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This picture is certain to get tweaked a bit in the future. But, after three days of working on it nonstop, I'm becoming blind to my own mistakes. So, I'm going to move on and come back to it later.

This will become part of the space orca dragon sequence, and I'll adjust the other pictures to include her dorsal fin and tail fluke.

So far I think this one is my favorite in the series, it simply has the most expression and interaction.




I like it a lot, the expressions are great here like you said. Whose more powerful though, this all-devouring space orca, or the other all-devouring space orca you drew a few years back? These questions are important if I need to pick a side later


Sweet smoochy woochy!


Gotta love an orca


This is so full of life and expression the coloring and details are fantastic ^^