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I just got my first covid shot, and my arm, shoulder and back are stiff and painful, and I'm quite fatigued. I've been trying to draw, but I'm barely able to produce anything atm. I'm gonna keep trying, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to make a third post this month. If I don't, sorry in advance.

I'm working again - I've been editing some older pics the past week, when I didn't have the energy to do complete new pics. I'll post the edits here - these aren't per se final, but probably pretty close. (Some are pretty minor edits.) 

I'll also include a WIP of a dragon head (part of a larger picture) that I've been working on. People have been asking me to post sketches here, so this is as good a time as any. I've been working on improving my dragon faces, especially by putting more effort and detail into the horns.

Of course, if anyone has feedback on them, let me know.




Hey, don't worry about it, that's completely understandable. When I got my first shot I slept a whole 20 hours without waking up^^

Alex de Vries

ill get my first shot on the 29th


It's all good MB


Speaking as someone who got bith shots...do NOT push yourself and keep up on the fluids. Getting proper rest is the difference between that awful fatigue lasting 3 days...or 3 weeks. Please rest up, your too important to suffer. ^^


Make sure to stretch it, have lots of water and rest up as long as you need : )


Health first, Art later. Get well soon Meanybeany!💛🙏


Yeah, your health is important. Take all the time you feel like you need to deal with the shot and recover. May things go well for you!

Borusa Ryalam

No worries, Meany, the shots kicked my butt, so I know how rough they can be; don't push yourself, just take it easy and some flu medication can help with the side-effects


Yeah, I did very little but rest the first couple days. I had to do *some* work though, or I go crazy.


I... should have probably stretched it some more. That might have sped up the recovery a bit, but then it's hard to stretch it when it's already sore and stiff, that tends to make it worse for me.


I think I'm operational again. 3 days is about the norm, right? I got a bit of work done on thursday and friday so I think I'm on track. :)


The rock lounging gal is my personal fave; washing dragon feets is a close second <3 Glad to see you're feeling better ^^

Fal Chavamee

Oh yeah, I especially like the new DT temple! What a great improvement! Her face is way better. The extra servants and background details gives it so much more life and vibrancy. I'm impressed. The new sketch is interesting too. Looks like it's coming along nicely. I assume you are going to add teeth at some point? Can't wait to see what's going on below the neck! XD


Thanks! And yes, there will be teeth. :p The rest of the body has been sketched out/drawn to an extent, but mostly I've been focussed on the head lately.