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I was unhappy with the last harpy picture so I set out to work out the proportions from scratch. She kept changing and getting thicker and in the end became some kind of fey/harpy hybrid with considerable heft.

It was also an opportunity for me to re-learn/polish/improve some 3D skills - this entire model was made in 3D, even the wings are rigged and everything with textured feathers, etc. Spent soooo much time working around bugs in programs and plugins. It was a whole thing, but it didn't quite work out. But, useful skills learned, hopefully, and in the end it produced this drawing. (Mostly drawn over a render.) I got a new version of Clip Studio now, and it definitely has some nice features, one of which I used a lot in this picture. (Mostly repeatedly making her bigger without smudging her.)

I might come back to it later, it's gotten to that point where I need to work on something else for a while.



Fal Chavamee

always great to work on a new skill set. It looks like someone shined her up real good. Did his name start with an M and end in an eany? XD


I like how shiny she is, it fits well to her white wings and the glow of light against the darker background. Holy harpy, perhaps? Or catching a fey harpy on a good day.


I dunno if she's holy, she's probably not quite *that* wholesome. :p Probably the latter. :)