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Mass Effect!


By this point I take it you've scrapped the idea of any aesthetic changes to the Orca other than her Xbox hueg-ness. Nevertheless, the comic has been awesome so far so don't count that as criticism .

Alex de Vries

Exponential growth is awesome, she hit rock bottom rather fast. i do wonder how you will have her handle the planet itself, so far the critters always end up eating the crust and sucking up the magma.


Yeah some people like her, some don't. It's just not worth it to make major changes to her mid-comic, and I personally like the sleek look. I am mildly tempted to do a sort of poll or design the next critter in a stream, to get some feedback. However honestly I want her to appeal to me as well and a lot of people will ask for a blob, or for something else I'm not into. Feel free to give me a description of what kind of creature is ideal for you though.


That's completely understandable, man. I just remember you musing over the idea of it at the beginning and I was just wondering if you were still intending to follow through on it or not. Personally I like her design, but I also like growth stuff that goes beyond just size - so you can imagine why I'd be interested in it appearing in the comic. It's no big deal though. Regarding getting feedback for the creature's design for the next comic - from what you just said I think a poll would be the best direction to take since it would allow you to limit what people can request to a list of things you personally would enjoy drawing rather than leaving you at the mercy of a million fetishes. As for me, I don't really mind what creature it ends up being - but a hydra might be a cool path to take in terms of potential. More heds means more to eat.


I'm not into hydras, honestly. Maybe my taste range is just too limited? What I was thinking is do a mammal of some type for the next comic, but based on earlier polls, I have to say most people prefer dragons. It's quite a conundrum...