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I've been in a predicament with Agrss. I've been unhappy with how it's becoming and I'm not as excited to work on it anymore, which is a big factor for the long times between updates.
This doesn't mean I don't want to finish the project anymore. I still want to do the project, just not in the form it's in currently.

I have two reasons for this:
The form, which is a visual novel. From the start, the projects I've always wanted to do are games, but I'm not a programmer so the only game I could do by myself is a vn.
My motivation and excitement for making a vn has been dwindling for a pretty long time now, and finally making a "real" game, CRIMR, is the final blow.

The art. I'm not happy with a lot of the art I did for the vn anymore. I've been improving as I work on the project and I want the full game to be in a quality I'll be happy with.
The art style is also a factor. I designed the reapers and drew their sheets during the early stages of the development, and I've been feeling like I'm being held back by the art style I drew them in back then.

If you don't consider my first reason, the solution would be to just redo the art I'm not happy with. Which is exactly what I did with the image here. But even after redoing the art, I'm still not satisfied when considering the overall composition and how it's used in the vn.

What now?
My plan for the project is to completely redo it in a different format rather than "just a vn."
It would still be the same story just delivered differently, so it's essentially still the same game. This doesn't mean I'll be scrapping everything I did for the vn thus far. Most of them would still be used, some would just be updated to be better—especially the lewds.
I'll be posting more info as I work on the project.




I would rather wait longer and have you happy with your game than continue work on a game that your heart isn't in. Another lewd game dev I follow had the same dilemma with one of his games, in fact in nearly identical fashion as well (VN and art for that specific game didn't meet his vision). Just do what makes you happy, as working on any form of art when you feel it's more of a job than a passion leads to unsatisfactory results.


Im here for the long run. Whatever you do im okay with

Pumpkin Jack

I'm here for the great story & lewd lol I'm ok with anything you do you made a great game Im hooked for the long run


Looking forward to it!


Do what you got to do my guy


I could tell something was wrong with you taking long times between updates and working on new projects instead of working on it. I think I speak for most if not all of us in that we're fine with whatever you make as long as you're passionate about it. I'm not even totally in it for the sexy times anymore (tho they are a big plus lol) I just wanna see where the reapers go and their stories. Whatever format you do that in is fine with me, as long as you enjoy doing it!


Take your time and experiment with different concepts and find one that inspires you (we're all in it for the long run). A project/product with no inspiration but most importantly no passion is bad for everyone.

Ring Tail

can i have the discord link


I love the current art as is, but do what you feel is the best for you. I'll be excited for new content either way.


You need to connect your discord here and be invited by the bot to get access to the patreon channels.

Ring Tail

how do you do that?


I understand completely. Do what you feel passionate about, that's how you can bring about the absolute best from your work


i would've loved to help you out, if only i finished learning/remembered how to use unity



鹿引 苏

Think about SLG,it's more like a game than a visual novel but can also rely on animes


I support your decision. I believe in the quality of your product. I believe that there is nothing less productive than working without motivation. :D


I'm glad that you are changing direction to meet your desires. Especially as it will allow you to pursue improvements in your craft. Always loved your art style, and really do love the improvements that you have shared. Looking forward to what you put together!


I'm gonna be honest. I wish I could have seen this post before subscribing seeing as you have no interest in updating the game I came here for.

Z Man

It's awesome to see How far this game has came so far also I really like your art style the vn vel was awesome and I wish you the best of luck in pursuing your goals with the redevelopment or upgrading of the game I have high hopes for this game in the future and can't wait to see more but I know it'll most definitely be worth the wait take your time and don't burn yourself out. Stay safe and Stay awesome.

leleblock HD

I came here for extra content of your game, I found some nice clips, sadly not a full game. BUT I have trust in you as a talented artist to continue this gem of a lewd game when you feel ready to. Some people have considered it, but I won't unsubscribe only because a one man/girl army of a dev team is taking his/her time to be happy with the resulting game. A good wine takes it's time, soo hope to see more of you in the future, whereever it will go.


the lewd scenes in the vn are bangers fwiw