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There had to be a 'before' picture to the sequence. Not quite sure how many I'm going to do, but people seem to be into her so a couple more at least. I figure there should also be a story at some point.

As usual, when the series is done, I will upload the images in a single collection, in proper order and with edits.




you are my hero


She's very cute.


My, she's pretty indeed! Besides her cuteness, I for some reason really adore taurs who have a nice bit of rump going on. Oh and I also just now noticed that she has quite a long tail for a deer. Interesting. In any case, awesome work!


Thanks! And yeah, I gave her a long tail early on. I decided it worked better than a 'regular' deer tail.


I'm surprised no one has yet written a story about these amazing characters. I feel like they are begging for a story...