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“The boar alpha is dead? Just like that? A day after those Legion guys came?”

“The church’s overall power is higher than ours, this result is expected. Besides, the boars already served their objective. Now we lay low because those silvery-white armored murderers are looking for the cult’s tail.”

Viers was conversing with Farley in the cult’s base. After they witnessed Rose’s awakening, Viers refused to be anywhere near the fort so he withdrew. A few days later, the cult confirmed the arrival of a Silver Legion squad. The group had two level 3 and two level 2 Path-seekers, a force significant enough to destroy the cult in a single battle. As the result, the cult had frozen all activity, like a beast on deep hibernation.

“Isn’t the boar a demon or something? It simply died?”

“The original boar is a female, we fed it a demon flesh. It corrupted it, twisting its nature. It became capable of birthing a dozen baby boars every week. The demonic taint also passed on to its children, making the unusually aggressive and destructive. The mother boar itself didn’t become too strong, only tier 3. Not too weak for adventurers in this area but not too strong for regular Silver Legion squad, it’s the ideal ratio.”

Farley explained, but hearing her explanation made Viers had more questions.

“What’s the difference between devils and demons?” Viers asked.

“Devils are one of the races in Hell, demons are beings that tainted by hell’s energy. It could be humans, other races, animals, trees… basically, every living being could become demons. Here’s the important part, demons could corrupt others, making them new demons. There are many ways of said corruption, eating a demon’s flesh is one of them.”

Farley stopped to take a breath. “Demons are like cancer, they live to eat, procreate, and destruction. The Silver Legion is like a torch that burns the rot. One of their core purposes is to destroy demons.”

“So every beast tide mean a demon’s presence?” Viers asked again.

“No, there are natural causes. A high tier monster awakened from tens or hundreds of year’s dormancy, volcanic eruption destroying their habitat, things like that.” Farley answered.

“Isn’t the boars’ purpose is to weaken the combatants in Luxore? Wasting their Victa and things, but didn’t they get a lot of monster cores because they’re killing so many boars? Seems to me your strategy backfired.”

“Nope, cores from monsters tainted with demonic corruption are almost useless. And no one fool enough to make use of a corpse tainted by demonic corruption. They could have bodily mutation, descent into insanity, became bloodthirsty, starting to look at animals sexually… things like that. Usually, the church simply destroys the monster's carcass and cores. We saw some adventurers took the core, either they dont know or it serves as proof of their kill.”

To sum it up, no EXP points for the ones who fight demons, they spent precious Victa that they painstakingly accumulated, then they also don’t get much money from the fight. Wow, very good attrition strategy, I can use this… very sinister. I suppose the cults have their own way of surviving despite being weaker than the church.

After Farley finished giving him the news, Viers continued his training and building his strength. His master plan was slowly taking a concrete shape.

Summer is ending and the decisive battle is this winter, heheh. Winter is coming indeed.


“You’re leaving?” Paina was surprised. When Rose came to visit the dorm, she didn’t expect this at all.

“Yea, tomorrow I leave to Sephoria. Someone will train me there, at least, that’s what Ciel and Damon said.”

“I see… so you’re really going to be a Legionnaire. I don’t know what to say… Ah! I’m happy for you of course, it’s just… you’ll be going far away. I think I’ll be lonely.” Paina said sheepishly.

“Me too,” Rose hugged Paina, they both had tears forming in their eyes. “But I have to go, I have a responsibility now. Once I get settled, I’ll write you a letter, okay?”

“Mm, okay. Take care of yourself, don’t push yourself too hard.”

“Thank you, are Viers and Farley here? I want to say goodbye to them too,” Rose asked.

“Farley is away but Viers should be in his room, I’ll call him.” Paina left and went downstairs but she’s back shortly. “He’s not here, I think he just left.”

“Oh, that’s a shame but it can’t be helped. I must go, I’m sorry for the rush. There are still things to be done.” Rose was preparing to leave.

“Good luck Rose, may the Goddess’ blessing be upon you,” Paina said her farewell.

“And to you. Goddess willing, we will meet again.” Rose made a gesture of an intricate triangle, the mark of the Goddess, and bid Paina her goodbye.

Rose left the dorm, Paina accompanied her until the front entrance. They hugged each other one last time and tearfully separated. Viers watched from somewhere a bit far, hidden.

If what Farley said is true, Rose should be chosen by an angel. An angel’s blessing can raise one’s talent, she should be a tier 3 talent before but Farley said, she could be a tier 4 or even a tier 5. Mysterious ability may or may not included with the blessing. Also, also! She will be taken to Sephoria, the church’s HQ, to receive top-notch training from the best personnel. It’s like a high school girl from the countryside got a full scholarship to Harvard University, because an angel gave her a thumbs up. If this isn’t a cheat, I don’t know what is.

When Rose came to visit, Viers bolted out of his room from the window, like an adulterer caught in the act. He would not stay in the vicinity of an angel’s chosen if he can help it. Who knew what could happen. It wasn’t above his imagination if the angel could report him to Auntie Estelle which would then seal him under a mountain for five hundred years and decreed him to accompany a monk west after that.

“Well, at least she’s gone. She’s out of my hair now. I hope we’ll never meet again, amen,” Viers muttered.

Oh come on. Who’s gonna buy that crap? We’re totally gonna meet again! In some epic circumstances, in opposing side, swords drawn and magic cast, with the fate of ‘something important’ on the line… damn it!

Viers sighed long and hard, trying to exhale his worries.


Luxore town welcomed autumn in joy. The boar crisis had been truly resolved. Because of the Legion’s presence, the cults were too afraid to come out from whichever holes they were hiding. Although the Legion didn’t stay for long, the cults maintained wariness and remained hidden. For the Cult of Dumuzin that was half of the reason, the other was to heal from the Battle for Faith Water and preparing for their evil plan this winter.

After a tumultuous summer, a period of calm and peace arrived. For Viers, it was a time of wealth.

His one of a kind product, the Red Fairy wine sold like water on a desert. Each week he would brew ten bottles and it would always be sold out. Farley and company raised the price of one bottle to 10 crystals from the original 5 but it didn’t matter, the wine enthusiast loved the Red Fairy too much. Since Viers received 50% of the benefit, he got 50 crystals each week. It was the income of a magnate.

And this was just the numbers at the start.

Money, money, money, it’s a rich man’s world! Zeahahaha!

Viers could make more Red Fairy wine but he wisely opted not to. After he had enough crystals, he even lessened the wine’s production. This made the Red Fairy he made rarer and thus more precious. Viers wasn’t tempted by greed and kept the accumulation of wealth at a reasonable level. He disdained unnecessary attention.

Viers utilized his wealth to procure all kinds of items he would need to complete his plan. His plans had been completed and he polished it a few times. Now he moved to the experiment phase of his plan, to see if what he envisioned was really possible.

The contents of said plan? He kept it to himself, not even his mouth knew what’s in his head.


Styra Manor.

Six people were having a family dinner. While a dinner by no means an unusual thing in a family, this dinner was special.

At a long table, three people sat in the left row and two on the right. August, Monica, and Bernard were eating facing Farley and Gwen. This sitting arrangement was decreed by the head of the house who was currently sitting at the head of the table, Benjamin Styra.

The man looked like a small, withered tree. All of his hair was white and wrinkles covered his face. Despite only in his forties, the man appeared far older than he should.

The dinner was conducted in a solemn and silent manner. Nobody was talking to each other, only the sounds on clattering food utensils could be heard. Even the ten-year-old Gwen didn’t make unnecessary noise, although she looked nervous and trying hard to not make any mistakes.

“My children,” a voice broke the silence, “the time has come. The preparations are complete, thanks to your efforts.”

Benjamin continued, “Despite my absence and many setbacks, the fruit of our labors is ripe. The harvest is all that remains,” he took a glass of wine with his bony hand and rose it. “My gratitude to you all.”

“Not at all, father.” August also picked up a glass of wine.

“We want the same thing,” Monica spoke.

“All is Lord’s will,” Bernard, looking healthy, adjusted his glasses.

“Mm,” Benjamin agreed. “Tomorrow, we will be reborn!” The pitch of his voice rose up. “None shall stop us! For Lord Dumuzin!”

“For Lord Dumuzin!” The five children replied.

The head cultist drank the wine, and his children followed suit. Gwen had juice because she’s still small.

“Fu, a magnificent wine for this occasion. Wouldn’t you agree, Farley?” Benjamin asked.

“Of course, father. I chose the best wine for you, Red Fairy.”

“I’m sure all of us agreed there wouldn’t be a better wine for tonight,” Benjamin put down the empty glass. “Rest well, my children. We have a big day tomorrow… a glorious day for Lord Dumuzin.”



Farley closed the door of her room carefully.

“Is it done?”

A voice resounded in her head, Viers’s.

“Yes,” she replied with her mind.

“Good, then I won’t contact you anymore. Goodbye and good luck.”

“But-” Farley tried to retort but she was cut off.

She was in her room inside the Styra manor. It was hers… yet it felt eerie. No, not this room, she thought, this house… this family.

She slumped to the floor, weakly. She realized Viers had abandoned her.

Snow was slowly falling outside, covering the earth with a blanket of pure white.

Winter had come.


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