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“Izabella the Red Enchantress?”

“That her? Wow, do you think she’s single?”

The other adventurers greeted and waved to the woman. They sure looked happy to meet her.

“Ago, bullying newcomers again? That’s a no-no,” the sorcerer lookalike sashayed to Ago and Viers’ direction.

“Iz… When did you return?” Ago called.

“Yesterday. Your family is healthy I hope?” Izabella hugged him tightly. “And why are you chewing this guy out? Freddy? Jeff?” She asked the two people sitting next to Ago, Ago’s teammates.

“Well, we bet on this new adventurer whether he would become Obsidian or not. This guy bet on himself he would, 5 gold. So did Alan.”

“Holy moly that’s a lot of money,” Izabella said in a rhyme. “Feeling the pressure, eh? Bud, keep your gambling habit in moderation,” the redhead turned to Viers.

“Hi, I’m Izabella. That’s a mouthful so you can call me Iz. What’s your name?” She was giving a thousand-watt smile.


“Hi Avel, nice to meet you~” she trailed her words. “Ei!”

Iz suddenly tried to hug Viers, which he evaded by stepping back.

“A shy one aren’t you. Tsk-tsk, I don't know why a Level 2 like you act like a Level 0 but clearly you will reach Obsidian rank in no time,” Iz eyed him like looking at a rare animal.

“Level 2!”

“No way!”

“Why is he wearing a face mask? Is he someone famous?”

Whispers and murmurs broke out from the audience. Ago, a Level 2 who looked like he almost hit 30 years of age, showed an ugly expression. Viers wasn’t that old and already a Level 2, he was not a common Pathseeker.

“Avel, I reckon you would win and Ago would be hard-pressed to pay the bet, so everyone’s favorite sister Iz has a proposal. Rather than continuing with the bet and making enemies of each other, how about abolishing the bet and we become friends?” Iz diplomatically said. “Ago will return your 5 gold but in return, you can call Ago on one favor.”

Before Ago could protest, Iz raised a finger and stopped him.

“The favor must not be monetary in nature and not excessive. I’ll fairly judge it. How about it? Avel, you don't want to go to war with a fellow Level 2 for a few gold coins wouldn't you?”

“...Fine. I’ll take the favor.” Viers accepted.

“But Alan…” Ago added.

“I’ll talk to Alan later. Now we're all friends, yaaay! Everyone, the first round’s on me!”

A shout of jubilation followed.

“Come Avel, I’ll treat you to a drink,” Izabella called Viers with her hand as if calling a cat.

“No thank you, I have other business to attend.”

“Omigosh who is this sweetie pie?” Iz didn't pay any attention to Viers’ rejection and scooped up Boram in her arms, hugging him like a plushy. “Sooo cute… but so light. You need to eat more, much more. Feeding time~”

“Whuah!? Umm, waah!?” Boram looked at Viers with confusion but Izabella already kidnapped Boram to the table and ordered drinks.

Viers sighed from his nose.

She’s a Level 3! I thought she was Level 2 before but turned out I was wrong… Is it simply a coincidence that we met?


Viers turned the other way because the guild receptionist girl threw peanut shells at him

“Here’s your reward. If you brawl inside the guild then you’ll be fined for the first offense and expelled for the second. I also will have an extra job of tidying the hall. So go ahead and kill each other on the outside but not here. You can go away now.”

She left a pouch at the counter and returned to her seat, writing something in a ledger while eating peanuts.

Viers exchanged one last look with Ago then he left. He took his reward and tried to save his kidnapped slave.

“I see, you’re his slave, huh? Oh calm down little guy. No one here is going to eat you,” Izabella was playing with Boram’s hair, while the other looked like a trembling chihuahua.

“What do you want?” Viers said while taking the seat across the table.

“Nothing. Only want to get along with everyone, including both of you. What’s your name, little guy?”


“Ahaha, good to meet you.”

A waiter arrived and put three mugs and a lavish dish on the table.

“To new meetings, toast!” Iz raised her mug but the other two didn't. Viers was looking at her warily and Boram was too occupied looking at the dish.

“Oh booo. Have it your way then,” she chugged her mug alone. “Well, why are you just looking at that meal, Boram? Eat.”

Boram looked at Viers, asking for permission. Viers nodded and allowed it.

“Avel, not gonna drink?”

Viers pointed his fingers to his covered mouth then silence.

“Where are you from Avel?” Iz changed the topic.


“I’ve never heard of it. Where is it?”

“Somewhere in the south,” Viers left it at that.

Izabella was a talker and a smooth one at that. She seemed to have endless topics of conversation. When she talked about the recent happenings that Viers didn't know, it was a saving grace. She was quite knowledgeable so Viers was quite impressed but he hoped Boram would finish his meal faster.

He caught Boram looking at the wall behind him with fascination. It prompted Viers to turn his head backward.

There was a map there, the map of the continent.

“First time seeing it?” Viers asked.

“Yes, Master.”

“That is the most widely spread map of the land that we know,” Viers stood up and walked closer to the map. He transformed into a university lecturer, he treated the map as his whiteboard.

“We’re in a place called the Lumen continent. Home to uncountable living beings, wonders, and horrors. The size of this gigantic land boggles the mind. Most people wouldn't be able to reach the other end of the continent even if they spend a lifetime traveling.” Viers spoke to Boram and he listened intently.

Viers pointed to the very center part of the map.

“This is the Human Dominion. While there are many countries with their own kings and queens, the human land is basically carved into four territories, under the umbrella of four great nations.”

About 80% of the map was about the human dominion Viers just mentioned. He moved his fingers slightly to the bottom right of that human land.

Izabella looked at Viers’ action with interest.

“This is where we are, the Free People Coalition. Born from the bones of a great empire. Borders are drawn to place which area falls on the jurisdiction of which city. Cities are ruled by Governor-Kings, some ruled benevolently, some ruled however they want. The only thing these Governor-Kings hate more than each other are foreign interests meddling in their affairs.”

By now, Viers had garnered some interest from the other tables and adventurers.

“It is a coalition of cities tied together like loose fabrics because of the lack of cooperation between the Governor-Kings. Unlike the other three great nations, the Coalition has no centralized government, but problems still arise throughout their territories. Unique problems create unique solutions. That is us, adventurers. We go from place to place, solving problems these great people are too lazy or too inept to solve.”

Shouts came from adventurers that listened, shouts of pride. Some raised their mugs toasting each other. How could they not, after Viers worded it so?

Or so most people think. Adventurers are actually just glorified janitors of the Coalition. They take quests, they fight, and they die. Their blood is the lubricant in the machine known as the Coalition. Such are adventures, except for the small outstanding ones. As for me, it is but a means to an end. Viers commented in his head.

“These are interesting times for us adventurers,” Izabella cut in. “Recently, many Biomes are opening all over the Coalition, providing many opportunities to those bold enough to seek it and lucky enough to not die.”

That invited laughter from the gallery. Viers paused and looked at her. He didn't talk overly loud, the target of this explanation was Boram and only Boram. He didn't mean to start an open lecture about geography. The other adventurers merely closed their lips so his voice was heard clearly.

“Well don't stop there, Avel. Please, continue the story,” Izabella had her elbow above the table and rested her chin on her joined finger. She was enjoying the lesson of teacher Viers very much.


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