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Some say, when there are a hundred people, there are a hundred opinions.

“Ah, here they come… Look at them, one of them will be our future ruler.”

“Little birds. My youngest grandson is twice their age… What do they know of ruling?”

“So, so many. And those down there aren't even all of them.”

“The previous king sowed his seeds on every fertile field he found pretty. A lot of sprouts emerged. A virile man indeed. Goddess rest his damned soul.”

“The dead have it easy. They are free of worries. It is us, the living, who must deal with this mess now.”

“Unless you’re an undead.”

The jest created laughs that lasted for a few seconds. One of them then sighed.

“On one hand we have these greenhorns, on the other hand, we have the Chancellor’s iron-fist regime. The future of our country looks bleak.”

There were many people in the ballroom. Some created a clique among their own to talk between friends and acquaintances. One of them were nobles who were talking like scheming warlocks.

“So, gentlemen. Your opinion?”

“The oldest of the participating royals is Prince Lutz. He’s the 11th Prince. He’s 24 this year. He’s hard-working, generous, and well-liked by those under him. Character-wise, there are no particularly bad tendencies. Perhaps one, maybe. He’s highly paranoid. Notice all those protective items on his person?”

“The 1st to the 10th are all missing or dead. The nasty burn scar on his face is a token from an assassination attempt when he was less than ten summers. If his paranoia is the cause of his survival until now, I’d say it’s served him well.”

“Hmm… How’s his capability?”

“His middle name is the name of gems so it’s pretty good. However, his current backing is a bit dry. The most notable among them is the Yeteron Kingdom. A small kingdom at the northern border but he has made a Level 5 as his ally.”

“He’s 24 but he’s not yet Level 4… He’s at the edge of crossing and that is not bad progress. Certainly faster than almost all of my progeny. However, it doesn't scream extraordinary or anything.”

“We’ll see what he's made of in the Grand Prix then.”

“This is unconfirmed, but apparently the prince’s camp suffered a big hit a few days ago. One of the member of his team was heavily injured and won't be entering tomorrow's Prix.”

“Sure enough, the Prince has a shadow on his face. The man is a good-natured man but he seems to be born bearing an ill fortune.”

“...Who’s the next heavy hitter among them?”

“I’ve been following the prowess of the 26th Prince, Cassian. I believe he’s a serious contender for the throne. He gets things done and is not afraid to get his hands dirty. He swiftly put an end to a rebellion and has had no problem from the dissidents ever since.”

“What happened?”

“He let his pet monsters eat the ringleaders alive while his entire court is watching.”

“Geez. Don't tell me he’s a bad apple like his father.”

“He’s not easy to please and demands high from those under him, but with every problem he’s faced, he solved them whilst bringing benefit for his own side. He has significantly more backing than Prince Lutz and is a powerful tamer Pathseeker. Got two Deva-class monsters as part of his menagerie already and is eager to expand it. I’d say he has the disposition of a strong leader.”

“And what would it feel to be under the rule of such a king, I wonder? Not very comfortable to be sure.”

The noblemen silently contemplated the news for a moment.

“Gentlemen, may I guide your attention to the Prince wearing a blue suit on the left, please? That’s Prince Vadym Sapphire Latias. The 34th Prince, 19 years old.”

“Handsome chap, isn't he? What about this one?”

“I believe this fine young man is a very dangerous individual. He runs a successful business. How fortunate that many of the competitors die mysteriously or back out without a fight. That is how he was able to rise to such heights.”

“Assassinations and blackmails. Already swimming in dark waters I see.”

“His affinity is a rare one, star. Furthermore, a competent warrior, already tested and bloodied in the fields of combat. He and Prince Cassian have a fierce case of rivalry. He’s five years younger than Prince Lutz but has the same Level. When he was born, it was said there was an omen, a star shower.”

“I’ve heard about that too. I agree that Prince Vadym is a tough rock to crack.”

“His backing?”

“All lightweight… At least on the surface.”

“What do you mean?”

The man checked the magic item that provided privacy to their little group before answering.

“I have a strong suspicion he’s connected to the underworld. Very connected.”

“...You mean, those people?”

“Out of the seven, which one?”

“After my informant disappeared leaving no trace whatsoever but his little finger from my own manor, I did not probe further.”

These powerful nobles suddenly felt a chilly wind at the back of their neck.

“...How dangerous.”

“I agree.”

“What should we do?”

“Let the four dukes worry about that. We simply have to pay taxes to whoever sits on the fancy throne and govern our own land.”

“Wise words.”

The group called for replacement drinks and rested their tongues.

“I want to direct your attention to Princess Elvina next. The 38th born young lady. Age 19. A half-elf.”

“I confess I haven't heard of her. How exceptional is she?”

“She’s not exceptional at all.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Her middle name is Cinder, so you know the aptitude she was born with is mediocre at best. As you can see, she’s a Level 2 and that’s all she is able to be. Her ash affinity is only ash 2, you see. She won't be able to become Level 3 unless she improves her affinity somehow. I just do not know what she expects to gain by aiming for the throne.”

“Perhaps she’s only here for the Ball and not the Grand Prix?”

“No. Her eyes are the eyes of a fighter. She’s here to fight.”

“Then I pray the Goddess shows her mercy. As far as I know, she’s a very decent lady. She should be married at her age, or at least engaged. Her family's condition as it is, no one arranged it for her.”

“She’s still royal blood. The young bucks will still vie for her affection. See?”

“We still don't know the details of the Grand Prix this year since the four ducal houses kept it very tight but the contest is not for delicate young flowers. People die at the Grand Prix every time.”

“Next is… I suppose he’s not coming after all.”

“Who are you talking about?”

“The 40th Prince, Marvin. The last anyone heard of him was three years ago.”

“Then odds are he’s dead.”

“Yes. Speaking of talent, he might be the one with the most talent out of the entire generation that came from the loins of King Lahar. They said he was as lustful as his father but much more talented. Duke Lucan saw his potential early and betrothed his daughter to him. Then, all of a sudden, poof. He vanished into thin air.”

“Not necessarily. There are rumors in the underground that Prince Marvin is a cultist now. They said he went to them because the cult sent a hundred girls to his bed daily.”

“Is this true?”

“Just rumors. Who knows.”

“...Whatever the case, he’s gone. Tread carefully with this subject in front of Duke Lucan. He was, perhaps is, very pissed.”

“Haaah… Such a waste of talent. How often these geniuses die young.”

“That means they weren't geniuses after all. Speaking of talent, then we have to address the dragon in the room.”

“The 51st Prince, Croix Ash Latias, age 18. Somehow, the boy managed to make his dragon egg hatch while every other of his siblings had failed.”

“Dragons are whimsical creatures, though I don't believe they are born according to their own whims. It worries me how we still don't know how or why some eggs hatch and some do not.”

“The practice of handing a dragon egg to a newly born royal blood is a very old custom dating back to the founding of Latias. Some say it was the decree of the legendary first king. People get touchy when other people try to dig up information concerning the royal line’s legacy.”

“We monopolize some things from the commoners and those more powerful than us monopolize some things from us. Touché.”

“So what do we know about this Prince?”

“He’s been studying at the Sinclair Academy for three years so information is pretty easy to get. For us nobles who have nieces, grandsons, or other relatives in there anyway.”

“Well-mannered and kind, a softie, but many believe he’s destined for great things. Beside the dragon, he’s rumored to have forged his Intio at the Archion Volcano, which as you all well know, no one has succeeded for a long time. That’s two legendary feats for one so young.”

“On his own, he’s nothing special, but factoring his dragon, well… The drake is still young but there have been rare cases where the Prince made his dragon mature temporarily, to Rank 4.”

“He’s backed by the Countess of Stormberg. His aunt. She’s been a Level 5 for a long time; some suspect she could match with the Level 5s of the ducal houses. Though, it was only a conjecture at this point.”

“Countess Grace… When we were young, I tried to kiss her hand in a ball as per our time-honored greeting tradition. She froze my lips before they touched her skin. I bet the heart of the spinster has only gotten colder now.”

“The Countess’ distaste for politics is well known. Why is she backing her nephew now?”

“Perhaps the boy shows that much promise? One will not enter this mess if one feels there’s no winning chance.”

“Or perhaps she’s playing a different game altogether. Either way, Prince Croix is surely one to watch out for.”

“Ah, but he’s a radical of sorts. As fitting for a young man his age, Prince Croix seems to harbor a burning will and ambition. That ambition is to make the Latias Kingdom great again. Sounds good, yes? But his definition of good and ours might differ. See, the prince’s fondness for lowborns is common knowledge. The so-titled Poor Man’s Prince is comfortable sharing a table with them. One of his direct vassals is a known foreigner slave that someone picked up from the streets.”


“Many fear he likes the commoners more than us. His idea of Latias Kingdom isn't about the king or the nobility or the castles, but more about the people. The farmers, the shepherds, the poor and lice-ridden common folk. People are good but they have their place, beneath us. If he’s king, who knows what policies he will make.”

“A royal with a dangerous idea. Young people, so quick to discredit what the old have built for generations.”

“True, true. The young must learn more from the wisdom of the old.”

“We’ll see his character at the Grand Prix.”

“But the dragon is a wild card. Let us not forget that this nation was founded by a man and his dragon. Prince Croix has two legends on his side.”

“Let’s see how legend holds up when tested. Who else is worthy of note?”

The group of nobles discussed other young royals but it was clear their prospect was lesser compared to the earlier figures. They ceased their discussion when the four dukes arrived.

After a short joint speech, they revealed the shape and content of the Grand Prix, creating a heated discussion among the thousand people in the venue.

At this time, the presenter who had been silent for a long time, spoke again.

“Presenting, Celestine Amethyst Latias, the 49th Princess of the Latias Kingdom.”

Heads turned to the entrance, where they witnessed a princess dressed in black, who very much embodied the essence of the very title, elegantly walking down the stairs.

With a black dragon at her side.



Some aid because of all the new characters. Hope it helps to make sense of who is who. Ave Xia Rem Y's have been so helpful.

Lutz Diamond Latias, 11th, age 24
Cassian Onyx Latias, 26nd, age 20
Vadym Sapphire Latias, 34th, age 19
Elvina Cinder Latias, 38th, age 19
Marvin Topaz Latias, 40th, age 19
Celestine Amethyst Latias, 49th, age 18
Croix Ash Latias, 51st, age 18



Why is she backing her niece now?” *nephew


Wait, did this last princess just arrive after the Dukes?