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Two out of three had been disabled. Test Subject C’s body way paralyzed and crumpled on the floor, while Jor wasn’t even sure if Test Subject B still drew breath or not. Now, he sought a one on one combat with Test Subject A. Jor wanted to measure how he would fare against another level 1.

The reasons B and C were defeated without much difficulty rooted in the fact that he ambushed them and his deadly toxin. The fight was a test but he wasn’t confident of a hundred percent victory so he fought using his monster form. If things started going south, he would poison Test Subject A and turned him into an asphyxiating fish out of water, honor be damned.

Frog and man came face to face like two gunmen in the Wild West before a duel. The frog squinted his eyes but it doesn’t feel right, Jor saw fear in A’s eyes but also the determination to fight for his life.

“Sand Shot!”

He waved his hand in a big way, tens of marble-sized sand balls shot through the air. It was a wide ranged attack, Jor suspected it was to counter his speed.

Water Wall! 

Jor made a small wall to protect his cat-sized body. It was sturdy enough to tank the damage. After weathering the barrage, Jor leaped forward. Unlike before, he didn’t aim to made skin contact with him. Jor got close to A, and tongue-speared him in the chest. He had cast Hard Impact Arte before releasing his tongue.

My tongue is hard and super-fast now, could it act as a spear?

“Sand Spike Cocoon!” A reacted before Jor released his tongue. He covered himself with a spiky eggshell. It protected him and pricked Jor’s taste organ.

Ow! That hurt…

Jor reeled back and another round of offense and defense continued. Jor found he wasn’t really outstripped him in anything but speed. Other than that, Jor’s defensive capability was higher somewhat higher.

Because of my monster skin? Maybe. If I fight him in human form, my speed won’t differ much either. On the other hand, I can use equip weapons and use tools in human form. In other words, monster form and human form have their own advantages. Monster form deciding factor is the monster’s unique quirk, in this case, the frog’s poison. Without it, my killing power drops considerably.

Still, based on my observation. Level 1 is about three times stronger than level 0. There are other factors involved but that’s the gist of it.

The battle reached the next phase, the white gas was mostly already dissipated by this point. Test Subject A started to take more risk to kill his opponent. It’s kill or be killed.

“Cage of Sand!”

Jor tried to get away but the cage generated faster than he moved. Jor hit a wall of sand and bounced back. A spherical cage trapped him from all sides. The next attack came before Jor able to react.

“Sand Grinding Vortex!”

A whirlwind of sand was generated inside the cage, thousands of sands swirling and grinding the enemy trapped inside it.

Uwwoooh!? Water Barrier!

Jor felt as if he was fruit in a blender, in the process of turning into juice. The barrier was holding but not for long. Trapped in a closed space with a cyclone of death, Jor did his utmost supporting the Arte that was preventing his demise.

Great attack, playtime is over huh? Then I shall answer in kind. Hmpgh!

Jor concentrated on an object near him, a body of water. In this warehouse, only one mass of water exists — his sword. Before Jor initiated combat in frog form, he half unsheathed his sword. This allowed him to pull the water inside it from a certain distance.

Using his hydrokinesis, Jor shaped a stake made of water and sent it flying to Test Subject A’s position. Jor was trapped inside a cage with no visibility so he couldn’t see where A was. He could only direct the stake to the last position he saw Test Subject A before the cage enveloped him.

A’s attention was fully directed at maintaining his two Artes so his awareness of his surroundings was lessened. He was oblivious to a 30 cm water stake slowly flying above his head.

Uoohh! I can do this, I can do this! The fucking frog will die and I will survive! Take that you blue, ugly, slimy, fr–

A’s thought was cut short because a foreign object entered his brain from the crown of his head. Jor manipulated the stake shaped water to be solid as possible and sent it downwards with such force that it penetrated A’s skull.

With the death of the user, the sand Artes dissipated bit by bit. Revealing a frog covered in scratches and bleeding red from all over his skin.

Jor observed the unmoving body of Test Subject A and his bleeding head. The stake returned to its liquid form and mixed with A’s blood. Sure he was dead, Jor relaxed.

Wheew… without my poison, it was a bit difficult. I hope this Arte is as effective as its price. Arte — Aqua Regen.

Frog-Jor was wrapped in a layer of water, similar to Water Barrier Arte. But the Arte effect was different, the wounds on his skin getting healed.

So comfortable… I could turn back to human form and maybe the wounds would be gone just like my fish transformation before but I don’t want to risk it. This form is too valuable for me, spending some Victa for its maintenance is the wise thing to do.

His wounds were many but not deep so it all healed in minutes. Jor returned to his human form and wore his clothes again. He turned toward the corpses and pray.

Three bad guys souls for those sacrificed children. Enjoy the good karma that comes from this kiddos, I’ll shoulder the bad karma. Alrighty then, forty-seven more to go. 

Now, give me my loot. Jor rubbed his hand together, anticipating new magic items or cold hard cash. The smoke magic item was one use only so he was down a magic item. But he realized something complicated.

I killed B and C with poison. One on his face and one on all over his clothes… If I touched them now, will I get poisoned?

Jor examined B’s face without touching it. The poisoned skin was deep purple colored at first but gradually returned to normal. Currently, no poison substance could be seen from outside. Only a pale skinned lifeless human with eyes wide open. Then he turned his head to C’s position.

…I cannot touch them. Too risky!

Afraid of his own Terribilis form poison, Jor could only scrounge A’s body. Sadly, the result was disappointing. A didn’t bring any money whatsoever with him. But the lack of valuables was understandable if Teorph cultists went out for combat.

They’re dirt poor. Even their equipment is mostly normal things. The only remotely valuable on him is this one vial of health potion. No worthwhile loot, damn it. I spend a lot of Victa for almost no gain? Their death is well deserved. Humph… I should go.

He dragged A and B to C’s place, the one with poison all over his clothes. B only got poisoned in his face so he felt somewhat safe dragging his feet, Jor used A’s glove for extra measure. Jor put the bodies together before burning them. He didn’t like to leave any trace of his activities.

The bodies were lit on fire in a somewhat spacious space inside the warehouse. He hoped the warehouse won’t be caught on fire later but if it was, he won’t lose sleep over it. Jor left the warehouse with three burning corpses inside.

I already used Deodorant Arte, it is effective for three hours so I shouldn’t be leaving scent for others to track. Time to return to the base, I still got a score to settle.

While Soris’ face appeared in his mind, Jor skitter in the night carefully.

He didn’t trigger the blood contract effect because he didn’t try to kill me directly. I know about this, indirect killing. Perhaps he might have succeeded if I was a level 0.

Along the way, he regretted one thing.

Why did I tell them that? Stupid, stupid. Why did I expose my how my mind works to my enemies like a third rate villain?

It was about his presentation before the church and cult people. While Scarlett was opening the tabernacle seal and the priests were bound.

Perhaps because I want to speak of it? To be understood? Is that’s why villains often explaining their ideals and motives? To explain their master plan in the cusps of fruition? Sigh… this must never happen again, I must learn from this. 

The remaining risk is now they know my psychology. If there was an MC material among them… Nope, all uncles and old guys. No MC among them. But Scarlett, Azure, and Soris are young, could be MC material. I really made a blunder this time.

During his contemplation, he arrived at the underground base. He found Azure and Soris were discussing something. They no longer donned their mask so Jor could see Azure’s worried and suspicious face. She caught sight of him approaching and beamed with a smile.

“Jor! You’re okay, thank goodness. Soris said you fell behind and caught by the pursuers.”

“Oh did he now? Well, not anymore.” Jor eyed the boy who attempted to murder him.

“…You’re back. I seem you’ve survived. It’s good to see you back.” Soris didn’t say it like something venomous but if felt burning nonetheless.

“Uh-huh, Soris, I challenge you to a fight to the death, in armed combat. No rules. The winner will have all of the loser’s possession.”

Jor and the others were inside a big room filled with people who had just returned after fighting their own battles. The heavily injured was moved to the infirmary, some didn’t yet return, but the room still had about twenty people. Jor spoke loud enough for them to hear.

“What? No, stop this!” Azure protested but Jor saw Soris baffled, then grinned from ear to ear.

“A duel to the death is sacred. Are you sure, coward?”

“The terms are as I said earlier, with Azure as the witness. Do you accept her as the arbiter, punk?” Jor didn’t back down.

“No! You both must not! We–” Azure tried to stop them but the two boys didn’t want to stop.

“Lady Azure witnessed the challenge and qualified as the arbiter. I accept your challenge! The time and place–” Soris smiled savagely, he was a hundred percent confident of his victory.

Soris thought Jor was consumed by rage and lose all semblance of common sense. People often did stupid things in overwhelming anger.

“I REFUSE! This must not–”

Azure’s voice was mixed with Soris’. Their voices were brought to an end with a lightning-fast blue slash.

“Cut the Crap!”

Jor struck then and there, severing Soris’ life from the mortal coil.


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