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I really wanted to draw this scene. It doesn't have any fetish stuff in it, but I thought it was important for the series.

Also, made a few minor edits to previous pictures, which will be included in the sequence once it's complete.




Yes, the origin of the rubber snake empress has been revealed! Lol Snek box.


You did a lovely job depicting the atmosphere on this scene.


Reminds me of the gremlins origins with gizmo.

Fal Chavamee

Been scratching the skin off my neck waiting for another beany fix. [snorts the picture] Ooh yes, this is some first class shit. XD Anyway, that was weird. Nice job on this. The detail is great. This is where he acquired his little friend it seems. I must say that I am as baffled as that fox seems to be by that apparent light fixture. Looks dangerous, like it may contain thousands of bioluminescent bees.

Borusa Ryalam

Box o' Snek~ That light fixture, though, gives the vibe of a radioactive beehive


It's been a while, sorry! ^^; And that's... probably exactly what it is! A magic beehive full of glowing bees.

Alex de Vries

i wonder what some of the other items would do on the backshelf. most notably what wonders does the glowly blue box and locked mini contain, they seem more antique then the other boxes.


I think the cardboard boxes just contain more magic items. The blue box probably is a magic item itself. Maybe a stasis trap containing something from a different era.