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Davis retrieved Sieg and pulled a complete retreat. He had to pay a high sum to safely extract his nephew. Sieg did not accept it at first. He would rather die than be the subject of such colossal humiliation. Not until the man-behind-the-man appeared. Prince Lutz gave Sieg an inspiring speech about accepting defeat before Sieg reluctantly accepted the conclusion.

Viers oversaw their retreat until they got out of his Biome and home. Defeat was a bitter pill to swallow so the other side held quite a grudge. Croix’s half-brother, the 11th prince looked at the main architect of his defeat. He had an expression of ice on the outside but was boiling with rage on the inside. He was carving the face of Viers into his memory.

Unfortunately, Viers was wearing a disguise. The face he was wearing was not any of his persona but some random Joe. A futile effort on Lutz’s part.

After the event was over and the portal closed, Viers and Dia checked the Biome for some hidden method that they might have left behind. Viers was always through. Part of the reason he was so hard to catch.

After the two uprooted four abnormalities in a flash, they were joined by Farley, Clarissa, and a juvenile alien queen.

“Lord Viers, I’m glad to see you well. And congratulations on becoming Level 4,” Farley greeted Viers by lowering her head and pinching the hem of her skirt on both sides, raising it slightly to perform a curtsy.

“Hey everyone. It’s good to see you all. Wow, you all have changed. Really improved yourselves, huh? Excellent.”

Viers hadn't been seeing any of them of late. He didn't even show up at the club meetings. He had to focus on his own Ascension for these past few months.

After an hour or two of catching up, Viers took care of the loot from the invaders that lost their lives in the Biome and kept their souls. He then read all the mail that he had gotten, organizing his schedule.

The most important event in the near future would be the Latias Grand Prix which would begin in about one month. It wasn't strictly a race competition, but more like the Pathseeker Olympics. That was where Croix’s worthiness as a king vessel would be judged by the shakers and movers of Latias.

But two days before that, there would be a ball. A social gathering called the Emerith Grand Ball. it would be a high-society affair, a battlefield on its own. It would be filled with expensive dresses and exquisite wines, romantic music and elegant dances. But behind closed doors, there would be deals being made and promises broken, enmity sown and soap-opera dramas. It was called politics.

Only the elites were invited. In this ball, Croix would be introduced to other nobles who might become his allies or enemies.

As Croix’s vassal, Viers and Boram would attend that grandiose party. If there was an Arte shootout, they were expected to act as meat shields for Croix. That was what loyal vassals do, apparently.

Naturally, there would be other princes and princesses attending. Croix was only one of the star-studded cast of this event. Various Level 5s would be present, along with their families and vassals. Countess Grace was attending too, according to Croix’s letter.

Viers was calling it now. In that cauldron, there was no way violent chemical reactions would not happen in such a potent mix of fates.

A Level 4 in that event was nothing. Croix said there would be over twenty Level 5s at the ball. Truly exhilaratingly frightening.

“So Viers, what are your plans until the ball?” Clarissa asked over dinner.

“This month will be of much importance. I’ll need to familiarize myself with my Level 4 powers as soon as possible… There’s also the club chores piling up, souls to deal with, abilities to review, inspecting the company assets… It’s going to be a busy month.”

“So not meeting up with Pai-pai and the others? Dia misses them. Kin promised we’d gather together after you finished…” Dia looked down.

“We’ll have a party of our own right after the ball,” Viers smiled. “Most of us are going to the Grand Prix, even if not all will compete. Jessica will be bringing the kids.”

“Whohoooo!” Dia was ecstatic.

“They are thirteen years old now. Tim will be angry if Lord Viers keeps calling them kids. Right, Zerri?” Farley chuckled.

“True. I’m only four years old but Overlord never calls me kid.”

The dinner with good company was nice indeed. After a good night’s sleep -the most peaceful sleep he had in three years- Viers packed his gear and left the Biome in the morning, alone.

Viers would be doing something very important before an undoubtedly major arc in his Pathseeker journey.



Viers was standing before the city of Celedony. It was near the heartland of the Latias Kingdom. One of the neighboring cities next to the Crimson Capital.

It was only a mountain away from the nearest teleportation point. Jessica had traveled to many places during these three years. Paina had the same role in Zetel. Compared to three years ago, Viers’ teleportation network had grown tremendously.

Some were destroyed because of various reasons, not everyone was happy about wild mystic trees as Viers was.

“Ah… the sweet feeling of freedom,” Viers stretched while taking a deep breath.

Celedony was famous for its beauty and prosperity. The streets were well taken care of and the city invested heavily in security so money-carrying travelers could have a good time in the city, which led them to open their purses. The robust markets had more luxury goods compared to other cities. Many big shots had a villa here to spend their summer or winter.

Hmm… Feels like Paris.

Viers enjoyed the sights and landmarks as he walked the main road. He wasn't walking aimlessly, he had a destination in mind.

“...Found it.”

It was a small diner at the edge of the main street. The Glutton Whale.

Viers went inside. His stomach was rumbling. He skipped breakfast for this.

The interior depicted this place as a mid-low eatery, not the high-class places that highborns visited. There were no other customers even though it was lunch hour. Only a guy who seemed to be napping until he heard the sound of Viers coming in.

“Welcome. You want to eat something?”

The guy said curtly. He didn't look happy or displeased. A very brick-like expression. He looked like a former army vet with all the scars on his face, eyepatch, and hulking muscles.


“You know what this place is?” The look on the guy's face was like a police interrogator.


“You know the rules?” He pointed his thumb at the wall. The rules were written there.

The first one was: never enter the kitchen.

“I do.”

“Order up.”

“Gimme today’s special. Big size,” Viers said.

“How big are we talking?” The guy asked.

“Ever seen a Devadom Orca?”


“Size that can make that whale full.”

“Hmmm,” the guy crossed his arms. “Have enough money to pay?”

Viers placed a sack of mana crystals on the floor, showing the guy it was full. He had just gotten two thousand sacks as yesterday’s ransom.

“Coming right up.”

The guy stood up. He was over three meters tall. His head almost touched the ceiling. He went to the kitchen and the sound of cooking could be heard soon. Viers picked a table overlooking the street, where one could see the street and vice-versa.

There was the ungodly sound of a goblin being butchered from the inside or something similar. It could be heard by the passersby, creating curiosity and repulsion. Viers was reading a book without batting an eye.

Then the sound of butchering became the sound of battle. Viers could swear he heard the sound of a cavalry charge from the kitchen.

After a few weird things later, the cook who looked like an army vet returned with a plate big enough to feed a village. Viers already anticipated this and joined his table with three others. It looked like a tower of pancake steak, only each layer was different.

“Sorry for the wait,” he placed the food fitting for the giant tribe on the table.

There was no beauty in the dish and it looked unappetizing. The look from the passerby agreed.

“Smells delicious. Thanks, chef.”

Viers grabbed the knife and fork and started eating immediately. He was starving.

The portion of the dish was bigger than Viers himself. After the first bite and thoroughly enjoying the party of taste in his mouth, Viers gave a thumbs up to the chef.

The guy nodded and got back to sitting behind the counter.

Viers eating the food was drawing looks from passersby but he didn't care. Viers just ate in happiness.

As he ate, he felt his vitality increasing.

The restaurant Viers visited was a bit mysterious, and so was the chef. However, this place was famous in certain circles of foodie for serving monster dishes. The skill of the chef was top-notch too.

Viers didn't get the info from Twitter’s trending but from someone's soul.

The reason it wasn't popular was because of the expensive price tag every dish had, the chef's intimidating look, and the bad rumor surrounding the stage restaurant. The locals avoided the place.

Viers’ aim was simply good food.

After three years of constantly destroying and healing his body over and over again, Viers’ vitaly had dried up. His healing factor tapped directly from his life-span to work. Viers first order of business was stocking up his vitality again by eating food rich in vitality.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I got a food Arte, didn't I?

Arte - Power Food: Feast.

Oooh, it’s Feast? That chef’s skilled.

Power Food Arte was an Arte that would improve the user’s fullness, gains from eating the food, and its deliciousness. Based on the ingredients of the food and the skill of the cook, the effect would vary. There were five stages: Morsel, Snack, Meal, Feast, and Banquet.

Furthermore, Viers' newly upgraded Horizon made everything multiple times better.

This meat should be an assortment from different Rank 3 monsters. Probably only reaching Meal standard. The chef who cooked it elevated the final product.

Viers put a fork with a slice of meat into his mouth with a trembling hand. He was quite afraid, actually. Would it become so delicious his spirit got sent to heaven? Would he die by eating?

Only one way to find out.


On the street of Celedony, there were two women. One was speed walking and pulling the other. The former was clearly of high birth based on her appearance. The latter's dress was not as elaborate but still very nice.

“This way, this way. I guarantee you’re going to love the place.”

“Ufufu, slow down, Alice. The food or the restaurant won't run away.”

“My good friend is coming to town. I’ve got to treat her right. Right, I say!”

The pulled girl let out a sigh but she still smiled. The two soon stumbled upon a crowd.

“Oh my, what’s happening?” Alice got curious.


There was a guy who was eating an unreal amount of food with an expression of heavenly bliss.

“Wow… Is this the place?”

“No. Nu-uh. This place is bad news. Papa warned me. Let’s leave the weirdo.”

The other girl didn't object but she glanced at the guy that was eating happily one last time.

What a happy face. As if he has no problems in the world… That’s enviable.


Novel Addict

You have made me so hungry 🤤 I’m stuck at traffic in public transport 😔