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She ended up bigger and with grey fur, but just imagine it's the same engineer.

As usual with this kind of work, it'll get polished and tweaked in the future.

An update on my shoulder situation, I had a procedure done a week ago, but it's only going to have an effect in the long run (think two months). So far, I haven't noticed any improvement in mobility, but they zapped a nerve so the pain is dulled - so I can sleep again, and I'm trying my best to maintain productivity.




Looks like Engineer Rat went and got promoted to Helmswoman, good for her! Though I wasn't complaining on how... cozy the ship's engine room was getting with her around. It's awesome you're able to get some sleep now, thanks to the nerve zapping (sounds like something out of science fiction). I'd feel bad if you were doing these wonderful art pieces while in severe pain. May the next two months come by with you getting eight hours of healthy sleep.

Borusa Ryalam

Looks like even the engineering marvels of her, ahem, uniform, aren’t up to the task of containment~ And glad to hear that, at least, the pain’s been dulled!


My headcanon is the ship is something she cobbled together herself. And I've actually often been in pain when doing art for years. That's just how it is, really, when you're in constant pain. (I'm not currently in pain while doing art, and I'm much less distracted, so technically I'm doing pretty good right now, even though the problem hasn't been fixed.)


That underwear can't contain a rat of that magnitude! And yeah, that's been nice so far. I hope it lasts.