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So, they caught me. From her words, she picked up my trail at Osemore? Sigh...

“Girls, we have a situation here,” Viers called the others with his mind.

Viers didn't answer the girl, he eyed the old man. The black-robed old man seemed more dangerous than the girl. He looked old and decrypt, Viers couldn't sense his Level but the hair on his back stood when he looked at the old man. And yet the old man did nothing, only observing him from behind the girl.

“Viers, the old man is a Level 5. Only those who have reached Level 5 can fly,” Clarissa solemnly said.

“Yeah, I only feel bad vibes coming from the gramps. And the girl? Is she a Level 5 too?” Viers asked.

“I don't know. I can only see them from inside you. But… I feel she’s not a Level 5.”

“Me too,” Viers ended his telepathy.

“What’s wrong? Not going to say anything?” Freya observed him from head to toe.

“…I refuse. I have no obligation or intention to acquiesce to your demands.”

“…Your refusal to cooperate shall be taken as a sign of guilt.”


“It shall be within my rights to detain you, by force if necessary.”

“Can you?”

The whole time Viers didn’t look at Freya but at Gregory. The lack of acknowledgment felt like an insult to her.

“…I hope it would not come to this but you give me no choice,” Freya took off her grey traveling robe, exposing the light armor beneath and took out her rapier from the sheath.

Normally this would be the point where Viers unleashed a sudden iai slash at her, a full-powered Cut the Crap Arte. But with the Level 5 so close in the vicinity, even Viers wasn’t that daring.

The rapier was very majestic. It had a simple design with minimal decoration but its blade looked like it was made by moonlight. Comparing Viers’ own sword with it was like comparing a 20-year-old second-hand car with a new BMW.

Viers knew he was currently in a deep shit situation. In front of a true powerhouse, what Viers could do was limited. But Viers didn’t find the option of surrendering acceptable.

What do I do… the old man can end me in an instant if he wants. While Viers was thinking about how to get out of this dead-end, the old man spoke.

“Freya, as the Interpreter’s decreed, I will not interfere between you and the boy’s battle. My directive was to bring you here. I am forbidden to help you if you lose or assist in the boy’s capture. Whether you convince him to surrender, forceful capture, or execution… It is all your decision to make.”

Freya? Norse goddess’ name? Interpreter?

The girl named Freya seemed to hear this for the first time, she looked surprised.

“…Understood. It shall be done as the august one wishes.”

“Your armor… Silver Legion?” Viers asked. Farley told him she might be one.

“I’m the one asking questions. Why did you kill someone you have no relations with in broad daylight at Osemore?”

“Shall we trade questions then? Fine. I killed him because he killed my friend. It was revenge,” Viers said.

Her rosary glowed.

“Lies. Your attempt at deception shall not succeed.”

Damn. Anti-lie magic item?

“Hmph, rich bastard. Fine, I killed him because he had something I want. How did you find me?” Viers tried to trade one worthless answer for a very important one.

“The Light of the Goddess guides me here. What is your involvement in Luxore’s destruction?”

“Light… what hell is that anyway,” Viers wasn’t satisfied by the ambiguous answer. “Hmph!”

Viers struck first, she parried his sword.

“No more talking. Take the answer from me, if you can.”

“Afraid of taking responsibility for your actions? Weakling!” Freya knocked him away from the sword lock.

I don’t trust what the old man said about not interfering. I must probe him… by fighting this lass. I don’t have many choices. For starters, I should defeat her lightly.

Freya raised her aura, ready to battle. Her Victa was bright, characteristic of a light user.

Light Pathseeker? Silver Legion must love employing light users, I’ve met two of them already. Isn’t light supposed to be a rare element? Silver Legion is the military branch of the church but still…

Then… Freya, who was standing in front of him, disappeared.

She appeared on his side, slashing her rapier in full swing.

Teleportation? No! She’s just fast!

“Lost in thoughts in the middle of a fight? You underestimated me far too much!”

Viers kept some distance between them, but Freya’s speed was far above his expectations. Viers blocked her rapier with his sword… before the sword shattered.


Speed and power, she was above Viers, by a big margin at that.

Her slash turned into a thrust at Viers’ left shoulder which was wounded by a Level 2’s wind arrow a few hours ago. Viers tried to dodge, a rolling maneuver. He was successful but the rapier tore out his backpack, scattering his belongings.

A mask was among those.

“…A cultist’s mask. That style, Dumuzin’s? Now we have evidence,” Freya said.


Arte — Water Slash Eightfold!

Viers attacked with a strong technique using his broken sword. Close to the maximum attack power he could use at his disposal. Freya parried it like it was nothing. For someone who looked like she spent most of her time in a library, Freya was very adept in the art of battle. She countered using a flurry of thrusts, utilizing the rapier’s specialty. Viers managed to prevent stabs to vital areas but too many hits went through his defenses.

He fell to his knees. Clothes torn, blood seeping from his wounds, scratches all over his body and a burning feeling on his skin.

“Arte — Breaking Dawn’s Flash Flurry… Is that all? For one that talks so big, you are weak.”

Freya looked down on him. Behind her dark eyes, she conveyed only contempt.

I am… so outclassed by someone on the same Level? Viers bit his lip.

Viers didn’t want to believe it. He knew he wasn’t the best in the world but with all the skills and superiorities he has amassed since he got reincarnated in this world, Viers thought his strength had reached world-class level.

The girl broke his naïve illusion into a thousand pieces.

“Hehehe ahahaha! Huahahahah!!”

Viers laughed ominously. He rose up slowly, a dark will burning in his eyes. He was filled with fighting spirit.

“Hmph,” Freya snorted. “One last hurrah before the end? How very villain-like,” she tightened her guard.

“You are strong, Freya. Now I’ll show you my true power. The power of villains.”

Freya gripped the handle of her rapier stronger than before. Even Gregory who stood silently behind had a change of expression.

Some kind of forbidden move? Berserk? Freya thought.

Demon summoning? Using Hellish energy? Gregory presumed.

“ARTE — Rapid Water Steps Ninefold!”

Viers said the Arte name like a whisper. He grabbed something small and shiny from his scattered inventory and bolted like a rabbit.

“After all that show and talk you are actually running away? You are a coward, Cain of Ur!” Freya pursued. “Sky Crossing Light!” She invoked her own movement Arte.

“It's called a strategic retreat!” Viers screamed back.

Meanwhile, Gregory was looking at the two’s gradually smaller visage without moving. He let out a snicker.

Heheh, it’s been a while since I saw someone pull that one. Still, that boy is quite skilled. Not to Freya’s degree but he’s better than most. He only knows elementary Artes but he layered it to achieve commendable results. This showed his poor background and his ingenuity. But his Artes… how come they’re stronger than they should be? He hasn't used any of his soul abilities yet. Is he wary of me?

Gregory followed them by flying, his black robe was swaying in the wind.

In Viers’ retreat, Freya hounded him every step of the way. Viers used his full speed but Freya still managed to keep up.

She’s a light Pathseeker. Light’s characteristic is blindingly fast. She’s still far faster than my top speed! Viers observed while dodging a spear of light thrown in his way. The old man has not interfered yet, that’s the only good thing in this situation.

“How long will you keep pursuing me?” Viers shouted. The bleeding all over his body intensified by the heavy movement. It would be difficult for Viers if he didn't have the Pain Tolerance Arte.

“Until you receive the judgement you deserve!”

“Then don't blame me for being ruthless!” Viers warned. Hyper Arte — Rapid Water Steps Ninefold!

Rapid Water Steps was an Arte with a distinct visual. The users would look like they wore a pair of water ribbons on their feet, swaying as they ran. When Viers re-cast Rapid Water Steps in Hyper Arte mode, the water gained viridescent luster in it and his speed rose exponentially.


Freya was taken aback. Cain possessed an almost unbelievable speed for a Level 2. The distance between them was widening.

Gregory also thought the same.

Incredible speed. What is that green color? Is he combining water and soul attributes in one Arte? Impossible. He shouldn't have that kind of skill yet and it doesn't feel like a soul attribute. Forbidden Arte then? Seems like this boy has a lot of secrets.

Gregory saw the direction of his escape and frowned.

I see. So that’s your plan. For one so young, you’re quite the ruthless one aren't you?

Ciref Valley was a Rank 4 Orange Zone. Viers was planning to invite the masters of this place to the party.


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