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[I wanted to make something special for the people supporting me on Patreon. Couldn’t go this far without you guys, so have a little something from me. Should have done this much earlier. There will be more in the future. I think. Fingers crossed.]



Carlo Galion wondered about the uncertainty of life.

The man came from a merchant family. The family was wealthy once but over the generations, that wealth dwindled. When it came to Carlo’s generation, it was clear that there wouldn't be any for the next generation because they were already struggling.

Carlo was smart. He saw the signs from a young age, so he made an effort to make something out of himself. He studied hard and distinguished himself from his peers in the classroom. He got called a bookworm and other unkind things by his classmates but he persisted. 

In no small part thanks to a female teacher who gave invaluable support that saw the young kid’s struggle. That made Carlo think how cool teachers were.

Thankfully, he had talent as a Pathseeker, steam 4. It belonged to one of the rarer affinity so it was harder to train but combined with his hard-working nature, he made do. He found jobs where he could and kept improving his Level bit by bit. Though he experienced many things, he secretly dreamed of a teaching job, to guide others like that teacher once did for him.

Compared to other nations in the Human Dominion, the Zetel Sultanate had more institutes for nurturing Pathseekers. When he was twenty-five, he got accepted as a teacher at a middle-class academy. Carlo managed to become Level 4 after his own fair share of brushes with death. Five years later became a dean at the age of thirty. Things were looking up.

His siblings were all good-for-nothings. Even though the family lacked wealth and the family business wasn't going well, they kept living like rich people. With his salary, Carlo sent some of his money home. Mostly for his parents but his siblings were also leeching, asking for more. Carlo sighed at the state of the Galion family. But they were his family so what could he do but grit his teeth and bear with them? He cut another portion from his wage for them.

At that time, his job was stable and he was doing something he loved so Carlo was more or less satisfied. Of course, there were some troublesome and annoying students, but that was just life.

It was extremely fortuitous circumstances that pushed him to Level 4 but with his teaching job taking up much of his time, and with most of his wages going to support his folks, Carlo had no delusion of reaching Level 5. His steam affinity was maxed out at 4 anyway.

When disaster struck, it came like a thunderbolt out of a blue sky.

Carlo got a job to lead a few students abroad for an exchange program. At the destination, Regidana city, some guy initiated an inheritance trial involving the talented young ones, his students included.

One of them was really talented. A bit cocky, but with the right guidance, should be a splendid Pathseeker. That student was also well-connected back home. For all intents and purposes, a VIP.

That student died in the trial, along with several other students.

Carlo’s boss back home placed all the blame on him to wash his hands from the mess. He was fired from his station as the dean and had to face the sadness and anger of the students’ families alone.

After losing his job and getting saddled with debt, Carlo had no choice other than to go back to his hometown. Then he found out that his father had recently passed away, following his mother who died five years earlier. Carlo's siblings already sold the house and divided what little wealth they had left. What was left for Carlo was just his family’s business permit.

Carlo mourned the passing of his dad and picked his life back up from the pieces. He decided to revive the family business. It was hard starting from zero since he had no assets or goods. However, unlike his siblings, Carlo had made something out of his life so far; he was a Level 4.

Over the years, little by little, he grew the shop to become middle-tier.

Carlo’s fortune didn't last. A new branch of the Magisterium was built in his hometown and the giant company outclassed the local merchants. The goods and prices they offered cut the income of the locals too much. Naturally, Carlo’s independent Galion company was no exception.

It was the famous conquering way of the super conglomerate. The local businesses had two choices, going under or being absorbed into the Magisterium.

Carlo racked his brain hard to solve the latest of life’s trials. Not only his, but his employee’s livelihood depended on it.

Weeks went by without a solution. He tried to change things but nothing was working. His shop’s income was getting less and less as time went by. Still, he didn't try to undercut the buyers by selling lower-quality goods and made sure his employees maintained the quality of their services.

Just as he was about to make a difficult decision, a young woman came for a visit.

He recognized the fairy-like woman with dark hair and white skin. A rare beauty in these rough parts of the country not too far from the border. She had also come here to buy things several times in the past.

“My fellow merchants told tales of a rain goddess that clenches the draught on the south that holds a staff just like yours. Welcome, your divinity. How may I be of service?”

Information was crucial for a merchant. Carlo covered his bases as a merchant.

The woman smiled kindly and denied she was any kind of goddess and offered her a business proposal. Hers were unusual requests but Carlo proved he was up to the task. When he finished and the profit was shared, she got him a bigger deal. This went on several times.

Carlo could smell a golden opportunity. That was why he tried his best to get the biggest profit possible for him and the woman. When the profit was so big, even he was tempted to skim some off the top but a voice in his heart told him not to. Because of the rain-caller young lady, his shop was not in the red anymore.

Then she brought him to the real deal. Carlo was led to Biome and met with the rain-caller’s boss, a young man named Viers.

“See the bounties of this Biome? How much money can you get me from them?” The young man with a confident small smile asked. Even though Carlo was older by twenty years and a Level 4, he wasn't afraid at all.

Carlo did a mental math and gave a realistic answer. A bit on the high side, but he was sure he could sell these products that high. The quality spoke for themselves.

Viers smiled and sent him back with a small plant. He said to plant it at a private and secure location and he would be waiting for the good news.

The next morning, strange plump beings with varied mushroom caps on top of their heads, only as high as Carlo’s knees, pushed three carts of fruits, medicinal herbs, magic-infused branches, and so on.

The Galion company’s revival began.

Carlo called in favors, contacted trustworthy business partners, and did everything he could to make sure the goods sold as well as they could. He triple-checked everything. Then he approached the potential buyers, wealthy ones. He didn't sell them all in one go, dangling a bait first.

Overwhelmingly positive feedback. People wanted more. Carlo used merchant talk and skills to drive the price up but kept it within reasonable limits. It didn't take long before the stock sold out. Many more came later to buy the goods, but they were too late. One even forcefully broke the locked door of his shop.

With heads held high, he reported the outcome to the supplier. The profit was even higher than his earlier estimation. Carlo knew there must be more high-end goods that Viers hadn't shown him yet.

Out of the blue, Viers offered him a soul contract.

After reading the terms and a short but deep contemplation, Carlo accepted. He couldn't afford to hesitate and pushed Viers away. Too much was at stake. He started to dream of being debtless. The contract was harsh but fair, he could live with that.

That was how Carlo had a seat at the Arcanum Club. He received a card and a codename: the Hanged Man.

He only knew a few people, Viers whose form was undisguised, and the rain-caller, who she later gave her name, Paina. Still, at the club meeting, he called her Temperance. The others were covered from head to toe with the same black garb.

After being introduced by Viers as a merchant at Zetel, the rest of the table flooded him with requests and questions. Carlo answered to the best of his ability and got a lot on his list before the next meeting commenced half a month later.

Over the next three years, as he completed more and more requests from Viers and the other members, their trust in him grew, entrusting him with more difficult and sensitive deals.

Viers’ products became the main attraction in Carlo’s shop, always sought after by other Pathseekers. Mostly Level 3 and below, but even some Level 4 showed interest in them sometimes. With Carlo’s help, they began selling quality wine that sold really well. Viers named it Red Delight. The shop going so well already irked the people who resided in the Magisterium branch’s ivory tower. Even without Viers’ warning, Carlo had made preparations for them. As the shop was getting bigger with time, the workload also increased. Viers introduced someone to Carlo, someone named Jito. He brought several other men with him. His work ethic couldn't be faulted.

Paina the Temperance seemed to be a dual affinity of sound and water based on her orders. She also often bought supplies for the Beastfolk refugees that she took care of farther down the south past the border. Zetel had a human supremacy country policy but Carlo didn't care. She also always seemed poor. Indeed, raising two affinities meant double the monetary burden. Plus the Beastfolk refugees. Feeling a kind of kinship and deep gratitude for her initial referral, Carlo always tried to give the kind lady extras whenever possible.

The Hermit was the next notable customer. This miss seemed to belong to the underworld of the Pathseeker world. She often requests illegal or dangerous items like poison. Still, her orders were always in large quantities, too much for one person. Must be for her organization. Carlo kept doing his business without any prejudice.

The High Priestess was a great alchemist or a doctor. She sometimes gave Carlo pills or potions and had him displayed in his shop. He took the response and feedback from the buyers and reported back to her, along with her money from selling the medicines of course. Over time, some customers asked Carlo for custom potions and sometimes, the High Priestess provided. Carlo’s image of the High Priestess was an eccentric pot-stirring crone. 

The rest of the club were also remarkable individuals. All of them were around Level 3 peak, and so young at an age. He sensed he was the oldest among them. According to what he picked up, Viers, who was rarely at the meeting, was already in Ascension to Level 4. A gathering of an incredible bunch.

He pieced together that they were mostly in Latias. The distance between them and Carlo presented opportunities. Carlo wasn't only selling, he was also buying. The amount of money he exchanged at each club meeting was staggering.

Arte Infusion materials were the most popular request from them. Things to make their Arte permanently stronger. It was quite natural for Level 3s and above. He also went through this money-gobbling phase in the past. Carlo gathered as much as he could from his area.

In the early days, Carlo tried to offer them Artes. It seemed a good call since the Zetel Sultanate was where the Magisterium’s presence was the strongest. When a Pathseeker wanted a new Arte, they bought it from the Magisterium. Even a kid in Zetel knew this. They were usually cheaper and better than making one on your own using monster cores and whatnot. The Magisterium’s Arte collection was vast, but surprisingly, there was not much interest among the club members.

Truly odd. Could they be making their Artes themselves? Truly incredible then.

Two years and four months had passed since he became the Hanged Man. A fitting moniker, since at the time he felt like he was living with a noose around his neck. Currently, his debt is almost fully paid. He once thought he would need to work for a hundred years to cover that sum.

Carlo began looking to the future.

Viers introduced new members, the Justice and the Lovers. The rest of the members seemed busy with the big tournament in Latias. Then what was next for him?

Would he become a teacher on the side? Some kids on Viers’ side could use a teacher. He was quite experienced if he said so himself.

Viers gave him a warning instead, as a business partner.

“Get stronger, Hanged Man. Some of us are already on the step of Level 4. Most aren't far behind. We will need access to greater resources. If you don't get stronger, that channel will be too narrow.”

There was truth in what Viers said.

It was just Carlo had given up on reaching Level 5 for some time. Ever since he became dean, he rarely made any improvement in his Path of Power.

Carlo wondered if there was still hope for him, for the door of Level 5 to open for some washed-out man like him.

A smile widened on his lips.

“No. Not yet…This uncle isn't going to let you kids surpass him yet.”



The church should know about Viers, his soul affinity and suspect that he's Tanael. Likely know/suspect that Viers is alive too. Someone somewhere must have decided not to investigate that for whatever reason. If main story won't touch it, I'd be interested in seeing this in a side story. About this chapter, I'm incredibly excited for Viers eventually taking over Magisterium with his villainous ways. It sounds like they may even deserve it.

Novel Addict

Loved it, I think interludes in general help the author with exploring his characters.

Adda Rash

"Carlo’s image of the High Priestess was an eccentric pot-stirring crone. The rest of the club were also remarkable individuals. All of them were around Level 3 peak, and so young at an age." Either he is strangely excluding Clarissa from his impression of everyone being a young level 3 peak or he is thinking of her as a particularly young crone. Maybe "witch" is better if it's not intended to be him thinking of her as old.