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It took a month, but it was finally my turn to get some scans at the hospital of my shoulder. It turns out I have a calcified tendon in my left shoulder and an inflamed bursa.

The good news is, there is no actual damage. The bad news is that this takes a while to heal, until then there will be pain and decreased mobility in my left arm. (I'm right handed, but I still need my left arm for things and it's very distracting to draw with pain.)

So, I will continue to try to make drawings, but progress will continue to be slow for a little bit longer. I do have something that's about 70% done, and I'll do my best to make at least three posts per month.


Borusa Ryalam

Don’t push yourself too hard, and allow yourself to heal, Meany!


Thank you for taking the time to give us a medical update. Please take all the time you need to make a FULL recovery, you are irreplaceable to all of us. ^^


Thank you! I don't know if a 'full' recovery is likely, given that this is just part of getting older. But hopefully I can reach 'good enough' sometime soonish.