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For picture 01C I wanted to show that the dragon likes that she's growing, and for it to be cute.

Picture 10 is meant to be a little intimidating, as the guy realizes just what he's unleashed as the dragon's body fills the background.




I remember doing that as a kid hoping a bowl of KIX was going to make me grow taller.


What makes her grow? Food? Love? "Love"(jizz/sex)?

Borusa Ryalam

Intimidating, arousing, same diff~


Heheh. Well, whatever it is these two are doing, it definitely *is* working. ^^


I think in the end you must gave a pack with all pictures in the right order... I totaly lost track already o.o"

Draken Fireen

he ONLY now realizes the fate of the world is in his hands! and nothing he can do now to stop the growing dragoness to consume everything in her path and some! but afterwards she prolly would need a lil fun with a human if she can feel em from her size that is.


Well, more like, the fate of the world is *out* of his hands now... <.<


Let's hope she relishes in all the power her growth is giving her! Worship the Paw!