crow taking shinies to its nest, raider Viers did the same. It was almost fate he stayed in an inn with such a name.

The room had been reinforced with additional security in the form of arrays and enchantments, courtesy of a certain ghost. The inn’s location was pretty safe from the riot thanks to its location in the middle class district. The rent was high, but Viers could afford it. Now more than ever.

If this was a cartoon, Viers would see the pile with dollar signs in his eyes.

Boram was still struggling in the wilds in the name of training so Viers was by his lonesome, physically anyway. His acts might be too much for Boram; there was no need to trouble the boy further, Viers thought.

Viers was examining the many items he’d stolen. Currently, he was twirling the circlet in his hand.

This item is good. It can unleash a beam of burning light without the user’s Victa. The power is as powerful as a Level 2 Arte. Compared to my Artes that got a boost from Horizon, it is quite weak but the 0 MP is too good to pass. Frequent use can make it very hot. There’s a usage limit though. Someday it will break, but until then…

Viers named the circlet with yellow gem Sunburn and moved on to the next item. He separated the ones that were useful to him and the not.

And these are Boram’s presents.

It was a Ring of Regen that gave the wearer lesser regeneration from injuries and an Orcish Belt that raised the user’s brute strength. Those two were items with plain but practical effects.

Viers could clad Boram with high-end equipment but he didn't want Boram to grow reliant on powerful items so he gave just enough.

Viers sold the loot that didn't have much use to him to the Rich Goblin’s Vault, the place where he bought his adventurer gear. Viers was wearing a disguise to prevent recognition. The shopkeeper gladly accepted the items. Viers reckoned his business must be booming. Since Viers was not in the haggling mood he let the shopkeeper to lowball a bit, turning the not useful items into cold hard cash that he put in his bank account, along with most of the cash he stole.

If Viers had a storage item he would have kept them but that wasn't the case, and having too many items would only hamper his mobility. The Florenzi Bank cared not for the amount Viers deposited. It was nothing compared to the wealth of tycoons and other high-level Pathseekers. Viers didn't suddenly jump into the list of the wealthiest men in the city, he was only a mere Level 2 after all.

Still, Viers was currently the wealthiest he had ever been. The numbers in his account almost made him salivate.

After sorting and cleaning up his inventory, Viers visited the Adventurer’s Guild.

Viers imagined people in a refugee camp after a nasty earthquake would have the same look as the adventurers in this place right now. On the other hand, the scenery on the streets might make that sentence not far off. Battles between Pathseekers were not exactly the preserving environment kind.

“Robbed, again. Fuck my life.”

“-so I made a turn in the alley but the Silent Boogeyman was waiting for me in front! I swear he was behind me just a moment ago. He used some kind of Arte on me and I passed out.”

“Shit! Do those bandits think we’re fat pigs for slaughter or something? If they want the riches in the Biome then fucking get in there!”

“-then the Silent Boogeyman emerged from the continuous breath of fire, clad in water from head to toe. He squashed the neck of the fire-breathing assassin. The poor guy’s entire torso rapidly exploded in a rain of gore and fire. The Silent Boogeyman walked away as if he was just crushing an annoying bug. Not one scratch on him.”

Viers heard various conversations taking place with his sharp ears. A certain title caught his attention.

Silent Boogeyman, huh? A bit mouthful.

There were quite a bit of adventurers in the guild. Some were drinking alcohol even though the sun was still up. This bunch was the ones who didn't delve into the new Biome today. Perhaps they got fed up after being robbed, by Viers or by other bandits. Not all adventurers became prey for the bandits though. Some adventurers had enough teeth to turn the hunter to the hunted.

The ones who still hadn't given up and got the will to try should be in the new Biome by now.

As for Viers, he was here to complete his ‘main quest’.

“I’ve completed the quest. Please check it,” Viers said to the guild staff. The sharp-tongued and my pace guild girl, Viers nicknamed her Peanut.

“Mmm… Congratulations, you have finished the qualification quest for becoming an Obsidian,” Peanut said in a flat tone as if she was reading aloud a pamphlet.

“Are you really congratulating me?” Viers teased.

“Not really but it’s a requirement for me to say it. Good job to not die after all this time,” she took up a book and started writing something. “Name?”

“Avel of Javia. Am I worth your time now?”

“Uh-huh...” she finished scribbling and gave viers a different guild tag. “Continue your ‘not dying’ streak during your Obsidian status if possible, though I doubt it,” she said the last part more softly than the rest.

Her attitude didn't change at all, much to Viers amusement. He found this girl with an attitude truly refreshing. It was a wonder she wasn't fired yet.

“You know, I never caught your name. What should I call you?” Viers asked.

“Ask again when you’re Iron-ranked. Until then, stop hitting on the guild’s staff and do some work. We’re very busy today.”

Viers scoffed playfully. “You wish. But I’ll take on that challenge. See ya later, Peanut.”

If we’re both still alive and somehow able to meet again.

“...What did you call me?”

Viers didn't answer and left the guild.


Day 5, almost evening.

For the past few days, it was the hunting time for Viers. Today, Viers was contemplating. He’d finished his two objectives. He just needed time to unlock the rings and the Obsidian guild tag was hanging from his neck. As a bonus, he also got Boram; a slave with quite a high spec. All in all, his business at Marakkus had been concluded and he should resume his journey to Valkut city.

Viers was watching the orange sky and the setting sun from the window of his room. Two choices were before him now, to leave or to stay.

Leaving is what I normally do. It is a safe option with low-risk and adequate gain. I’ve ‘won’ so to speak. My gains are higher than my losses. I can leave the poker table and quit when I’m ahead. This is my default choice, leaving before the trouble becomes big enough to threaten me.

On the other hand, staying means a better chance for gaining useful things. There is something going on at Marakkus, I can feel it in my bones and the signs are there. Just like those MCs in the novels, I can make use of the chaotic situation to my benefit. However, it also multiplied the risk factor by several folds.

Other than the Blood Church’s scheme -they still owed me-, I must be wary of people headhunting me. I’ve offended a lot of people, especially those Bone Raven guys since I trashed them so thoroughly in public, worshipers of the devil Banbenxi. They’ll definitely not take this lying down. That kind of evil organization's default programming is to send more mooks at me. Just slightly stronger than me though. Heh, idiots.

Each of the assassins was about as strong as Jarret, the metal guy of Osemore town. I can deal with people of that level of strength easily now -proof of my growth- but I’m not confident against their very best talents or members with Level higher than me. I must be prudent.

Viers had been thinking about the choice since this morning, weighing the benefit and risk on a scale. While looking at the sight of the sunset, he finally made up his mind.

I’ll stay. Choosing to run at the first sign of trouble will not make you the strongest. I’m not out here in the dangerous world to be safe. If I wanted to be safe then I would never have left Dia’s Biome in the first place. Staying there for decades until I finally become a Level 5… I could do that but I didn't!

Why? Because Viers believed doing that would cut his Path short. He would never become a Pathseeker that can take all the world’s shit by doing that. The reason? All the xianxia novels he’d read.

Every MC that reached the ultimate peak of their cultivation ladder did not do so by cultivating in a safe environment. They brushed shoulders with death countless times, in fact, quite many of them even died and defeated death.

A true cultivator will never reach the peak in the confines and safety of a greenhouse. Characters with such a background, 90% of them became stepping stones for the MCs.

In his Path of Power, Viers must experience hardships and struggle. Even with all his cheats, Viers had no intention of being complacent. He must squeeze every moment for opportunities to become stronger.

Else he became an insignificant character in other people's power fantasy story.

This still rang true even if he had risen to godhood, Viers had seen gods fall in many stories. All that changed was he became a major enemy character, but he would still be defeated in the end.

Viers’ aim was higher than that.

“All right!” Viers hit his cheeks with both hands a few times to psych himself up. His mind was clear.

I’m taking risks but I must be extra careful. I’ll not repeat the mistakes I made in Osemore.

“Now, let’s get this show on the road,” Viers put on his mask and left through the window.

A few hours later, Viers was caught by a Level 4.


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