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A young handsome man was meticulously checking his gear before donning them as if he was about to go to war.

“Where are you doing?”

The young man turned behind him to speak to the caller. He knew who it was from the voice, he had heard of it for years but he turned around anyway. It was the polite thing to do.

“Assignment from the Blood Exarch. I’m supposed to test that guy who saw through your illusion array so easily. According to you, he is also suspected to have clashed with Freya and managed to get away?”

Hearing him say that made the woman raise her eyebrow. She wasn't currently wearing her trademark pointy hat so her long silky red hair was dropping behind her like a waterfall. Her face was of a girlish beauty that just attained more mature, womanly charm. If he didn't see her as family, the man would be using all of his disposals to woo her to his bed.

The man and woman appeared to be of the same age, in their mid-twenties. A pair of handsome and beautiful people.

“Cain of Ur, 150 gold bounty. This Avel guy uses a different identity and name but since he now wears a mask, it might be the same person.”

“Illusion breaker and formidable fighting prowess. I have high expectations for him. He might be the edge you need.”

The man didn't equip his trademark bandolier of knives. He was on a mission for his other identity. Anonymity was important.

“About that… I’m uncomfortable when we gather array masters and people so forcefully, it is too reckless. Even sis should be able to see the risk.”

“...Iz, you realized why she did this right?”

Izabella massaged the bridge of her nose after hearing Alan’s question.

“For the upcoming big operation. Should my camp show more achievement than Irkun’s, my engagement with him would be annulled,” she said so in heavy sigh, trying to exhale her mental burden.

“Even if we belong to the same cult, there are factions. When the time comes, I’ll be under his camp so before that, I’ll bolster your camp’s power. I’ll scout and gather more talented people for you.”

“Alan, I’ve said this again and again but your loyalty to that pig is wasted.”

“It took all I had not to laugh when I heard he was trashed by the Blood Exarch. I don't like him, Iz, but my hands are tied. He saved my life… At any rate, Irkun’s background is deep. He has secured many competent enchanters and people, you’re at a disadvantage. I hope to lighten your burden even if it's just a little.”

“He only wants my body. I’ll not meekly accept to be a lump of warm meat on his bed, even if his grandpa is a Level 5.” Izabella had a red magic circle floating on her palm. “If it comes to that, I’ll use this to un-man him.”

“Hah!” Alan laughed. “I don't doubt you, but it wouldn't solve your problem. Force is not the answer, the Blood Exarch knows this. Your engagement was decided by her superior so it gets tricky. She called in favors and made it so you can have a way out should your contribution eclipse his. This operation is too important to fail and now, both you and Irkun will give 120% effort. The top brass is happy to let this happen.”

“Sigh… Be careful then. Your opponent might be stronger than you expect.”

“Freya has killed Level 3s while still being Level 2. I’ve met him before at the Adventurer’s Guild. He reeks of strength but I don't know how much power he kept hidden. This guy might be in the same league as Freya, I wouldn't let my guard down.” Alan donned his white mask and went to seek his target. He gave her a pat on the shoulder as he passed her by.

Izabella looked at the back of someone she could consider her brother with worry.


Alan found his target conversing with someone at a tavern, he waited until Cain or Avel or whoever that guy’s name is to leave before making his move.

When he managed to trap his target inside his Misty Isolation Globe, he felt disappointed. While this magic item was very extraordinary in isolating its target, Alan expected more resistance from someone of Freya’s caliber. The target realized something was wrong midway but it was already too late.

Inside the isolated space where no one will bother them, Alan showed himself before the target.

“Show me your strength.”

The mask also changed his voice.

“A cultist? I have no intention of joining any of your group,” Avel said, his sword at the ready.

Alan activated his Haze Night Murderer Arte and his form disappeared from sight. This space created from his most prized magic item boosted his powers several times.

“Eh? Hkkh!!”

The target showed confusion when he melded with the mists but managed to parry a slash to the neck. He seemed more flustered than Alan expected, another minus point.

“But adequate reaction time. Show me more.”

When he spoke in this form, his voice seemed to come from multiple sources, making the target more disoriented. A neat trick that he picked up over the years. It was easier to handle panicked people.

Alan didn't completely turn into mist, only partially. He stayed inside the mist like a fish submerged underwater, almost invisible. This environment was the best for a mist affinity Pathseeker like him.

Alan attacked from the right, charging in a straight line. The target parried his dagger with his sword but Alan wasn't done. As a speed type, multiple continuous attacks was his style.

The mist assailant engulfed his target in a flurry of blades, most of them came from blind spots of the victim. Alan wasn't holding back, his opponent might be a Level 2 but the Prince of Thieves attacked using his Level 3 Victa. It wasn't an all-out-attack, Alan left some leeway in case his target counterattacked with a burst of energy since he considered the target was no weaker than him. That was why the target wasn't completely at his mercy. The defender managed to respond to his attacks quite well.

“Is defending all you can do?” Alan’s form appeared right in front of the target.


Avel swiftly cut the figure but it scattered like mist.

“Can you find the real one?”

Alan’s voice reverberated from the surroundings and a brigade of Alan appeared from the mist.

Fifty of him encircled Avel and attacked with the dagger in their hands. They were as fast as him. Avel tried to defend but was encircled. Alan landed a cut on the shoulder. The rest of the Alans did nothing, they were simply hollow projections.

Avel groaned from the injury.

“Here I come again. This time I’ll take an eye.”

Alan with his brigade attacked again from all directions.

“Water Spikes!”

The target created spikes all around him like a sea urchin. The approach was good, he attacked when Alan was attacking him to guarantee a hit. The fakes disappeared while the real one did not, but Alan was ready for such a thing and remained unhurt as a result.

Alan simply sunk back into the mist and another brigade of him appeared again.

“Mirage Mist Brigade Arte. I can create as many phantoms as I want in this place. This won't end unless you see through it.”

Avel used precious few moments of opening to pull something from his waist pouch, a paper.

Hm? What is that? Alan didn't recognize it.

The paper glowed and he put it back into the pouch. His eyes glowed with green light. He looked around all the Alans and focused on one of them, the real one.

“So that’s how it is.”

Alan erased the other phantoms and created five wolves, they were very lifelike. Each emitted different growls and behavior. They pounced on Avel with bestial fury.

Avel did nothing.

When the wolves were upon him, jaws aiming at his flesh, they went through him like false images.

“Hmmm,” Alan mummed curiously.

Alan created four eagles this time and sent them to Avel once more.

Avel focused on the rightmost eagle and cut it with his sword but the eagle exploded. A deafening sound rattled the eardrums of Alan in the distance, let alone Avel at the epicenter.

“My illusions should be indistinguishable by a Level 2 but you somehow can see through them. As for the eagle trick, you know only one is a real attack but failed to pick up the nature of the attack that I tweaked using Victa. Signs of having useful means but unskilled using it.”

Avel was struggling to get up from the ground. The damage was minor because he shielded himself with a water barrier at the last minute.

“Did you really survive a fight with Freya?”

Avel didn't need to be sharp to pick up the other man’s disdain.

“Shut up!!” Avel howled and engaged in a melee fight with Alan.

Alan was happy to oblige. He was wary Avel might be a superhuman like the hateful Freya and welcomed the opportunity to cross blades with him.

Alan used daggers in both hands while Avel wielded a single sword. Both created Arte after Arte, skill against skill in an intense exchange of life and death, at least for one of them.

Since one was a Level higher than the other, the weaker one was naturally suppressed. It was within Alan’s capability to destroy Avel in a few moves but he held back and didn't overextend in case Avel was a tiger in a sheep's clothing. And yet as time went on and Avel got battered and battered, it seemed that wasn't the case. Avel’s mysterious glowing eyes also shined no longer.

“Mist Solid Impact!”

A clump of tangible mist swallowed Avel up, only his head and right hand were free. The cloud-like mist carried Avel with a frightening force as he got slammed into a wall.


If he didn’t raise his defense in time, he would have turned into bloody wall graffiti.

“How weak. I’ve seen a caterpillar stronger than you.”

The target’s response to his provocation was unexpected.

“Someone heeeeelp! Murder! Murdeeerrr!”

The target ran while erecting a water shield around him and screaming for help.

Alan had seen this kind of behavior from his previous victims, from the weak.

Never from the strong.

Is this the sum of you, Avel? What a waste of time.


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