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The air of the village was refreshing, even more so for a recovering person like him. He walked slowly and lightly around the village, committing the lay of the land to his memory, until the sky was red because the sun almost set.

Alright, time to head back. I need to make plans about how to live here. The Irvings seem like decent enough folks but they are poor as dirt. Perhaps they don't even have enough to fill their bellies. I mustn't leech off of their kindness like a parasite.

With the speed of a grandpa with rickety bones, Viers made his way back to the house. Along the way, he saw another cliché in the midst of happening.


“Today is the day we shall defeat the witch! Cid, she went that way!”

“Got it! Take this!” the kid threw a mud ball at a running little girl.

“Anne, Ilse, why aren't you both attacking?” The biggest kid among the bunch asked the remaining two girls.

“Daniel stop it. The freak might curse us. Father said to stay away from her. We might get cursed and have purple hair too.”

“Ilse is right. Just leave her alone. She might transform into a monster like last time.”

The two boys, Daniel and Cid managed to corner Luca. She had no place to run.

“Hah, cowards. You guys and the others too. Look here, my special weapon. Mudball with horse dung mixed with dead cockroaches. A direct hit from this and the monster will be dead. Take this!” Daniel threw the abominable weapon towards the frightened girl.


Something swatted the mudball from the air before it hit her.

It wasn't Viers.

Luca’s shadow seemed to be alive. Tendrils of shadows protected Luca from the bullies.

“It came out!”

“The monster’s true form!”

“Daniel, let's run, run!!”

“Stand your ground Cid. It never attacked us,” Daniel stood his ground even though his voice was trembling. “Kill it!” He took a fallen tree branch and poked the shadow multiple times. Cid also followed Daniel’s lead and did the same.

Dark shadow curled up around her. Shielding her from harm.

“No. Stay away… don’t hurt me… HEEELP!!”

Darkness exploded out from the little girl no older than ten. It knocked back the two bullies but they weren't injured. The ground was blackened in the aftermath, like the bottom of a burned pot.


“MOOOOM, heeeelp!”


“Run! Run away before she eats us!”

The quartet of kids ran away, leaving a sobbing little girl behind.

Uuuh… uwahhh… I hate this. I’m a monster… I should just die. Uggghhh. But, but, I’m scared… uuuu.

While Luca was crying in the foetal position, she heard footsteps coming closer. With a face full of tears, she looked up and saw the man she saved from the river. He looked at her straight in her eyes, as if seeing the innermost of her being. Did she really see his eyes were green with rainbow hues or was she just imagining it?

“Hicc,” she stuttered her words because of the crying. “S-stay away, hic… I’ll hurt you… ”

“...No. No you won't.”

Avel wiped her tears gently using a cloth. Luca felt his care transmitted from the cloth.

“Hicc… I, I am a monster.”

“Unlike them, I have seen many monsters. That’s why I know you’re not one.”

Avel wiped her face slowly.

“I see a kind and beautiful girl.”

After he was done, he offered his hand.

“Let's go home. Shall we walk together?”

Like a lost child, Luca took Avel’s hand. She was still sobbing and looking downwards all the way. She didn't remember much, only the warmth on her hand.


“She's asleep,” Susan sat on the floor beside her husband.

“Mmm,” Arim, held his wife’s hands. He too looked worried.

To think I witnessed a Mushoku here… that novel really kickstarted the isekai trope to the point of critical explosion. Everything is isekai nowadays.

“She’s fine. I checked… has this happened before?” Avel asked.

The Irvings didn't have tables or chairs. They sat on the floor using cushions, the cushions were filled with straws. They ate breakfast the same way, similar to the Asian cultures.

“Yes… after that she’s always tired. We found her passed out on the road once,” Susan answered.

“We don't know what to do. It seems her… power manifest when she’s on edge. Mister Avel, please tell us… What’s wrong with our little girl?”

Arim and Susan looked at him expectantly. Avel was younger than them but he was a Pathseeker, different from Idlers like them. They were very respectful to Avel.

“Nothing is wrong with you daughter. She’s just more talented than most, so much so.”

Avel’s words brought relief to their hearts. Before they could ask another question, Avel clarified.

“People have a certain degree of affinity to the elements in the world. Most people have an affinity to the big four: fire, water, earth, and wind. There are also those fortunate enough to have the rarer affinities. Like your daughter, darkness affinity of 5, the highest affinity possible.”

They were stunned.

“But we both are Idlers,” Arim said.

“Children could be born with high affinity even from non-practitioner parents. Life is miraculous that way.”

“Luca can become a strong Pathseeker?” Arim’s eyes were beaming. Susan had a similar look.

Perhaps all parents would be like that when they were told their child was talented in something.

“She has the potential to become one.”

“This… Mister Avel… can I trouble you to teach Luca to be a Pathseeker?” Arim asked.

Avel didn't immediately answer. Arim worried he might have overstepped.

“The life of a Pathseeker is filled with danger and strife. It might be different than the life you both imagined. And she’s too young to understand the burden and responsibility of power. If I were to teach her to master her power now, what do you think the consequences would be if Luca killed the other bullies?”

The young couple was silent.

“But leaving her like that is also irresponsible, she needs guidance. Your family has been good to me, all of you. I’ll teach her how to control her power and herself. If she chooses to become Pathseeker after knowing the truth then it would be her choice.”

“Thank you, Mister Avel.”

“We won't forget this kindness.”

Arim and Susan replied to Avel's decision with gratitude.

“I’ll go to sleep first, my wounds are hurting. I have already eaten so there’s no need for dinner.” Avel excused himself. He hunted a couple of small animals around the village earlier, for lunch and dinner.


“Wow, darkness affinity of 5, huh? That little human is blessed,” Viers heard Clarissa’s voice when he was lying down on the bed of straw. While his body was resting, he went to the meadow to talk with the girls face to face.

“It was the first time I saw someone with such a clear affinity at such a young age. That reminds me, Clarissa, did you have a tier 5 affinity when you were born?”

“No. I raised my affinity later though.”

“As did I… Is Freya a tier 5? She was so strong, it seems likely. Then there was the old man beside Freya. Since he’s a Level 5 then his affinity should be 5. Are they both born with tier 5 affinity? Luca seems to be a natural-born. How rare is such a thing.”

“I don't know but the Estellian Church is one of the biggest organizations in the world. The Silver Legion is the church’s subsidiary. They definitely have ways to raise someone’s affinity to tier 5,” Farley answered.

“She hasn't made her Intio but her power over darkness already showed itself. Is that common?” Viers asked.

“I can't help you there. I haven't seen enough cases to know what is normal or not. Still, her powers seem to go berserk when she’s in peril. It could be dangerous if unchecked. It would be good for her if you teach her the basics. You made the right call,” the brown-haired lamia princess approved.

“The bullies didn't get hurt though. She must have subconsciously held back. What a kind heart she has,” Viers pondered. “But darkness affinity… Your brother had it too, right Farley?”

“By the way, something's bothering me. Viers, you said the church often employs light users, is it true?” Paina cut in, changing the topic.

“Well, I’ve met two… We’ve met two. Ciel and Freya.” Viers remembered.

During Viers, Paina, and Farley’s time at the Training Center in Luxore town, a Silver Legionary named Ciel saved them from a bunch of vicious goblins.

I was a Level 0 back then and she was a Level 2. I wonder, is she already Level 3 now? That was before I was forced to enter the cult. I and Farley indirectly clashed with Ciel that one time but better not tell Paina about that.

“Ah yes, her. I wonder where she is now… back on topic. Does the church prosecute those with darkness affinity?” Paina was worried for the girl.

“I don't know the specifics but it shouldn’t be the case, Paina. The affinity itself isn't bad. It is the user who matters.” Farley answered.

“Oh good. I was worried that was the case.” Paina sighed in relief.

“Although, it seems those possessing the light and darkness affinity are regarded a little more important than ordinary members by the church and cult respectively. Maybe because they have secret techniques that can only be used by light and darkness users?”


The girls were looking at Viers who was doing a facepalm. If Viers had two hands then he would do a facepalm with both hands now.

Foreshadowing… Now Luca definitely will be entangled with the devil cults in the future.



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