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He always thought that soulspace was a strange place.

Perhaps it was just another name for the realm of consciousness. Physics applied but at the same time it did not. If some conditions were met, people could create something out of nothing. And yet he couldn't simply create an atomic bomb and blast the drones to pieces, invisible rules prevented him from doing so.

What about this cybercentric soulspace then?

Was this the inside of Sigma’s soul or simply an arena provided by the system?

Viers couldn't find a clear answer but it didn't matter. His objective didn't change. They would simply fight on top of this yellow grid arena.

Because of his soul affinity, Viers could do more things than others. Most Pathseeker couldn't ‘invade’ and ‘battle’ inside another’s soulspace but he did, and through him, others did too.

“Battle Dance, Water Enchantment, Spears of Falling Rain!”

“Water Shield, Water Sprout, Tidefall!”

“Fire Hydra, Flare Explosion, Searing Sunray!”

The girls invoked their Artes, fighting the black drones.

Farley was a spear user so she was a melee fighter. Farley evaded the projectiles as if she was dancing, gracefully evading bullets and lasers. Sometimes she evaded them by a mere inch from her skin, half a step to the side, a somersault like a professional gymnast. She boosted her spear with another Arte before letting loose a flurry of thrusts, annihilating tens of drones in a single go and another dozen the next moment.

Paina was a classic mage type, using spells to defeat her enemies from a distance. Her approach was very textbook. Shielding herself from harm first, then an area of 10 meters wide gushed upward as water sprouted like a volcano, enveloping tens of drones. The AoE was a good Arte for disruption and crowd-control but the actual damage was weak so Paina finished them off using a high-pressure hammer of water from above, flattening them to the ground.

Clarrisa… at first glance she was a mage type like Paina but to Viers’ eyes, she was something else.

She was purely… strong.

A gigantic eight-headed beast made of burning bright orange flames wreaked havoc among the drone’s ranks. The hydra seemed impervious from the attacks of the black spheres, each head gave the impression of having a mind of its own and hunted the drones with their mighty jaws. With that move alone Clarissa had destroyed more drones than Farley and Paina combined but she was not done.

With the regal poise of a princess, Clarissa snapped her fingers and an area simply exploded. The drones caught inside that area were violently erased by the heat. A mere two Artes took care of the drones protecting the biggest one, the one that Viers said was the one controlling all the smaller drones, and now Clarissa had a clear line of sight to her target. The lamia princess pointed her delicate finger to the biggest drone and a thin line no thicker than her finger pierced through its central eye. Clarissa moved her finger as if making a cross before releasing her Arte.

The battlefield was silent. The drones didn't move and the invaders including Viers looked at Clarissa with awe.

There seemed to be nothing wrong with the main drone at first, but it slowly started to split apart. Clarissa had cut it into four pieces using a super high-temperature laser cutter. The part where the drone was cut was like burning metal in a factory.

To think… It was to this degree, Viers thought.

Clarissa was a Level 5 before she died, her strength at her peak was not something Viers understood. Because he was currently a Level 2, the girls were also only able to use Artes and power to the degree of Level 2, Clarissa was not an exception. Despite that, Clarrisa displayed destructive power and techniques far above Viers and the others could do.

This is the skill of someone who has reached the pinnacle of the mortal realm.

Viers smiled. He didn't feel bitter or dejected at all. He was eager for the day he could wield such power himself.

“Clarissa, woah.”

“Amazing… ”

Paina and Farley were wonderstruck by Clarissa’s strength. Farley was fighting in the thick of it but the hydra and the blast didn't hurt her in any way, proof of Clarissa’s high degree of control.

Clarrisa turned to them with a nervous look.

“I-I’m sorry guys, I used too much power! Now I made you all look bad– It's just been so long since I have had a chance to battle. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn't mean to flaunt my powerrr,” Clarissa apologized profusely.

“Not at all. You did great.”

“Un, we’re on the same side so don't mind.”

“Right, we won thanks to you.”

Viers, Paina, and Farley respectively replied.


Like titans manifesting from thin air, three more main spheres appeared. They looked no different than the one Clarissa just destroyed.

“Hey! Destroying the main drone didn't do anything. There are even more of them now!” Clarissa was fuming in anger.

“I can see that! Sorry girls, my analysis was mistaken,” Viers looked bitter by the twist.

“Goddess, they make so many drones!”

“What do we now, Lord Viers?” Even Farley had a nervous look.

“Plan B. Clear me a path to that white pillar!”

Viers naturally meant the access point to Sigma's soul, under the three great drones. With them churning lesser drones like factories, Viers was diving into a sea of enemies.

Alone, he wouldn't make it but he got help.

Farley ran beside him, providing much timely assistance in the chaotic melee. Paina stayed behind but she gave buffs to Viers and Farley while disrupting the drones from overwhelming the pair. Clarissa took the role of artillery, potent AoE Artes mowed down throngs of drones, clearing the path for Viers and Farley.

We could do it! Viers thought.

A drone shot bullets at Viers like an automatic rifle. Viers dodged out of the way and bisected the spheres in two.

Viers took a step forward.

Another drone launched a missile at Viers. His posture was not ideal so he wouldn't be able to react but Farley altered the missile’s trajectory using the combination of a water Arte and the softness of her spear movement.

Viers took a step forward again.

The drones above Viers were preparing to focus fire on Viers. But Clarissa waved her hand and a curtain of fire cleared them all.

Viers kept going, getting closer to the white pillar every moment.

One of the main drones unleashed a laser beam more powerful than any they had seen so far. Paina gritted her teeth, exerting every power she could muster and created a five-layered shield of water to protect Viers.

It wasn't enough.

The beam from a mini Death Star pierced through Paina’s defenses and went straight to Viers’ location, creating a bright explosion as it touched the ground.



Clarissa and Farley were panic-stricken. Paina fell to her knees, unconscious. She already gave 120% of her effort and overtaxed her soul but even then it wasn't enough.

While all eyes were on the smoking crater, Viers magnificently appeared beside the white pillar as if he was a teleporting Anti-Mage.

Trusting your friends is good and all but that is no excuse for sitting back and doing nothing. This might be your arena, system, but this is still a soulspace and I have a soul 5 affinity. Hmph, to take this long to prepare a Blink… I still have a long way to go, Viers thought while being unsatisfied.

Seeing Viers was okay brightened the girls’ faces.

“You forced me to do this. Die!”

Viers attacked the pillar with the violent might of a tsunami.


“Thanks for coming,” Jarret shook the hand of a thin man with a thin beard.

“I have already deployed my men to encircle the area. Good to see you, J.”

“I’m sorry for the sudden request and thankful for your willingness to provide assistance.”

“Hey, you were there when things went south for me. I’m glad to be able to repay the favor. Still, we can’t be sure this Cain is still here. He might have already escaped our encirclement,” Roy said.

“No, he’s still here.”

“How do you know?” Roy raised an eyebrow.

Jarret took out a small globe the size of a fist.

“Goodness gracious, is that a divination item?”

“It is. It can’t pinpoint his exact location but I’m sure he’s still in Coulis Forest.”

“Mmm, seems so” Roy muttered after observing the globe. “But to think you use this kind of one-off magic item for a single no-name adventurer. Are you sure you’re not blowing things out of proportion J? Hell, you even ask to bring as many people that I can spare. What kind of demon are we hunting here?”

“The worst kind. The kind that goes after his objective no matter the cost, no matter the suffering he inflicts to others,” Jarret spoke solemnly.

“…Then we better catch him soon. Level 1 water Pathseeker, correct?”

“Yes. His Artes are top class for a Level 1 though. He might be a Level 2 hiding his Level.”

“With how young you said he is, I doubt that, but I’ll tell the boys for extra precaution. There are 40 Level 1 here. With us leading them, this Cain will get the justice he deserves.” Roy spoke with the confidence of a Level 2.


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