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Why not Stheno’s Sight? Because Euryale is the ‘Archer’ that’s why! Hur-hur-hur. Viers chuckled while praising his own good naming sense.

After finishing his power-up segment, Viers looked at his pocket watch. There were only four hours left until sunrise.

Thankfully, I don't need much sleep anymore.

Viers did his before sleep training routine then hit the bed. The sun rose and Viers also rose with it, a bit sluggish but fit nevertheless. As a modern earth's person, the idea of new years equal to holidays was strong. He indulged himself by spending his time leisurely after finishing his morning mana training routine.

A few hours later.

“Sorry boy, no horses for sale.” The oldman said to Cain. He could only half smiled and scratched his head.

“This is unexpected… I’m afraid you’ve come all this way for nothing Cain,” Paul said.

Because Cain said he wanted to buy a horse to Oliver and Irene yesterday, Oliver let Paul and Lena know. Before Cain left the inn, Paul offered to come along to the horse trader he knew. The gang joined Cain in his shopping trip, alas, Cain failed to acquire a horse. According to the old horse trader, someone bought all horses for sale about one week ago.

“Well… guess I still have to walk then.” If he had a horse, the trip to the next town would be easier.

“Do you have other plans for today?” Lena asked.

Cain looked at his surroundings, he was at a ranch of some kind not far from Mokash town. There were cows and sheeps grazing under the sun.

“I refuse to leave empty-handed… I’ve got a good idea,” Cain said confidently.


Cain was brushing the side of a goat. The goat bleated but Cain did not know if it was because of pleasure or annoyance or simply because it was a goat.

“Who’s a good goat? Who is? Bweee~ Ahaha,” Cain talked goatish.

Cain then sheared the sheep. He did it carefully, he didn't want to cut the sheep. The animal had very thick wool, grown during winter. Cain got permission to shear two of them because with spring approaching, the weather was no longer overly cold anymore.

“So soooft. You know what sheepy? If you don't have the smell, I might just use you as a pillow.”

Cain had his hand on a cow’s udder. Left, right, left, right. He got the hang of milking cows after a while and the rhythm became pleasant.

“Mooo~ This doesn't mean we’re engaged or anything. Although... this is the biggest mammary I’ve ever touched… let’s keep that between us. What happens in the barn, stays in the barn, okay madam cow? Ow! Stop with the tail whip. I’m complimenting you, mmmooohh!”

The rest of the gang watched curiously while Cain was playing with the barn animals. Cain paid the owner so he could experience some animal husbandry.


“Whewww. That was more fun than I thought. You guys should have joined me.”

The five were currently doing a picnic not far from the barn. The owner gave Cain a lot of farm products including processed milk, cheese, and handmade sandwiches. Cain’s payment was a bit generous so the barn owner lady returned the kindness.

“No thanks. This is your idea of a good time? Doing barn work?” Oliver was amazed.

“I don't know. It looks fun, right Paul?” Lena asked.

“Mmm,” Paul replied with a nod.

Cain told them he wanted to buy a horse yesterday but the group ended up joining him anyway. With Cain leaving in a few days and the rest would split walking their own paths perhaps they simply wanted their time together to last a bit longer.

“Oh yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask. What kind of name is Cain of Ur anyway?” Oliver asked.

Before Cain could answer, Paul did.

“It’s an old naming style. In the past, people didn't have last names save for the nobles. So they just use the name of where they come from.”

“...Yeah, like he said.” Cain smiled awkwardly. I don't have such deep consideration when picking the name.

“So! Tell me why you’re so strong. Only 16 and already a Level 1? How did you do that?” Oliver changed the subject. Irene was also interested although she tried to feign indifference.

“Well, I use crystals. Don't tell anyone.” Cain trusted them enough to share that bit of information.

Mana crystal as the name implied, was a crystal with mana inside it. Pathseekers absorbed mana from their surroundings to strengthen their Intio. Mana crystals could be used for the same purpose.

“You’re rich?” Oliver moved his face closer to Viers’.

Mana crystals are also used as currency. Each crystal has the value of 3 gold coins. 1 gold equals 100 silver coins and 1 silver equals 100 copper coins. What Cain did was no different than eating money directly.

“I’m... comfortable.”

“That’s exactly what a super-rich person would say! You’re rich!”

I’m not Crazy Rich Asians. I just have a bit more money than normal. Viers only smiled.

“Olie, don't be crass. You shouldn't ask about other people’s purse,” Lena scolded him.

“Fine, fine… so if I have the funds, I can become a Level 5 in an instant?” Oliver fantasized.

“No. First, there’s the issue of affinity. Unless your affinity is 5, you won’t reach Level 5. You and I have the affinity of 3 so that’s our limit.” Lena explained.

“...Bummer,” Oliver grumbled.

“Cheer up, crystals might not shoot you to level 5 directly but it can buy you a lot of good things. Magic equipment or accessories, if you want something more personal, there are exotic mana ingredients from the Wildlands that can boost your magical prowess. Using crystals to boost your leveling speed isn't all good. Using too much in a short time will make your Intio brittle, shallow foundation.”

“Whatever, I won't have the luxury of experiencing it. Not for a long time anyway.” Oliver snorted.

“Leveling to 1 and 2 are normal but I heard Level 3 is different from the rest. You need something called a Profound Codex to reach it,” Paul added.

“What’s a Profound Codex?” Irene joined the conversation.

“Dunno. I only know it's a rare thing,” Paul said.

“It’s a manual. A magical know-how to reach level 3 and beyond. Teaches you unique ways to gather mana and temper your Intio. The practices vary from Codex to Codex. For example, you must practice in a certain environment or at a specific time of the day or some other requirements. I know one that the user must kill a person every week to practice that Profound Codex,” Cain explained.

The others turned their heads towards him. The more they knew about Cain the more mysterious he became.

“...Are you using that Codex?” Lena asked.

“Naaah, too bloodthirsty.”

“Do you practice other Codex?” Oliver starred as if he wanted to drill a hole into Cain’s brain.

“I might be,” Cain replied plainly.

“...Who are you?” Irene inquired. “A noble?”

“I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe,” Cain left it at that.

“Profound Codices, plural for codex, are heavily regulated by the people upstairs. Hoarded by distinguished houses, organizations, governments, basically pompous people who call the shots. Still, there are ways for small folks like us to get it. Become a vassal for said houses, as merit from joining the army, passed down from master to disciple, and get it from the Adventurer’s Guild.”

Or you know, befriend a 9000-year-old lamia and got her to teach you extinct ancient techniques.

Seeing the other four wasn't privy about this topic, Cain decided to elaborate it a bit further. Mainly for Irene and Oliver who wanted to make their mark in the world. Lena and Paul were still young either, who knew what the future would bring.

“Adventurers could gain Profound Codices from the guild but you must have reputation and credibility by completing many quests. That’s one of the reasons many adventurers fervently questing, to raise their adventurer ranking.”

“This is the first time I am hearing this,” Paul explained.

“So am I,” Lena too.

“After you become Level 2 and have a stellar questing record, the guild will reach out to you… or so I heard anyway.”

I heavily expect those Profound Codices wouldn't be good though. Just mediocre ones that the truly powerful won't feel troublesome even if spread to the masses.

After the picnic, Cain bid them goodbye. He returned to the dorm, cleaned himself up and left again in the evening.

This time, he left the town.

The girls are sleeping, better keep this a secret.

He left like a ghost, keeping it a secret as much as he was able. Viers moved through the night with speed and he reached his destination in a few hours. It was another town, not too far from Mokash.

Peja town… I’m back. Viers thought with emotion.

The old Viers came from this town, the him before the one who came from Earth awakened. It was his birthplace.

Viers walked the night town’s street with nostalgia. He covered his face and avoided other people as he made his way inside.

…I’m home.

Viers stopped before the house he lived in since he was born. The house was dark, the residents must be sleeping.


Viers remembered the face of his parents and his siblings. The memories he had. The good, the bad… and how precious it was. Father smoking on the lawn, mother baking bread in the kitchen, fighting his younger brother over a toy, and changing the diapers of his youngest sister.

And now I must leave you all.

The youth placed a box in the front door. It was full of gold coins and some crystals, the wealth was enough for his family to live in luxury for years. It was not dirty money that he got from killing people or something he stole, the money was from his own effort. It didn’t feel right to give money with blood on it so Viers didn’t.

Where I go, there will be many dangers. For their own good and safety, it’s better to leave them. Let them have a life of tranquility… for there shall be none in my Path of Power.

Viers knocked on the door loudly until he became an annoyance and the house showed signs of activity. Viers left before the door was opened. A middle-aged man soon went out the door with a cudgel in his hand, warily examined his surroundings. Viers watched from the shadows, motionless and soundless. After he saw with his own eyes Viers’ father opened the box, Viers left before he shed a tear.

There was a letter inside the box.

You do not know me, but I know you.
Viers helped me a great deal.
He didn’t show it but he cared a great deal for all of you.
This is my way of showing gratitude, please accept it.
I apologized, mundane wealth is the best I can do.
Keep this happening a secret, or it might draw a calamity upon you.
Farewell, may you all live in peace and happiness.


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