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Viers can see dead people, figuratively and literally.

When a person just died, their soul didn't immediately disappear to the great unknown. He didn't know the details though, since he usually sucked the soul of those he killed not long after he had done the deed.

That was why the trip to the graveyard was very informative. After he gave some money to Boram and told him to prepare however he wished, Viers went to the quest location early, to scout the land and other purposes. Just as he expected, his soul affinity picked up the presence of other souls in the graveyard.

He spent the day looking around and learning what he could. There were hundreds of graves but the ones with ghosts or souls attached to them only amounted to two dozen or so.

They looked like ethereal, half-transparent stone statues. Men and women that simply standing or floating there, oblivious to the changes around them. Viers didn't rush and took as much data as he could. There was a family visiting a grave with the soul of the departed still there. The ghost did not react to them at all.

He even met his target, the enchanter that died a few days ago that Jix told him. He looked like an old man in his nineties. Was he really killed or died of natural causes?

After a day of looking around, Viers realized a few things. Normally, the soul of people that died roughly one and a half months ago still lingered on their remains. Most of the graves’ resident soul was already moved on.

Perhaps the limit is 49 days? I vaguely remember something about that.

There were cases where the soul was still there before and after the 49 days mark. He guessed that the ones that died peacefully had an easier time moving on. On the other hand, those with grudges and whatnot, stubbornly remained. And yet their stubbornness might prove useless since they didn't seem able to do much.

The oldest ghost that he met at the graveyard died 35 years ago according to her tombstone, a suicider. A woman wearing white clothes hanging in the air, a noose was on her neck. Streams of tears constantly flowing from her dead fish-like eyes. Uncomprehending her own circumstances, a tormented soul.

It wasn't Viers’ policy to waste his Victa but he decided to pity the woman and acted. After making sure no one was watching, he plunged his katana wreathed in green energy into the chest of the woman. Her face changed into the look of a realization as if she had just woken up from a coma. Starting from her feet, she turned into motes of light and faded away. At her last moment, before she completely faded away, her face was filled with nothing but gratitude to the man who released her from her personal hell. A man whose face she couldn't see because he was wearing a helmet.

“...Thank you...”

Viers sighed.

What am I doing? I am a villain, a bad guy. I should have just used her as fuel…

As Viers struggled with his own good and evil side, the last drops of her tears fell into Viers’ hands and willingly melted into his soul. Viers felt his soul becoming a little stronger.

The woman’s soul moved on to somewhere beyond Viers’ understanding, Viers was certain of this but she gave some part of her to Viers and it strengthened his soul.

Viers didn't know it was possible.

...A soul is complex and mysterious. Affinity 5 or not, there’s still much more about the soul that I don't know… Well, it is good to be rewarded, I suppose.

It was then that Viers realized the other potential of his soul abilities. He could bound a soul and raise them in his service as undead, or he could use it to lay restless souls to rest, guide lost souls to nirvana, and exorcise the malevolent ones. He could become the bridge between the living and the dead, bringing peace to both sides.

...Meh, sounds like a pain in the ass. Pass. I have enough problems on my own. I’ll use my power according to my wishes. If I am in a saving mood, then I might do some saving. As for bringing good to the whole wide world, I’ll think about that once I have godlike power.

He continued his observation and did not ‘save’ any more souls that day. A person came and kindly warned him to not stay here after dark, evil spirits will come out, the gravekeeper said. Viers thanked him and said he was an adventurer on a quest. He chatted with him a while before the gravekeeper wished him good luck and left.

Come nightfall, the ghosts in the graveyard became more active, contrary to their behavior as unseen furniture when they were under the glare of the sun. Some ghosts wandered farther from their graves, some tried to attack him while others didn't. There was also something else in the air, some kind of dark and unpleasant presence.

It felt like death… Is there death or life affinity? Death or life Pathseekers?

For reasons unknown, there were no Level 4s or 5s in this graveyard. A malevolent ghost of a Level 3 made him wary and he stayed clear of that ghost. Thankfully his target didn't undergo a sinister transformation and remained in the form of an absent-minded old man. Perhaps because it hadn't been that long since his death?

The graveyard was not thick in mana but not without either. Perhaps the mana from the city reached this place. And when mana exists, mysterious things come to be.

Not long after, Boram came. He didn't waste the time he was given and brought a few things to combat the ghoul monster. Most notable was the blessing on his hammer. It was of light affinity, not an incredible blessing but should prove quite effective to this particular monster. Apparently, he went to a church in the city, explained what he was about to do, and asked for advice. A kind priest blessed his hammer and gave a bottle of holy water. Boram left a donation using Viers’ preparation budget in his person.

Huh, so you can get buffs in the church. I didn't know about that.

The monster came not long after Boram arrived. It looked like a corpse that had risen again.

Its size wasn't gigantic, agility type then, might be too much for Boram.

As always, Viers let Boram fight the ghoul alone at the beginning but he was ready to intervene when the need arose. Boram was a long-term investment for Viers. He didn't want him to die or permanently injured because of his reckless training.

Boram lacked real battle experience and it showed. Nothing Viers could do to remedy that in a short amount of time. The battle went well at first, the blessing on the hammer was effective against the monster. The holy water that Boram threw hit the ghoul’s chest and it weakened the monster quite a bit.

Still, Boram was not at the level of killing the monster alone and Viers helped him out in the end.

Yep, no eating that. Viers lightly kicked the rotting carcass of the dead monster. Even I have standards.

Boram heaved heavily like an asthmatic. He looked like a boxer after 12 rounds but still standing.

“Good job. Before we go, I have to do something. Remember to stay quiet no matter what happens, alright?”

Viers absorbed the ghost of his primary target, Turfon. It was easier than he expected.

“So, what do you see?” Viers asked Boram.

Apparently, Boram felt Viers did something but didn't know what. Viers also found out he couldn't see the ghosts all around the graveyard.

“...Master, are you saying there’re… g-g-ghosts all around us? So the eerie feeling that I’ve been sensing is true?” Boram fear meter rose to a critical level.

“Calm down. Your master will take care of it. You don’t have to do a thing,” Viers refreshingly smiled. Souls were his specialty.

When Viers and Boram left, there were a lot fewer ghosts in the graveyard, only those that Viers deemed too troublesome to collect.


In a dark room lit only by dim candle lights, three people sat on a table. The main seat was currently empty, there was a big mirror in its place instead.

“-but that is not an excuse for you to struck my son!”

“Then you should rein your horny monkey of a son before I do it for you, Haghen. My sister’s joke of an engagement would be annulled soon enough.”

“It appears your new rise to the position of Blood Exarch has made you forget your standing. Let me remind you of your place girl!”

“Try me, old dog.”

Two of them, a man and a woman, were in a heated conversation. The third member in the room only spectates without saying anything.


Before Artes started flying, the mirror showed the form of a hooded man. The three stood up and bowed immediately, giving the man their respect.

“We are ever at your disposal, Blood Vicar.”

All three of them were Blood Exarchs, Level 4s, but compared to that man, they were like cats before a tiger.

“Haghen, Ursula, let the young ones deal with their own matters. For the next operation, I expect nothing but success. This petty conflict because of your wards shall not be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?” The hooded Blood Vicar spoke from the mirror.

“Your will be done,” Haghen and Ursula knew the consequences of trying to rebuke the Blood Vicar.

“I shall not repeat myself a second time. Ursula, what’s the progress on your end?”

“Reporting to my lord, the Rift is ready to be opened at your command.”

“Haghen, what about your matter?”

“Reporting to my lord, all the preparations are in place. That person didn't realize a thing. His death is certain.”

“Lim, keep the Estellian heretics off our back.”

“Reporting to my lord, I shall not disappoint you.”

“Good, because if I am, you will directly suffer my displeasure. All of you.”

The words of the Blood Vicar startled the three.

“My lord, you’re coming here?”

“To ensure this operation’s success, there’s been a change of plans. I’ll oversee this matter personally. The Blood Pope agrees.”

Haghen, Ursula, and Lim bowed deeper. It meant the Blood Vicar’s voice carried the authority of the Blood Pope.

“Let it be written in history that the Blood Church supremacy began at Marakkus. The power of the Demon King shall be ours!”

A pair of fiery red eyes could be seen from the hooded face of the Level 5.


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