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Practicing the fur texture again. It's an improvement over the last one I think, at least it's scaled better for the viewing resolution. Still takes forever and a half but what can you do. Also I'm trying to adjust the style a little to make for a more cohesive whole. (Mostly through adjusting line thickness. I guess the democracy of lines isn't working for me anymore.)

In other news, I'm sick and probably won't be able to draw for a couple days, at least not seriously - I may still doodle a bit on one of those 'it'll be done whenever' projects.

Once I'm batter I may go back to this picture and add to it or do a background if I can come up with something that doesn't break the flow.

Edit: I'm still sick as a beet, but what else am I going to do besides draw? I can sit here and be miserable or be miserable while doing something fun. So I edited the pic a bit, I think it's an improvement. I'm definitely turning this into a sequence if I can.




How's your hand doing?


Thats good to hear. Don't stress it out to much! :)


Great work on the fur texture, looks really neat! The character in general looks cool and stockings are (I think) a new thing for you. Anyway, take care of you first hand. Hope you're better soon


Thanks! I intend to make those stockings burst in a later pic! And I will try...


Love foxy vamp lady! 😍 I hope your get better soon Meanybeany.


Thanks! I'm trying, but this may be a couple days. I'm gonna try to keep drawing though, because not doing anything just makes me more miserable.

Borusa Ryalam

Gonna imagine that that belly is a sloshy waterballoon~