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The original idea for this image had the wings with a star pattern on them, but given the composition it would have just been clutter.

In my headcanon, dragons aren't greedy per se. But they do sometimes hoard *something*. That can be books, art, or... lego...

I don't know if I'll do another post this month as there are several things I'm thinking about doing, and I'm finding lately I get much more satisfaction out of doing more elaborate pictures that tend to take a while. I want to thank everyone for supporting me thus far, you keep the lights on in more ways than one! (Also, I received your message, James, but I can't access it on Patreon for some reason. Thank you!) 




Very nice Bean! This is a good one!

Alex de Vries

a lair guarded by lego, the sneaky halfing thieves wont know what hell awaits them.


she's excellent, very adorable!


"Uncle bilbo, please tell us again how you lost all sensation in your feet and became terrified of small colorful blocks?"


What a lovely dragon! I have my fair share of a lego hoard as well, to keep me happy. Your welcome for the support we give you, its always a pleasure to see art from you Meanybeany. 😍

Fal Chavamee

Very nice! I like the lighting on the horns. I like the eye color also. The background has an interesting texture and works well with the lighting. Great work!


Thank you! I'm surprised with how well the magical jewelry lighting turned out!


I think so too. ^^ It probably needs a command word to turn them all on and off though...

Draken Fireen

the scale of the hoard to dragon is an Interesting one, most would expect the dragon to lay on the pile, but in this her paw pats the top of the pile, is a interesting twist and unique! i love it! also the dark room but the glow and lighting is a nice touch, it makes me think of whats going on in the pic and asking questions, like Why the pile is small? why is she in a dark room? whats the meaning of the light glowing behind her? this picture gets alot done with little detail that makes a story about this, great work!


Thank you, it makes me happy you appreciate all the lighting stuff I put into this pic. :) There's nothing going on really, maybe the dragon spotted someone in their cave? The pile is small because lego is expensive! The backlight is just there for atmosphere...