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Alright, I'm calling the poll done. Serious voting has stopped and someone just pledged multiple times to vote four times in the poll. (I can see who voted for what, I'm just going to discount their vote.)

Not taking cheaters into account, the feral dino feeding and inflat-a-saurus are tied for first place. 

-I'm going to go with the feral dino feeding for the next comic.

-I will do something else for inflat-a-saurus. Likely a series of loose pics done now and then. I will see if I can do a pool party and ask top supporters (measured by their amount of past and current support per month, I can look all that stuff up) if they want cameos.

-The next comic after that (If the world hasn't gone to shit by then.) will be Rebecca's story.



Sounds like a solid idea! Good luck on all of them!

Draken Fireen

oops it must of registered double to me, sorry about the double vote, i did voted cause it said "you can select Multiple Options if you like" is what i thought you ment


Nono, it wasn't you, don't worry. Someone created multiple accounts and voted with each of them.