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First post of the year!

Decided to do a quadrupedal Seraphine werebear. (Normally she's anthro, thought this would be fun.)

I will probably edit this at some point in the future. If and when that happens, I will send a notification.

On that note, I'm including an edit of an earlier picture. I think it's a drastic improvement, even if it's still not quite 100% 'right'.

>edit: 2021-02-26 Made some tweaks to the face and mirrored the picture.




Heh reminds me of my dear Sushi


hehe, yeah! I think Seraphine is way friendlier though. :) She doesn't eat people.

Fal Chavamee

Hey, these all look great! Nice work!


She's a beauty!


This is absolutely stunning! Your creations are mind blowing and your comic stories are brilliant and entertaining. I know its a bit late now but I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and NewYear, you have no idea how uplifting it is to have my email chime and see it is a new piece from you and it is like this and makes a dull day so much better and bright ^^


Thank you so much! I hope you had a good new year and christmas too. I'm glad my work brings a little bit of light to dreary days for you. :)


She is lovely! 😍 Great work and improvements!


What a cutie! Bet she'd be great to cuddle up to in this cold weather.