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This month, I'm going to try to focus on composition and try to make pictures more immersive. Don't know how many I'll actually be able to do as my wrists are acting up and this pic took me quite a while because of that. But, at least I did another picture of that centaur girl whose name is almost decided upon!



Alex de Vries

that a big ass booty, to much for mere men.


Oooh big centaurs. Definitely not enough love in this category.


That hard taurtanium cock riding her good. 😍

Theo Winters

I really like how i turned out.


Very nice Meanybeany. Centaurs are one of my favorite mythology creatures. Sorry to hear about wrists bothering you. Have you considered using MSM powder to help ease the pain? My brother's Hanchi (master Karate instructor) swears by the stuff to help with pain in the joints. You can find it on sites that sell natural supplements online.


Heya, glad you like them! As for my wrists, it's actually the tendons that are overworked, and there's no real 'fix'...