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I think this is basically what people want from this page?

Already at work on page 21 - this comic will go past 20 pages, I'm not sure where it'll stop. Honestly, I should stop caring about comics being a specific number of pages, and just continue them to whatever endpoint works.




Your practice drawing cellshaded style really seems to be paying off. It's always amazing how much a single tone can add depth to an image. Not to mention you're able to produce these pages crazy fast, I envy that dedication.


Thanks! I'm fairly happy with how the style is developing, though much of it depends on the background, which still needs to be drawn in the old style. Also, is one page per day crazy fast? I mean, that's roughly the speed I'm at right now and it's certainly super fast *by my standards* but I don't know how fast other people work.


Getting hotter still! Her body is changing and she isn't aware of the changes (except in size), getting more powerful throat muscles, plus the refreshment all the way! I'm yet to still work out her motive for this growth?


Not caring about limiting a comic at pages? Thats a Spirit keep on giong!


also why not make acomic series out of it


i mean an comic that goes on and not necessary has to do with growth all the time with a set of characters and such


that's a good system to try, you don't have to limit your self if you don't wish to,


thanks! As for her motive, I think she wants to be a dragon. ^^ That's typically something kobolds want. :)


I dunno about doing a 'normal' comic. There is only going to be limited interest in that.


*nods* In retrospect, what was I even thinking, forcing every comic to be exactly 20 pages long?

Borusa Ryalam

(And yeah, square peg/round hole, better to give it a natural endpoint, rather than forcing it)


I think that's a good idea too. Some comics you've done I felt worked being short as they are and others worked being longer.