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Page 15 of the dragon comic is in the works but not finished yet. So instead I'm posting this.

I know there are at least a few people who are into this, so here is probably the last picture of the red demoness sequence. This is the point where she's a walking apocalypse, soaking up energy and souls like an unholy roomba. I added a version where she's exceeding her capacity, presumably any future pictures of her would be a mushroom cloud.



Alex de Vries

I wonder how she would look, if she was blessed with a natural tauric or ursine body type instead.


Well, as a bear she would look mostly the same, just covered in fur and with a bear head. Haven't done a taur like this though, probably it'd look like a headless horse from a distance.


Still not sure if I love or hate that character. On one side she's done so well. You've obviously put a ton of effort into this. The hellish atmosphere, the ripples and lighting effects on her skin. Her overal simple yet scary design. She's certainly unique, interesting and in a way enticing to look at. On the other side - well, she's obviously rather uncanny, but I guess she has to. In any case, some amazing work you did there! Also: lul at the unholy roomba.


In a way I think that's the best thing for her to be - interesting yet unsettling. I *don't* want her to be just another conventionally attractive succubus, but a humanoid demonic monster.