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hmm, i'm somewhat thinking about how shes got bad memories to her past, and i'm thinking at some point she might snap at him if he says shes getting too big. after all, shes loving the growth and getting bigger for protecting her man.and her last owner kept her so small and frail. of course i'm only guessing.


She's not the type to snap at him. Instead she would just sneak out on her own and eat things when he's not looking. I may need to do that in the comic.


Do you have the nsfw stuff planned out? for now i dont really have that feeling its specifically a nsfw comic, more like your usual comics. I definitively love it, no doubt in that! But i do have to be honest i expected a little bit more nsfw action by now. Do take it as feedback btw, just my personal opinion really ;)


There will be more sex, for sure. However, the rules are that even if there's just one sex scene, the whole thing is NSFW. I take it though, you want more sex scenes in general? I have some ideas for how to arrange growth during sex...