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Trying out the current style on the old red dragon design. I think it works, but it could do with some refinement.

edit: upped the contrast and saturation here and there, it felt really washed out looking at it a day later.

On a different note, there's an update on my shoulder issue. I *finally* got to visit the physio... and was told my case had progressed past the point where therapy can help. He wants me to get surgery, which will involve injections and prodding into my calcified shoulder, as well as using electroshock to numb some nerves so I don't feel the pain anymore. I guess that's to be expected when you're getting sent back and forth and made to wait for several months; things get worse. So now I'm forced to wait at least three weeks before I can get that surgery. And, he warned that it'll be a slow recovery after that - 6 months at best. So things are going to continue to suck for a while, which will likely mean I'll continue to draw a little slower than usual, though I'll do my best to pick up the pace a little.

Thanks for sticking with me so far.




Looks like that ol' dragon gal got more food from the last time we saw her. She is getting chubby like Themberchaud. 🥓🐲😍 Best wishes to your path to recovery, may it be peaceful and not painful. 🩺🏥🧡🤗


I think she's got quite a ways to go before she's *that* chubby. :P (probably working on it.) Thanks, hope so too!

Fal Chavamee

Looks like our friend Amy after she finished feeding on an entire dimension of demons. She was a fun character. I like her style. Also, I'm sorry you have to deal with this every day. Remember that 50% of healing is mental. Tell yourself that you are healed and try to maintain a positive attitude going into surgery. Do what you need to do to see yourself well. Envision it and hold on to it. I'm dealing with a major health issue myself. Recent development. Starts with a C. I'm sure you can guess. But I'm keeping a positive outlook. I know I will make it through and be stronger for it. Not trying to diminish your troubles. Pain is pain and it can have a profound effect on everyday life. But you have to envision a healthy you whatever it takes, even if you have to do a lot of legwork to get there. And you will get there.


I'll make it through, thanks. :) My shoulder is messed up, but emotionally I'm doing fine. But damn, I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. I hope you can beat it!