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Strangely, the previous ten people did not run out after the young master forcibly went in with his entourage. Since he must wait, the Viers wisely wait. Even an hour of waiting was a small price to pay for avoiding a death enmity with people stronger than him.

Some people would call it cowardly, Viers called it wisdom.

With the free time he had, Viers observed the man pulling the annoying young master’s expensive carriage. He was a gigantic man muscular man about three meters tall.

What a big person. Is he really human? Is he a body cultivator or perhaps because of the Profound Codex he uses?

He wore a slave's grey garment. Most importantly, Viers couldn't fathom his depth.

This guy… is he Level 3?

Feeling Viers’ gaze, the giant man looked at Viers too. Viers politely nodded and turned away. Five minutes waiting, just as Viers was about to dive and fight a virtual battle, the door opened abruptly.

The previous ten people who went in hastily ran out with a fearful expression. A terrifying power was seeping out from the opened door which startled even Viers.

Level 3? No, Level 4 power!

Viers hugged the ground and with an explosion, the pompous young master was flung out of the door like a boulder from a trebuchet. The fat man was on fire, literally.

“Arrggh! Don't you fucking know who I am, you bitch!” The burned man looked a little worse for wear but he was fine. Viers deduced it wasn't because of his life-saving item or whatnot but because the Level 4 was holding back.

“I don't care! Leave my sister alone you disgusting swine! And never come here again!” A feminine voice resounded from inside the three-story building. It radiated with power, so much pressure came from the intent and voice Viers felt he was caught in a gravity field, his whole body felt heavy.

“My grandfather would hea-”

The swine on fire tried to speak but a red thunderbolt hit his chest from the opened door and he lost consciousness.

“Get out of my sight.”

The pressure of the Level 4 that enveloped the area disappeared.

Phew… so that’s a Level 4. As expected of a city. There must be many more powerhouses here and there. Most of them should be in the high class area. I didn't expect to find one here.

The other people who went in with the young master came out and tended to their unconscious master. As for the other city guards that remained on the outside, like Viers, they were on the ground because of the Level 4’s pressure.

But one person didn't.

Huh, fancy that.

The giant slave man managed to handle the pressure. Only he stood straight-backed in the midst of the display of power.

Carrying the unconscious son of a bigshot, the two beastfolk slaves, the big man slave, and the city guards hurriedly leave the area. As for Viers, he patted his clothes to whisk away the dust and straightened his helmet before resuming waiting in front of the shop.

A few servants had come and taken the injured employee in before closing the door.

Viers kept waiting.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

After fifteen minutes, a different person came out.

“Please come in, dear customer.”

Viers nodded then went in, the door closed behind him and the room became pitch black.

In the next second, torches on the wall lit up. He was in a long corridor with no end in sight. Uncountable doors were on his left and right.

Teleport? No way. Space nonsense? Too high level. Illusion then.

“I only want to get enchantment. Is there a need for such a display?” Viers said out loud.

“We are artists and our enchantments are works of art. Giving our services to those who don't understand the value is no different than casting pearls before swine. If you find the exit in fifteen minutes, you pass.”

The voice was scrambled, Viers didn't know the speaker was male or female.

When in Rome…

Viers observed his surroundings in more detail.

The walls are filled with inscriptions. Opening an incorrect door would trigger another effect, worse effects… So this is this world’s array technique.

Truthfully, Viers didn't understand anything about array or enchantments. He didn't have the opportunity to learn them before. Not that he wasn't interested but as always in the xianxia stories, whether one becomes an alchemist or an array master it would need massive wealth and time. Viers wasn't poor but compared to the truly wealthy, his wealth wasn't anything special.

And since he basically had zero experience in arrays, he shouldn't be able to uncover the mysteries within to break the illusion.

But what a shame, this is useless against me. Euryale Sight!

The world he saw was now different. Viers saw how the inscriptions worked, how they connected with each other, and although he still didn't know what each array does he could make a deduction. He walked slowly while looking at his surroundings.

This array looks important, poke.

Viers touched the magic circle and the illusion broke apart with the sound of a cracking glass. He was actually in an empty room with only one door.

I walked about 10 minutes in a straight line, this shouldn't be possible in such a small room. Didn't the array mess up my perception also?

With only one path forward, Viers opened the door and stepped in.


Viers heard a familiar voice and sighed.

I should have known. How could I have missed the flags?

It was a room only with a single table with two chairs. One chair was already occupied by a redheaded woman with a dynamite body and amber eyes. She wore a revealing witch's garb and a pointy hat. She looked delighted to see Viers.

“Hi, hi. Welcome, Avel. New look I see? It suits you. Still can't see your face though. We meet again so fast, is this fate?”

“I’m not interrupting am I? Is the Level 4 still angry? I can leave if it is inconvenient.”

“It's fine. She’s not the type to lash out at innocent bystanders. Are you here to visit sister Iz?” She winked.

“I want two things enchanted. First is this sword,” Viers disregarded her sweet and friendly attitude and went all business. He put the sword on top of the table.

“Oooh. So serious. This sister likes serious boys too~ Lesse, lesse… Just a normal sword without any enchantment. Unusual shape though. What enchantment do you want?”

“I was thinking just basic durability enchantment… and self repair if you have the skill?”

“Who do you think you’re talking to? Sister Iz is a great enchanter, you know.” She harrumphed. “Those two are very simple enchantments. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

Viers was thinking for a bit before speaking.

“I’m a water user. The previous sword I have could absorb water and release it in battle. I’m actually quite fond of that gimmick but that sword broke.”

“Mmm… unfortunately the item material isn't compatible with that kind of storing enchantment.” Izabella frowned.

“...You know enchantments better than I do. Recommendations?” Viers asked.

“Well, since you’re a Level 2 water Pathseeker, how about...”

Izabella informed Viers about her pick.

“...Quite good. Alright, I’ll take that enchantment. As for the other, it is this,” Viers pointed his finger to his own knight’s helmet.

“Yes, wearing that doesn't make you conspicuous at all.”

“There are indeed not many in the adventurer’s guild who wore helmets,” Viers nodded.

Adventurer’s sell their reputation after all. Who would know who they are if they covered their face?

“In any case, I want this helmet to be enchanted with anti-see through, durability, and comfortability.”

“Comfortability?” She questioned.

“It can get very hot and stuffy in here...” Viers explained.

Izabella tried to not laugh but a chuckle escaped her lips.

“Alright, I can do all of that.”

“Good. How long would it take and how much is the price.”

“Just two hours is enough. You need to take off that helmet so I can work on it though.”

Viers raised his hands to his helmet and took it off. Izabella had a giddy anticipation in her eyes.

Below Viers’ helmet, was his face covered with his dark blue face covering.

“Not fair!” Izabella protested.

“My face isn't anything special. I’m shy you see.” Viers spoke as if it was a matter of course. “The price?”

“Five mana crystals. Three if you take off the cloth on your face.”

“Five mana crystals it is,” Viers put the fifteen gold coins on the table, the equivalent. “I’ll be back in two hours.”

“Ooh boo… Is that all, Cain of Ur?” Izabella sharply said.

“...Who?” Viers’ body language and tone betrayed nothing.

“Pretty impressive surviving the encounter with Freya Marianus and Gregory Simon, the Level 5. I suppose there’s no way you want to share that story with sister Iz?”

“I’m afraid you’ve mistaken me for someone else.”

Viers went out of the room as if leaving a friend’s house. No awkward movements whatsoever.

“...Was I really mistaken?” Izabella muttered.

“Perhaps not,” a person silhouette appeared in the room as if she teleported.

“Big sis, what do you think?”

“I didn't sense any special power from him but his eye technique is quite good. He sees through your array in an instant.”

“...You plan to bring him there?” Izabella was a bit surprised.

“Let's not make any conjectures. This is a crucial time for us. No time for distractions.”

The Level 4 faded into thin air, leaving Izabella alone in silence.



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