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The map did not contain many depictions outside the borders of the four great nations.

Viers disregarded the bustle from other adventurers and pointed to the south of the Human Dominion.

“Untamed South. Steppes, jungles, marshes, mountains, valleys, deserts, life-seeking lightning bolts, flesh-dissolving mists, spontaneous volcanoes… and many more. You'll see the many faces of nature there and they are not kind. In the relatively safe areas, many of the beastfolks live there as tribes. Centaurs, harpies, lizardmen, ents, and many others there too. According to the hearsay, the domain of the elves lies far to the south, inside a magical forest so beautiful explorers that set foot there didn't want to ever leave.”

Viers pointed to the west.

“The land of the vile and strife, the nest of demons. Supposedly, the earth there is black, from the corruption of hellish energy or because of the sheer amount of blood spilled, I don't know. Boram, demons are beings that are touched by the energy from hell. It gives them strength and power far beyond normal but at a terrible cost. Still, the enticement of power is great, some people willingly chose to become demons. Humans, monsters, other races, all can be demons. As for the terror of the demons, only those who have fought them will understand. If you think demons are merely stronger monsters, well, there are many graves filled with people that never underestimate the demons, let alone those who underestimate them.”

Viers took a few gulps from his mug. He had talked a lot and became thirsty.

“Rumours are that the monsters there make the monsters in the Human Dominion look like kittens in comparison. Orcs, goblins, ogres, dark elves, ratlings, and the like live there. There are humans too, devil-worshiping humans that is. Much is unknown about that place, not many braves or fools that managed to see those lands and return to tell the tale. What is known is their frequent incursions to our land. The Zetel Kingdom erected magical fortresses while the Herkelan Empire raised mighty walls at their border. The Forbidden West.”

“Avel, it is called the Menace West,” Iz corrected.

“...What she said.”

I’ll still call it the Forbidden West though. No matter what people say, as my respect for Alloy.

“And then there’s the Dread North, the lands of bone-freezing ice and snow and death. Walking skeletons, ghastly wraiths, vampire counts, rotten abomination, beings with an insatiable hunger for the life of the living. The land wasn't always like that. Thousands of years ago, one man changed everything. A necromancer with a power so great arrived there and created an undead horde that almost drowned the entire continent. To the south he marched, engulfing territory and armies in a tidal wave of corpses. Legend has it that angels were forced to descend to put a stop to the King of Death’s advance.”

“How can there be so much undead coming from the north in the first place?” Someone asked, a couple others nodded because they also had the same question.

“Supposedly there was an ancient battlefield there. Mountains of bones, undried seas of blood even after a thousand years, eternally vengeful ghosts with wails that slice the soul, the King of Death had all the ingredients he needed to make his army of the damned. Not only human bones, no. Mighty dragons, giants, legendary monsters, even demons and devils. He raised them all.”

“...Is he still alive?” Boram asked.

“I don't know if active undead can be called alive but if you mean he’s still kicking or not then yes. His legendary first invasion had failed but he wasn't permanently defeated. If the stories were true then he managed to survive Estelle’s angels, quite a feat. Since then, this King of Death whose name has been purged from every historical record that I could find, sends incursions to the south every now and then. For what, I do not know. The Herkelan Empire and the Latias Kingdom bears the brunt of it.”

“Sheesh… Zetel, Herkelan, and Latias had tough neighbors. What about us in the Coalition?” A youth adventurer asked.

“The Coalition is blessed. The wicked things of the north and west couldn't reach us, Herkelan, Latias, and Zetel became a bulwark for us. As for the southlands, we had no border with them. Whoever wanted to reach the Coalition from the south by land must pass the Zetel Kingdom territory. Considering almost all the southern races are demi-humans, I figure not many are motivated to visit.”

Finally, Viers pointed to the east of the Coalition.

“To the east lies the Zamrud Archipelago. Thousands of islands strewn above the waters. Lush jungle and stable temperature. No winter there. Only the rainy season and dry season. There are many colonies and outposts there. Plethora of marine products and the location makes it a great trading partner for its neighbor, the Coalition. Many trade routes coming and going from the Coalition to the Latias Kingdom and the southern races, bringing gold and crystals. Oh, it is also swarming with pirates and outlaws. Past the Zamrud Archipelago is a vast open sea with permanent harsh weather and monstrous leviathans, the Stormy East... Rumour has it that there's another continent should you manage to cross the perilous ocean.”

“The Coalition is better than the other three then,” Boram muttered.

“The Coalition still has their own problems but look at the Human Dominion as a whole. While the other three great nations are bleeding from the disasters in the west and north, is it okay if we sit just fat and protected? Would the other countries allow that? Should the demons or the dead breakthrough and swallow the other nations then the Coalition would be screwed too. That is why the Coalition provides assistance to the other three. One of such assistance is the dispatching of high-ranked adventurers to the frontlines. That is why you will not find many Gold ranked adventurers loitering about in the Coalition.”


“So that’s why.”

“I have no idea.”

What Viers said wasn't as restricted information but many of the other adventurers weren't privy to that information.

“And that is the current situation in the Human Dominion and its surroundings. Boram, why am I talking this long to explain this to you?”

“Eh? Uhhh, to, to let me know?”

“Yes. Even though we managed to fend off the hostiles and eked out a living, the situation of humanity isn't as secure as you thought. Who knows when the next disaster will strike and break the balance. That is why you and I must get stronger. Become a better Pathseekers and do our part. That is our responsibility as those born with power,” Viers spoke solemnly.

“Well said!”

“Good man!”

“A model citizen indeed.”

The other adventures showered Viers with praises.

“Go questing, get money and resources, become stronger, repeat. Come Boram, we’ve got a job to do.”


Viers walked to the door and Boram followed him with reverence in his eyes.

“Everyone, big applause to Avel of Javia, the exemplary! Whoooo!” Iz shouted and clapped her hands.



Viers walked in the midst of cheering like some sort of war hero. Before Viers reached the exit, Ago barred his path.

“Young man… I have misjudged you. I apologize for my behavior,” he dipped his head a little.

“...No hard feelings,” Viers patted his shoulder and left without looking back.

“Yosh! I can't be left behind. I’ll take this quest!”

“Then I’ll take this one!”

“Hey, that quest is mine! I picked it first!”

The other adventurers became motivated after hearing Viers and scrambled to take the available quests.

Iz smiled while looking mischievously at Viers’ back.

As for Viers himself, he also smiled under his face coverings, sinisterly.

All according to keikaku.


The history and geography lesson was a nice opportunity and Viers jumped right in.

Other than for making Boram more aware, he appealed to the other adventurers as a somewhat patriotic youth. Since Viers planned for Avel of Javia to become a high-ranking adventurer, he needed good rapport with his fellow adventurers and the guild. It was also a show to prevent making more enemies in the future. He wanted to become Obsidian rank in Marakkus before leaving this city because the adventurer guild here wasn't as strict as the other branch. The guild in other towns and cities might make a big deal for his totally nonexistent past and dubious origin but not here.

The problem is that Izabella… I’m pretty sure she remembers me. Would this become a problem? She’s a Level 3 so I hope it won't come to a clash.

It was starting to get dark so they both went back to the inn. After bath and dinner, Viers spoke to Boram.

“Use this,” Viers dropped a few crystals with the size of a baby’s fist.

“Mana crystals!”

“Use those to get to Level 2 as soon as possible. For the time being, your main focus is to cultivate so you’ll be able to contribute more.”

“Thank you, Master! I’ll not disappoint!”

He doesn’t have a Profound Codex yet. It is better to have one but not overly crucial. Anyone can reach Level 2 without profound codex as long as there’s enough mana. It is needed in the future though…

Viers looked at the gear that he currently wore. Other than ragged clothes, his sword was inadequate, he did not even have armor.

It’s time to improve my equipment. I’ll go shopping tomorrow.


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