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Thanks everyone for supporting this story. Additional thanks to Talos for helping me with editing the story itself.



Characters, Story, Images © 2018 Meanybeany

1 The Chase

Casper leapt over rotted logs and ran through mud puddles. His merchant outfit had been reduced to filthy rags, his boots were almost worn out. The man’s light brown hair was a dirty mop on his dirty, frightful face. Without stopping, he briefly glanced behind him, almost slamming into a mass of strangely shaped tree roots. 

In the distance, a hundred men wearing steel plate armor and red capes cut a path through the jungle, following the lone man. The soldiers were a mob, no formation or order guiding them, their eyes red and white with hate and zeal. At the head of the shapeless mob, a banner displayed a stylized bloodhound with a crown hovering over it. Further behind them still, a pair of large sailing ships lay at anchor, their livery including the same crowned hound.

As he ran, Casper could see a small hole in the ground coming up ahead. It was just large enough for him to fit through, and it was so surrounded by roots and bushes he estimated it could only be seen from this one specific angle. In the split second he could afford, Casper stopped and looked into the hole. A wooden ladder led down into darkness through a narrow tunnel of earth. The wood was somewhat moldy, but it could perhaps hold his weight. He didn’t have time to test or think. He climbed down the ladder as quickly as he could, his hurting hands, damaged boots, and tired limbs making his descent unsteady. As he descended into the darkness, his grip slipped and he tumbled the rest of the way.

Back in the jungle, the throng of soldiers came to a halt. The lead man, who was wearing a fully enclosed helmet with no visor or eye slits held up a hand. “Halt, halt! Signal’s lost.” He shouted. He held one hand against the heavy helmet as he looked left and right, as though trying to spot something.

2 A Brief Respite

Casper opened his eyes to darkness. He wasn’t even sure he had opened them. Maybe they were swollen shut? Everything on his head hurt. Arms outstretched he stumbled through the dark, bumping into wooden crates and nearly tripping before he found a door.

He opened it slowly and on the other side was a workplace of some kind. The room was poorly lit by a glowing gem in the ceiling, with several tables full of dirty alchemical equipment, some of which was bubbling and working even now. Casper entered the room and closed the door behind him. There was no one here, but signs of recent activity were everywhere. Shoeprints on the dirty floor, several coffee mugs with small amounts of brown liquid, several loose coins, not covered in dust, on the very dusty table. Some areas of the table were largely clean of dust, indicating spots where someone had worked. Whoever lived here did not keep a clean house. There were a few more doors leading out of the room, all closed.

Not wanting to offend whoever lived here, Casper left the coins and opened one of the other doors. The next room was better lit, but not better cleaned. There were couches facing a black plaque set against a wall – probably a device from a different world, Casper had seen them before. He walked past the primitive entertainment device and into the rest of the room. An enormous pile of trash blocked access to one door, but another door was still accessible. A row of small cages sat on a table, each containing a single small animal. A few rodents, a lizard, a snake, and some kind of squid. Several of the creatures eyed him as he passed by and entered another door to briefly examine the kitchen.

Not finding anyone there, he called out. “Hello? Is anyone home?”

“Quiet! You don’t want him to find you!” A soft female voice sounded from nearby.

“Excuse me? Who is there?” Casper said, a bit softer, looking around for the source of the voice.

“Down here.” She said.

Casper looked down, seeing one of the cages there. The tiny silver lizard was talking to him.

“Who are you?” The lizard asked.

Casper scratched his head. He had encountered speaking creatures before, this was not particularly unusual to him, but it had caught him off-guard. “Oh, hi. I’m Casper, I fell in a hole and ended up here. Where is the home owner?”

The lizard spoke again, a little quicker this time. “Right. Okay, the home owner is an evil wizard and he will probably rip out your skeleton and make it beat what’s left of you to death when he finds you.”

Casper swallowed the spittle and blood that had been accumulating in his mouth since he fell down the stairs. “Er, I didn’t break anything. I didn’t mean to break in either, I was just fleeing.”

The tiny lizard rolled her tiny eyes. “What part of ‘evil wizard’ and ‘rip out your skeleton’ was unclear to you?”

Casper nodded, a bit more nervous now. He had thought he was safe for the moment, but perhaps he had merely gotten into more trouble. Leaning closer to the cage, he whispered into it. “Okay, so what do I do? Is there somewhere safe nearby?”

“No, but you can run. Also, please take me with you?” The lizard pleaded.

“I don’t know if you want that. I’m being chased by an angry mob of soldiers.” Casper responded.

“Are they scarier than an evil necromancer wizard?” The lizard asked.

“I don’t know. I think both can kill you pretty easily.” Casper said.

“I’ll take my chances.” The lizard concluded.

Casper shrugged and opened the cage door. He held his hand inside to allow the tiny lizard to crawl onto him. She settled onto his shoulder. “Onward ho!” She joked. “No seriously, you should get going before Nicomedes returns. I wasn’t kidding about the skeleton stuff.”

“What’s your name, by the way?” Casper asked as he turned around. “I’m Marisella, Mari for short.” She responded.

Mari directed Casper out of the dwelling. He took the coins with him, as the wizard would be mad at him for taking his lizard anyway, and Mari insisted Casper take the soap and shampoo and other bath things as well. “He’s not even going to notice it’s gone, trust me.” She insisted. The exit led to a small natural cavern that exited through a waterfall. “In that direction, a couple days away, is a village. Probably.” Mari pointed into the jungle.

“What do you mean, probably?” Casper asked. The lizard shrugged. “I don’t know if it’s still there. Maybe Nicomedes killed them all?” Casper shrugged. “Okay. That’s fair.” And he started walking in the direction of the village. “Oh, could you stop shrugging so much? You’re going to throw me off if you keep doing it.” Mari added.

It wasn’t long before the sounds of shouting and clanging caught up with them. “Oh crap.” Casper said as he sped up his walk. “It’s my friends.”

“What do they want you for?” Mari asked.

“Long story short, I was a junior dungeon delver for the Caris Empire. I was on my third assignment when I was cursed by a magical artifact, basically it put me under a permanent magical effect. And, because in the Caris Empire magic is forbidden to anyone not of noble blood, they decided to capture me for the ritual leeching.” He paused to look around for a moment before continuing. “It’s where they bleed you out and suck up your magical abilities to fuel theirs. The process kills the sacrifice, obviously.”

“And they sent an army after you just so they can leech you? Seems a bit excessive.” Mari asked, skeptical.

“Well, my curse is pretty peculiar. I think they want it.” Casper panted.

“You’re not going to explode or anything, are you?” Mari asked, a bit more nervous now.

“Nah. Er, it’s erm… basically, my semen is cursed to make things grow bigger. There’s a prostitute in Cariso City who is twenty foot tall now, if you can believe that.” Casper added, in a lower tone. “If they didn’t kill him.”

“Hmmmm…” Mari added as Casper hurried further through the jungle.

3 The Plan

Later that day, near the evening, they still were nowhere near reaching the village, but they had at least left their heavily armored pursuers behind for now. Casper sat down against moss-covered rock and caught his breath. He had been on the run non-stop since being cursed, which was a month ago. He had built up considerable endurance since then; in fact he had never been in better shape. Mari clambered over the rock behind him, looking around but not straying too far from the human. “Those idiots are persistent. What’s in it for them anyway?” She asked, still trying to grasp the madness of the situation Casper was trying to escape.

Casper sighed. “Eh. Status. Belonging. Sadism. Some money. Whatever motivates fanatics. In the end, it doesn’t matter; they were ordered to bring me back and that’s what they’ll do.”

The tiny silver lizard climbed back down and onto Casper’s lap. “So, I’ve been thinking. Maybe we can solve both our problems at once.” 

Casper raised an eyebrow. “Get the wizard and the goons to fight each other?” 

Mari shook her head. “No no. You know what defeats both a wizard and a bunch of steel-plated goons?” 

Casper sighed. “What?” 

Mari added: “A giant dragon.”

Casper chuckled. “Where are we going to get one?” Mari huffed a little. “You make one, of course! Out of a smaller dragon.” After an awkward pause she added. “Me! I’m a dragon.” It took Casper a few moments to process. “Oh, right. I thought you were a lizard. Sorry.” Mari rolled her eyes and demonstrated her dragon-ness by breathing a tiny amount of fire into the air nearby. It was a small flame, but Casper could still feel the heat. “Oh, okay, I believe you. No need to show off.” Casper added hurriedly. He wasn’t afraid she would use the fire against him, but he felt he had insulted her by not recognizing that she was a dragon. “I’m sorry, I just… thought dragons were bigger.” Mari responded, a little less annoyed. “Evil wizard, remember? The snake in the cage next to me was the size of a castle when he found her. I’m glad she was sleeping when you came in. She’s a jerk.”

“Okay, so, let me get this straight. You want me to have sex with you, so you can grow to giant size, and that will stop the wizard and the imperial bloodhounds from chasing us?” Casper said as he took the last of his clothes off. “That’s the plan.” Mari responded.

He sat himself down again, leaning back against the rock, and let the tiny silver dragon climb onto him. She was less than a foot long, he had no idea how this was going to work. But if it meant he could stop running, it was worth a shot. She sat down behind his member, which took little incentive to grow erect. “Hey chief! How do I make this thing go?” She laughed as she put one paw on the tip.

Mari put her forepaws around what was to her a huge column of meat, and proceeded to lick the business end. She paused a moment to carefully position her hind paws where they could also somewhat stroke the shaft. She continued doing this for a few minutes, getting it to throb, but that was about it. “A little help here?” She pleaded. It was humiliating to have to ask for help, but there wasn’t much she could do beyond giving his member a full-body massage. Casper’s hand came down and rubbed his penis, and then rubbed the tiny dragon against said penis. A few minutes later a little bit of pre emerged from the tip, which Mari greedily lapped up.

Immediately, Mari felt pressure welling up inside of her. She could feel her flesh expanding under her skin, stretching her form like a balloon. Gasping in pleasure, she lost hold of the penis, but Casper caught hold of her as she slid off. Panting and gasping in rhythm with the spurts of growth, she pawed in front of herself with her still tiny paws, tongue lolling to the side. Her weight was steadily increasing, but it was still nowhere near a problem for Casper. By the time the growth wore off she had almost tripled in size, and her arousal was building too, fucking Casper was all she could think of. She turned around in his hands and stood up, her fore paws pressing against his chest, and her hind paws on his thighs. She placed her slit against his still erect penis and pressed down. It was tight, so tight. Maybe she was still too small for this, but if this was the case, it didn’t register. She squeezed herself around Casper’s member, panting and squealing as she slowly went down. Mari started grinding up and down, but the fit was so tight it forced her to move slowly. She licked his chest, and tried stroking him, but found she couldn’t really do much in this position; she was essentially impaled on a much larger creature.

As the small dragon impaled herself on his penis so tightly, Casper could feel himself starting to build up to a climax. He gently held her against himself, letting her smooth body press against his abdomen and chest. He was afraid he’d hurt her, though she didn’t appear to be concerned at all. She continued grinding against him, panting and gasping and squealing. Eventually he came, and as he started spurting his load into the dragon, he could feel her silver skin stretching. Her weight shifted on him as again mass appeared out of nowhere. Her grip on him loosened as she grew large enough to make the fit comfortable. Immediately she slid down all the way and gasped, riding him more aggressively, her paws grabbing further and further around him as she grew. As the dragon swelled to the sound of stretching skin, her neck lengthened enough for her head to reach Casper’s, she kissed him hungrily, as though she were greedily devouring love. Her head rose higher, going past Casper’s head and higher still, her hands found their way around his back, pulling him against her tightly as she grew larger, longer, and thicker. The weight of the silver dragoness expanded more, and he lost his balance. The two of them fell sideways, away from the rock Casper had been leaning on. Mari kept growing, and her forepaws moved on to the back of Casper’s head while she arched her back, finally orgasming and screaming.

They lay there for a few precious minutes. Mari toyed with Casper’s hair, sniffed it, and regretted it. “You really need a bath, Casper.” She said. “I’d love a bath.” He responded. “How about after a quick nap?” 

4 Clean Fun

A few hours later, Mari licked Casper’s face, waking him up. “Hey. You ready?” He righted himself groggily, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. “It’s still night. Ready for what?” Mari rolled her eyes. “For the next session, of course. I’m not exactly ready yet to take on our pursuers. Obviously.” Casper nodded. “Right, of course.” He drank from his water skin and rolled over on his back. “Let’s do this.” He said. He was thankful recent experiences had given him this great stamina. 

Instead of mounting him, Mari nuzzled into his side, pushing him up. “Bath first. We both smell like troll asses.” She said as she nudged him towards a nearby stream, his backpack in her mouth. The river was calm and clear, the purple sky and bright full moon reflected on the water’s surface.

Mari insisted they clean each other rather than themselves. The dragoness lay on her back in the water, with Casper sitting on her belly, his back towards her head while she washed his back and hair. “Are there dragons where you’re from, Casper?” She asked, pulling a twig out of his hair.

“The nobles keep a few as pets. Or slaves, depending how you look at it. They treat them better than the human slaves, at least.” Casper responded.

“And they kill commoners if they have magic? No offense Casper, but your country sounds like it’s something that fell out of a troll’s butt.” Mari said, rubbing shampoo into Casper’s hair with her paws.

“Yeah, it sort of is. The food is great though. And nice hospitality. So long as you don’t stray into the noble districts.” Casper responded with his eyes closed to avoid the shampoo.

“I think I’d like the food, but not much else. You should make some of that food when we get to the village, I’m curious.” Mari let the shampoo sit for a moment while she washed the rest of him, taking a long time to clean his groin very thoroughly. She swam backwards and sank into the river just enough to wash everything out of his hair before coming back up. She lay on her side seductively, hind leg outstretched. “My turn…”

Casper took the stolen sponge, which he knew to in fact be a dead sea creature, and started polishing the dragon’s hide. There was a little bit of dirt on her, but she had sat on his shoulder the whole day, and that little dirt was now spread out over a much larger dragon. He started with her head, one hand under it, the other moving the sponge across her sleek features and her red fins. From there he proceeded to do her neck and chest, and her forepaws. “So what do dragons do for fun?” He asked.

“I dunno.” Mari responded. “That’s like asking what do humans do for fun. I personally liked watching stage plays, reading, going to the beach and eating ice cream. And some other stuff.”

“That’s fair. I liked the beach too. Couldn’t get ice cream of course, since you need magic to make it when it’s not winter.” He moved further down to her belly and she cooed and rolled on her back to give him better access.

“You’re in for a treat then, because your country’s stupid laws don’t exist out here.” She answered. “If we can find a wizard who’s not a murderous psychopath anyway. We could probably pay one to cast a spell for us in the village or one of the cities further in.”

Casper sat on her belly, in the same position as before, cleaning her feet and toes one by one. “Probably going to be expensive. We have, what, twelve copper pieces?”

“Probably. And I didn’t count them.”  She said. Mari closed her eyes, enjoying the rubbing for a little bit. She moaned when Casper carefully and slowly cleaned her nether region.

“Do dragons have magic?” Casper asked, polishing the dragon’s haunches.

“Some do. Most can assume a human or elven form. That’s all I can do, honestly. Well that and breathe fire. The fire is technically magic, it’s not like I’m spitting a burning liquid.” Mari relaxed when he moved on to clean her tail. 

“You can assume human form?” Casper asked, a bit surprised. “Then why don’t you?”

Mari rolled her eyes. “Pfft. Why?” She rolled over for the last bit, and let him clean her back and dorsal fins. When Casper was done, the dragon’s skin was as shiny and reflective as a mirror. The two of them came out of the water and Casper put the bathing items back in his tattered backpack.

5 Another Go

The two of them laid down next to each other and embraced, Mari’s fore paws flanking Casper’s face, and Casper’s hands around Mari’s back. She bent her neck to kiss him, her breath hot and her tongue overwhelmingly large for his human mouth. She pushed sideways, rolling Casper on his back and placing her full weight on top of him. She was heavy, certainly heavier than Casper, but not so heavy he couldn’t handle her. Mari pulled herself forward and reached under her groin with one paw to guide him in. It was an easy fit. She grinned, placed her forepaws to the sides of Casper’s head, and pushed herself up while keeping her groin planted on Casper’s.

Mari started slowly rocking up and down, gently pushing Casper into the grass with her considerable weight. The man kept his hands on the dragon’s lower back and just underwent the ‘milking’ that was essentially going on. It wasn’t long before the first pre caused Mari to gasp and expand. Her entire body swelled outward, her proportions changed slightly, as she became stronger and thicker. Her belly bulged down and out, becoming slightly plump, while her thighs swelled even more with muscle and fat, becoming massive, thick, and slightly soft. Casper came in earnest, while Mari panted and moaned as her body grew. Her fore paws slipped and she did her best to roll on her side to made sure she landed mostly to the side of Casper. Only her groin and left thigh still pressed down on him, her right hind paw pressed against his face awkwardly. Still growing, her now enormous and thick thigh pushed Casper down while he tried in vain to lift it with his one free arm. He tried to obtain some kind of foothold or leverage with his right foot, but the dragon’s smooth hide was far too slippery. From his perspective, the world was comprised entirely of squeaking and creaking dragon hide, a thick belly and thigh, ad a large and growing dragon paw pressed against his face. He was still pumping his seed into the growing dragon, doing his best to push back against the growing mass that was pushing him against the ground.

“Are you okay?” Mari asked as she rolled over a bit more, lifting her left leg off the ground, moving some of her considerable weight off of her partner. “Oof. Yeah, I’m ok.” The dragon expanded again, her belly, thighs, calves, tail, all parts of her body becoming thicker and thicker, but with Casper beside her instead of under her, she could enjoy it without being worried. Still panting and moaning she placed one paw behind Casper’s head and the other behind his back and pressed him against her chest as she climaxed again. 

When they were done, she kept hold of him and rolled on her back, letting him rest on her large soft belly. She moved one of her large paws through his hair and bid him goodnight as they both fell asleep.

6 Disaster

Both Mari and Casper woke to the sound of angry cheering and metal pieces clanging together. “Shit, did they continue throughout the night?” Casper asked. It was still night, they couldn’t have slept long. Casper got dressed and they hurried off again. Seeing Casper was quite tired, Mari lowered herself to let him onto her back. “Get on, sleepy head. Before you sleepwalk into a tree.” Despite her considerable bulk, Mari was faster than a human and they were confident they were putting distance between themselves and their pursuers.

Unfortunately, that is not what happened. Still screaming and hollering, the mob of crazed soldiers in fact gained on them, running through the jungle at inhuman speeds. “What kind of training do they give these guys? I’ve never seen humans run so fast.” Mari said.

“That’s not training. That’s magical drugs they’re on.” Casper responded. “It’s strong stuff, but there’s one hell of a crash afterwards.”

Suddenly, Mari stopped. “What’s wrong, why did you stop?” Casper asked. “Death blossoms. A whole field of them. I can’t go through there, we’ll need to go around them. The dragon turned right and ran in a direction perpendicular to the previous one. Casper looked back nervously, the mob of armored madmen was drawing closer.

Casper couldn’t see the death blossoms Mari had mentioned, but he could tell roughly what area Mari was avoiding. He snapped his fingers. “Mari! Go around it and put the field between us and them!” 

She did so without asking why; it was pretty obvious what he was planning. Any sane person would have noticed their quarry was avoiding a patch of terrain, but these were currently not sane people. When the first crazed soldiers barged into the area, the death blossoms attacked.

A single star-shaped flower sprung up and hovered ten feet off the ground. The soldiers paid it no mind. The flower started spinning, and countless small venomous darts started shooting off in all directions. Several soldiers fell down, the rest continued their charge. More flowers popped up and started unleashing their venomous payload, and soon the field was silent again. A hundred armored men lay dead in a field of flowers. Tendrils emerged from dozens of locations in the ground and started pulling the soldiers towards well-masked holes in the ground. A minute later, it was as though nothing had happened and no one had ever been there.

Mari stopped running and sat down on her haunches, she and Casper watched the carnage from afar. “Wow. I guess that’s it for your friends.” The dragoness said.

“Nah, that was just one hunting party. There are others in the jungle, and if they get eaten too, the empire will just send more.” Casper responded.”

7 Again

The two of them decided to put a little bit of distance between themselves and the field of death blossoms before going back to sleep. They woke the next morning to the sound of jungle animals and Casper’s rumbling stomach. “Ugh, I should really hunt or forage for something, I’m starving.” He said, looking for his clothes.

“I could probably hunt something for you. And I can roast it too.” Mari was on her side, looking at him longingly, holding his pants in one of her paws. “But, I’m hungry for something too.”

Casper rolled his eyes. “I can’t fuck on an empty stomach, Mari. That protein has to come from somewhere. Please give me my pants back.”

Reluctantly, Mari surrendered the pants and got up to help Casper hunt. Casper proved to be the better hunter, though Mari’s fire breath made starting and maintaining a fire trivial. The two of them ate roasted swine that morning, with Mari simply swallowing everything that was left afterwards and insisting on licking Casper’s face clean.

The dragon sat down heavily behind Casper and placed a big fore paw on his crotch, her neck bent so her muzzle brushed against his hair. “So… How about that protein you promised?”

Mari rolled on her back, holding out a fore paw for Casper. He stroked one of her side frills with his hand and pecked her on the muzzle. “Sure, why not.” He took her paw, letting himself be lifted onto her fat belly. She kept her fore paws on Casper’s back as he crawled backwards until he was out of reach. Once he was near the back he slid off her smooth round belly and landed on her crotch, between Mari’s monstrous thighs. Casper adjusted himself, letting his spread legs rest behind him, and guided himself into her slit. She was so much larger than last time they had sex, that his penis alone wasn’t going to get the ‘job’ done. But then again, this was all about his magical semen anyway. Casper wasn’t worried she wouldn’t enjoy it. Mari moved her large hind paws closer to him and Casper held on to them. He pushed.

From Mari’s perspective, she could sense him crawling over her belly and settling down at the base of her tail. Feeling something smaller crawl all over herself felt oddly satisfying to her, she wondered if this was what it was like when she crawled over Casper’s belly. She felt him insert his member into her, but it didn’t really touch anything she wanted touched. She knew her increasing size was going to make this mechanically harder, and she felt a moment of guilt that she couldn’t really pleasure him like this - not if the point was to pump her full of magic semen and make her grow. She simply laid back and let it all happen. She lowered her hind paws so he had something to hold on to, or at least rub her paws against his face, if only to prove she was willing to be more than a passive recipient. She felt him moving back and forth against the base of her tail. It felt oddly intoxicating, that she was barely being moved at all. Casper was making an intentation in Mari’s thick flesh back there but she was by no means rocking or even jiggling. It made her feel powerful, and in turn that aroused her. She hadn’t really realized this about herself, even though she fantasized about being larger before.

Casper kept pushing, holding on to the hind paws beside his head, and was immediately met with a rumbling from below. Mari swelled under him, like rising dough. From his perspective, he could see her belly and thighs swell out faster than up, the dragon growing larger but also thicker. Her enormous belly groaned and creaked as it swelled, like an enormous water balloon. The claws by his head were now rising in the air above him, the thighs and calves becoming so thick it was no longer possible for her to lower her paws to his level, even if the sheer size of her had allowed it anymore.

Mari felt a surge of growth, greater than the previous one. Her body strained as its growth stretched her skin so tight she briefly felt she might burst. Her belly bloated enormously, her legs became monstrously thick, even more so than before. Her tail grew huge as well, she knew she wasn’t going to be a fast runner after this. Her neck thickened with muscle and fat, and on her head she could feel a second set of horns appear under the first. If she were part of a dragon community, they would have earned her some status, or so she thought. The growth continued unabated, Mari moaned as she built to climax yet again, drunk on power and pleasure. When she finally roared, it was loud enough to send birds flying, and the jungle near her felt oddly quiet for a few minutes.

“Hey, Casper. Are you okay? I hope I didn’t hurt your ears with that.” She said. Her voice was still the same, albeit with an underlying rumble she hoped wouldn’t be off-putting to Casper. She could sense something sliding down the side of her tail, where it met her haunch, so she kept perfectly still so as not to accidentally hurt him. Casper emerged from around her haunch and belly, as they sagged slightly against the ground. “No, I’m ok, I think. I heard you inhale before you came so I covered my ears.” 

Now that she could see where Casper was, Mari rolled around to right herself, destroying the ground where she lay in the process. “Hey, so er, maybe I should give you a servicing instead next? You know, I don’t think you enjoyed that so much. I dunno, I could give you a tonguejob or something?” Mari felt some guilt that she hadn’t given anywhere near as good as she had received, but she couldn’t really think of much beside licking him. Unless he had a paw fetish maybe, she thought.

“Nah, that’s alright. I’m sort of spent. Maybe later.” He said nonchalantly.

“Okay. Er, well. You know, just so you know I’m not all take and no give, and all that.” She kissed him delicately, enveloping half his face with her lips. “We should get moving. Nicomedes will probably return sometime during the day and we want to be as far away as possible when he starts searching for us.” 

Casper looked at Mari’s body and raised an eyebrow. “Girl, you’re the size of a house, don’t you think we can stop running yet?“

Mari blushed. “No, I don’t think so. Nicomedes is as powerful as he is smelly. And he is very smelly. Come on.” She lowered her head and tilted it to the side so he could get on.

Casper shrugged and climbed on to the giant dragon head, using the horns as hand and foot holds.

8 Discovered

A few hours later, Mari had made good progress towards reaching the village. Her sheer bulk had cut a swath of destruction through the jungle however, and they were worried they were going to be discovered because of it. It was around noon when hands started appearing out of the ground around Mari’s paws.

“Eep!” She yelped as she instinctively jumped back. Casper held on for dear life.

In the jungle around them, both could see undead monstrosities pull themselves out of the dirt. There were so many, it was simply ridiculous to think the entire jungle was full of them. Mari backed away several more steps, but more undead simply emerged where she was standing, the previously emerged undead shuffling in her direction. She breathed fire on the ones in front of them, turning them and a big chunk of jungle to ashes.

“Cooo…me… baaa…aaa…ck…” The zombies moaned in unison.

“Hell no!” Mari shouted. The force of her voice knocked the nearest zombies over, but the bulk of them kept coming.

“Doo…on’t maaake mee..ee coommme..e… aaaand geee…eet yoo…ou.” The zombies continued. There was an annoyance in the intonation, partially lost in the moaning.

Mari breathed fire again, obliterating enough of them to create a path, and ran through it, kicking up huge clouds of ash, dirt, and plant matter as her obese body plowed heavily through the jungle. After a few minutes she looked behind her, saw no zombies in pursuit, and slowed down to a walk. “We should fuck again.” She said. “Before he arrives.”

Casper, still holding on to the frill behind him instinctively rubbed his groin. It was still a little sore. “Er, I guess? I mean, I’ll do my best...”

Mari stopped and lowered her head so Casper could dismount. She rolled onto her back, again holding out a very thick fore paw for Casper to hold on to, or climb on if he preferred. He held on to one massive digit and was hoisted into the air and lowered onto the enormous dome of the dragon’s belly. His feet made indentations in the reflective hide, but not much, as the dragon’s hide had gotten quite thick and tough. He could see a distorted reflection of himself staring back at him, a surreal comparison to the tiny creature he had let out of her cage just a day earlier. 

He had been deposited near the front area of the belly so he first had to climb up the belly. From atop it, he could truly appreciate Mari’s size. She was looking at him, draconic snout hard to read, but her blush gave away some embarrassment. Her fore paws were held up to her chest, almost like a puppy would. Casper slid down the belly, landed on the groin and walked further back towards the slit that was waiting for him. He sat down behind it, facing the belly, like he had done before. By rights he would need his arms to pleasure her properly, but the goal was to make her bigger. He simply laid down on her slit, and masturbated himself with one hand, holding the other hand out against Mari’s smooth skin for at least some minimum of stability. After some stimulating, he produced a tiny bit of pre, but that was enough to start the process.

It happened largely the same as last time, but it seemed slower, or perhaps more measured. Things worked differently at giant sizes. Everywhere around him, the silver dragon skin creaked and groaned as it struggled to contain the burgeoning mass of dragon flesh underneath. The great belly, tail, thighs, calves, everything expanded outward. Over the squeaking and creaking of the dragon’s skin, Casper could hear a rumbling moan coming from the other side of the belly. The moan was constant at first, but became a series of yelps and gasps when it seemed as though the growth encountered resistance, increasing in intensity after overcoming it, resulting in the growth becoming a series of powerful spurts of increasing intensity. Casper was thrown to the side as the enormous dragon squirmed under him. He grasped at the smooth, taut skin in vain, and slid down the side of the enormous thick tail. Mari was squirming in pleasure, crushing nearby trees and slowly rolling over on her side. Casper crawled backwards, trying desperately to avoid the enormous silver shape swelling and rolling towards him. Mari was completely lost in her own experience, tongue lolling out of her mouth, panting and growling as her enormous head pushed aside brushes and trees as her body’s growth pushed it further across the ground. Her sounds were so loud, Casper doubted she would even hear him if he called out to her. He crawled to his feet and walked away a few dozen feet, and waited for Mari’s growth to stop. He still hadn’t figured out how much growth each load caused, but it didn’t seem to be very consistent. Soon the dragon stopped growing. From Casper’s perspective, her exact dimensions and proportions were impossible to accurately gauge, but she must have been the size of a mansion or larger and she was enormously fat. Her belly was to thick and round, it would certainly droop down to the ground or thereabouts.

Mari opened her eyes and looked around. “Casper? Where are you? Are you okay?” There was panic in her voice, and she started rolling over to right herself, but thought better of it.

“I’m here.” Casper said, walking around the vast bloated belly. “You threw me off early.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry. Are you hurt?” Mari raised one enormous and thick paw, but realized she couldn’t do much with it that wouldn’t hurt him. “Please tell me I didn’t hurt you.” Tears were welling in her eyes.

“No, I think I’m ok, just a little rattled is all.” He put a hand on the side of mari’s enormous face. “So, do you still want this?” He held his still-erect penis with his other hand.

“I mean, if you’re ok with it…” Mari answered weakly. 

The giant dragon slowly rolled over on her back again, her head staying close to and fixed on Casper. Getting back on top of her proved harder this time. She wasn’t flexible enough to lift him up with a paw so she ended up letting him climb onto her head, and then curling her neck forward enough for him to drop off her nose and on to her chest. Casper walked across her enormous bloated body as though it were scenery, looking back at her face before going over the top of her belly and back down to the base of her tail. He once again laid down on the giant slit, careful not to slip in entirely, and started masturbating himself until he came.

9 Too Late

Nicomedes rode his undead steed through the jungle at a tremendous speed. The foul creature left a trail of rot and death in its wake; vegetation died anywhere the rotting horse corpse trod. He was very annoyed that one of his valuable specimen had escaped, possibly with help, and he was very annoyed that he now had to come after it. There would have to be some kind of punishment. A torture of some kind. Something to hurt it but not harm it and reduce its value. He had passed the location where his undead messengers were destroyed, apparently burned by something. He figured it was probably a rival wizard who had taken his pet.

His dark, sweet thoughts of vengeance and sadism were interrupted by the sight of a silver dome rising above the canopy up ahead. “Motherf…” He uttered as he pulled the reigns and forced the horse-corpse to stop suddenly. A low bestial moan rumbled through the jungle, shaking plants and every bone in his unwashed body.`

He turned around and rode his horse back the way he came, even more annoyed than before.

Mari roared as her body expanded like never before. She could feel her mass increasing, not merely because her skin was stretching as it was forced to grow, but she could feel the enormity of her weight increasing. It was intoxicating, she felt like she was becoming a mountain. Trees were being flattened by her expanding bulk, she was obliterating an expanding section of jungle through her sheer presence. Even moving was an odd experience. It felt like even small movements were major endeavors, not because she lacked the strength, but because there would be consequences for whatever was in the way. At this new, enormous size, materials took on different characteristics. Brushing against a hill caused a landslide, the sand acted almost like a liquid, rocks were brittle, and tree trunks were like dry noodles. She slightly adjusted her hips and pushed over a massive tree.

She looked in the direction of her groin, seeing only the enormous shape of her own belly. Casper was somewhere behind it. She could sense something was still touching her skin near her genitals, but she couldn’t sense what he was doing. She was determined not to make any sudden movements, the wrong movement on her part might throw Casper off.

She felt another orgasm building, slowly but inexorably, the sensations of all her body parts stretching and growing, becoming larger and heavier in spurts. Mari hadn’t said anything since she put Casper on her body, but her involuntary moaning and gasping gave her an idea of what she sounded like. She liked it, she felt powerful and huge as everything that came out of her mouth was accompanied with a low bestial rumble and a tremor that shook nearby objects even if she whispered. But, she worried Casper would hate it. 

Mari could hear the creaking and groaning of her own head growing, the widening distance between her eyes was disorienting. She had felt a third set of horns grow in, she wondered if that made her dragon royalty. 

Mari pawed at the air involuntarily as another growth spurt hit. She glanced at her paw. It was massive, not merely in size, but proportionally it had become monstrously thick and heavy. She liked it, it was just another way to become larger and more powerful. Back when she was stuck in a cage and dreamt of being larger, Mari hadn’t really considered her body changing proportions. As everything grew thicker, her legs were pushed further apart. While her flesh was incredibly sturdy given her size, there was still some sagging, especially on the sides of her enormous bloated belly.

She gasped when she saw Casper walking around her. She immediately stopped moving, though her growth continued, and the wall of silver flesh that was her side crept closer to the tiny human. He came walking along her side, through the ruined wasteland that used to be jungle. When he was clear, Mari rolled over on her side, causing an earthquake and destroying the jungle some more, one of her hind legs hanging over a cliff. She lowered her head. The dragon tried her best to make her voice soft, but nonetheless a deep bass rumble accompanied all the words, even though her original voice was still in there somewhere.

“Hey. You okay? Er…” As she spoke another growth spurt expanded her body and pushed her head closer to Casper.

“Oh, I’m alright. I mean, I’m kinda done, I suppose.” He shrugged.

Mari felt a pang of guilt. “Oh. Uhm, sit down. I know what to do.”

When Casper sat down on a hill, Mari opened her cavernous mouth wide and approached the human with a tongue many times bigger than he was. She proceeded to rub it against him as carefully as she could, licking him from groin to head. The dragon’s hot wet breath rolled over Casper like a mist, leaving him wet even in places the enormous tongue didn’t touch him.

For Mari, pressure continued building as the growth spurts became more intense and abrupt, as though whatever magic that was fueling her expansion was making its final push. The sounds of skin stretching and bone creaking echoed through her skull. The sensation of her body expanding in all directions, the stretching skin touching and rubbing was too much for her mind to process, there was just too much of it. 

She focused on licking Casper. 

The man was being pressed into the grassy hill by the immense tongue, and it enveloped him. He held it with his arms, pulling it against himself as though making love to it. Everything felt warm and moist, and all he could hear was the rumble of Mari’s moans and the creaking of her body as it grew.

She couldn’t hold back her building orgasm any longer, but she made sure to exhale before climaxing, so that instead of a deafening roar she merely let out of a pleasured rumble. Casper came again, at the same time.

Casper moaned as his ropes of seed flew across her tongue in his most satisfying release in days. It then suddenly dawned on him what the dragoness seemingly forgot about. It wasn't until her tongue rolled back and she swallowed that it dawned on her as well; that the curse worked this way too, just like the first time. Her eyes locked with Casper’s before she suddenly felt it all welling up inside her again. Her thighs squirmed together in anticipation, she could already feel it, this was going to be the biggest one yet.



Great job I enjoyed it!


Thanks, I'm really glad you liked it. :) This project took a lot of time start to finish.


Great job, a interesting story but Gah damn cliffhanger.


That was good I enjoyed it. Though I frequently found myself thinking with previous stories that I could just fast forward the exposition and plot, and get to the good stuff already. This story was basically that, but now that I've got what I wanted I found myself wishing there was more plot in between the fucking after all.