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Here is the first draft of the story I have been writing, to go with the red dragon illustrations.

The pictures are not explicit, but the story is.

I would like feedback on the story, if possible, so I can hopefully improve it a little.



The Monstrous Shall Inherit the Earth
Part 2. 


A dozen dirty, sweaty, tired men progress single-file through a dark and dusty cavern. Their flashlights project cones of light in the dark. Behind them a large machine sits idle, its enormous steel form covered in rock dust. The front of the machine is a rotary drill with worn teeth. A group of powerful lights on a retractable arm shine into the cavern from behind the men. The men all wear fully enclosed suits with displays projected onto their helmet visors. In their hands they hold drills, steel briefcases, and small scanners. The lead man stops moving and gestures excitedly towards those behind him. The others hustle forward, their excitement obvious despite their masked features. The lead man wipes dirt away from a flat section of wall, revealing it to be transparent, and the other side to be filled with a liquid. A red, roughly human-size creature floats in the liquid, unconscious. One of the men waves his device in front of the wall where the creature is, and images appear on his visor. He gasps, as the men around him raise their drills to the transparent wall, several feet to the side from where the creature is.


1.Perfect Connection

My name is Jay Wilkins. I used to work for the Docan city authorities as a police psychic, with a specialization in mind manipulation and paralyzing effects. There was the occasional enforcer raid I was required to participate in, but for the most part I helped constables apprehend suspects alive. In fact, I almost never actually had to use my abilities. Me being there generally put people’s minds at ease, unless of course they actually did intend to kill someone, in which case I turned them into a drooling ragdoll for a couple hours.

Life was generally good. Of course, if everything stayed that way, I wouldn’t be telling this story.

When it started, I had gotten fired just two days ago. Budget cuts happened. It caught everyone by surprise, even the chief. I was going to be ok for a couple months at least, getting my severance pay, but it was still not a good time for me. I didn’t have a lot of savings and my house was on the line. From one moment to the next I went from being pretty secure to seeing the spiked walls closing in. Docan was pretty remote, except for the smaller cities surrounding it. Hundreds of kilometers of mountains separated us from the neighboring countries. We didn’t do a lot of long-distance trading, and aside from GlobalNet there wasn’t that much communication with the rest of the world. The economy ran at a pretty glacial pace so finding a new job locally was pretty damned hard. I even reluctantly considered joining the military, since that was just about the only other thing I was qualified for.

I had just sat down in the park to have lunch, after a job interview that went nowhere. Except for the park, Docan was a grey city, with ancient buildings built in and around the mountain slopes and somewhat more modern ones on top. Spending a little time in the park each day helped me stay sane. It was a nice day, except for the clouds in my head.

“Hello there.”

A female voice sounded from the other end of the stone block I was sitting on. I turned to look, and probably stared for half a minute. What was sitting there with me was an honest-to-god dragon. Horns, wings, tail, and all. She was red, and about the size of a person.

She giggled, and batted her eyes at me.

“Like what you see?”

I blinked and straightened my back. The honest answer would have been ‘yes’, but instead I asked her: “I er, who are you?” Once I had regained the use of my brain, I could sense that she was an actual living being, and not merely a psychic manifestation that psychics sometimes create. Though not surprisingly, she radiated psychic energy.

“My name is Amishiralrynth.” She said. “But call me Amy.” She scooted a little closer. “And who are you?” She added.

Her voice was sweet, soft, and her articulation was a bit odd, like she wasn’t used to speaking. I couldn’t help but notice that she eyed my sandwich with great intent. It was a nice sandwich, I wasn’t going to give it away for no reason, but I was open to negotiations. I told her my name, and asked her where she came from. 

She responded with what looked like a smile. “I’m from right here. Though, perhaps the question you want to be asking is, from *when* am I.” After a brief pause she continued. “Well I don’t know either. This is all… very new to me.” She gestured around her with a wing.

A few people cast half a glance at us as they passed by. I had my belt with psychic charms on me at the time, so people probably figured the dragon was just a manifestation. 

A lone passerby however threw an empty candy wrapper in my direction and sneered: “Put that ugly thing back in the Hades Gate, you fucktard.” The overweight man trundled on, casting another foul glance at me before exiting the park.

The dragoness watched the man go, unimpressed. “If he looked less disgusting I might eat him… But what was he talking about? A Hades Gate?”

I explained to her that the Hades Gate was a psychic artifact, locked up in the ruins under the city. “Thirty years ago a group of explorers found an artifact in the ruins and accidentally activated it, causing it to eject a couple of hungry monsters that then tried to eat them. After that the artifact was named ‘Hades Gate’ and the city had psychic wards placed on it, both to protect, and hide it.”

She rolled her eyes. “And people think I’m from there? Even though I haven’t bitten anyone?”

I shrugged. “Nah. He’s just an asshole.”

We continued to chat for a little bit. Amy wanted to know so much, and I was quite curious too. Fossils had been found before of creatures that didn’t fit anywhere in the tree of evolution, but dragons weren’t among them. She described her world as magical and primitive, like something out of a movie, but not as charming. In terms of asshole countries and all the bullshit they caused, her world wasn’t all that different from mine. We agreed to meet at my place in the evening for dinner. Mostly she insisted and I agreed. Also I gave her half my sandwich, she loved it.

Later that day, early in the afternoon, I heard her landing in the back yard when I was making dinner. In retrospect, an entirely sensible move, though it caught me a bit off guard at the time. I opened the back door and let her into the kitchen. She brushed up against me as she entered, giving me the fluttering eyelashes, as subtle as a steamroller. I chuckled and closed the door behind her.

“Oh! What’s all this?” She asked, looking around the kitchen. Amy had not seen appliances before, and wanted to know what they all did. When I showed her the living room, the television blew her away, though she found the programming ridiculous and lame. “Everyone has a magic wall in their house that can show anything they want but they fill it with this garbage? What a waste.” I couldn’t say I really disagreed with her. Centis Joke was a tiny country without domestic studios that could produce anything worth a damn. And the less said about the crap coming out of shitholes like Zubronia, the better. 

I served her the pasta in a bowl, not sure if she’d want to bother with utensils. Her paws were dexterous enough to use the remote but when it came to eating she just put her muzzle into the bowl and guzzled the noodles. She liked it though. I had made enough for a couple days as I usually do – stuff is cheaper when you buy a larger package and it saves me from making the same meal several days in a row – but she just kept asking for more. It wasn’t a big deal, but I was concerned she’d get sick. 

“I’ve never had this before, but it’s great!” Her muzzle was completely covered in sauce and cheese, she didn’t seem to care at all. She leaned into me with a big grin, and I had no choice but to wipe her muzzle clean with a hankie. She quickly licked my hand and asked: “So, what’s for dessert?”

A few minutes later she had eaten all the ice cream and whipped cream I had, and was on her back with her head on my lap, eating the cookies I was feeding her. She was making ‘cute’ noises every time I fed her something, and kept trying to squirm a little more on top of me. We chatted for a little bit, about this world and hers. She is very intelligent. It didn’t take her long to figure out where she was and how this world worked. It also didn’t take her long to work herself all the way on top of me, with the tip of her muzzle close to my face. Her breath was hot and smelled of pasta, her heartbeat was fast and intense, and her yellow eyes were full of purpose and lust. In the moment, I had no idea why she was coming on to me so hard, but I can’t say I had a problem with it. I stroked her under the chin, which caused the frills on the side of her head to flutter. I thought it was cute, that she was cute, at the time.

Her lips were warm, her hide felt soft and firm, perhaps like perfectly smooth and flexible leather. I can’t remember what she whispered to me, but her tongue was warm, wet, and soft. When she planted her nether region down on me and felt my erection, her grin became ridiculously large. She unzipped and unbuttoned my pants easily, even though I’m pretty sure zippers weren’t around in her time. I decided I didn’t want clothes at all. As I undressed, her eyes remained locked on mine the whole time, like she was afraid to lose my attention, though she pressed herself against me. Her skin was warm and supple, her paws gentle and confident as they played with me. Once I was naked, and back on the sofa, she climbed on top of me and unceremoniously planted her nether region on mine, forepaws on my shoulders. Her breathing was still fast, one of her spread wings knocked something off a shelf. We kissed again, deeper this time. I moved my hands over her back, feeling her shoulders, the base of her wings, the frills on the back of her neck. The experience was surreal, but she was real, so warm, solid, and smooth. Her wings moved in response to me penetrating her, I could feel the large wing muscles move. Her soft moans intensified as I pushed, and I could feel her forepaws pressing against my back, careful not to press her claws into my skin. Her hind paws were by my sides, her toes twitching slightly with each rhythmic movement of her body, their soft undersides brushing against my skin. 

I could feel her slick skin sliding against my legs as her tail flopped back and forth. All of her body felt this way, with strong muscles moving underneath. Her head was above me, alternating between kissing the top of my head, nuzzling me, or resting her chin on my head as she panted. I felt something else connect, something in the realm of psychic energy. It was something I had never experienced before, but it was pleasant, like pieces you didn’t know you had fitting together perfectly with the pieces of someone else. I kissed her neck, and licked it slightly as she continued moving on me rhythmically. She moaned something and grabbed the back of my head with one forepaw as she pushed down harder. Her wings made it a bit awkward to get a solid grip around her back, leaving my hands no choice but to move around her body and legs. I finally settled one hand on the back of the base of her neck and the other on the back of her hips, right in front of where her second row of back frills started. Her moans were soft and cute, accompanied with soft, high-pitched but primal grunts. As Amy’s grinding became faster and harder, her panting and moaning accelerated as well, and became more intense. Her breathing became ragged, but to her credit, she never so much as made a scratch on me with her claws. We climaxed together, rocking the sofa and making primal noises.

We lay there for a few minutes, caressing each other quietly. Eventually she slid backwards, bringing her head level with mine, her forepaws resting gently on my chest. We kissed, not as deeply as before, but more gently, with more purpose.

“Why me?” I asked after what was probably half an hour of cuddling. 

“I could sense your magic aura. I could tell you were going to be attracted to me, and you are cute.” She responded, softly. It wasn’t what I was expecting. 

“Magic? You mean psychic abilities?” I asked.

“If that’s what they call it now, sure.” She chuckled. “You can change your clothes, put on a different smell, pretend to be someone else, but your aura never lies.” She toyed with my hair, moving a paw back and forth and around over my head.

It made sense. It was the only way she could have approached me so confidently, or so I figured. “So if you can see all that, can you tell what else I like?”

Amy chuckled. “I can’t read minds, if that what you’re wondering. All this lets me know is whether or not you would be attracted to me.” She reached over and popped the few remaining cookies into her mouth. “And no, it’s not common among dragons. No more than your abilities are common among humans. I just got lucky, I suppose.”

It seemed a bit rude to ask, but I couldn’t resist. “So… you’re only about my size. Aren’t dragons supposed to be bigger?”

She sighed, a bit sadly. “Yes, we are. I guess I wasn’t lucky in every way. If I just say ‘a wizard did it’, would that be explanation enough?” She paused for a moment. “What I mean is, I don’t know enough about magic to say how she did it. I guess the simple answer is I was placed under a curse early in life and never grew past this size.”

I could sense the longing in her voice, as well as in her psychic aura. It unsettled me, but it also excited me. “I can probably take a look at it if you want. No promises that I can fix it, of course, but I can try.“

I could sense her excitement, a flash as bright as the sun. “Oh? I would really like that.” She responded calmly.

I untangled myself from her to grab my charms. Still naked, I picked up the belt and made sure the right ones were equipped. It had a couple for offensive purposes, I wouldn’t be needing them here; I replaced them with ones used for investigations and protection. Returning to the living room, I moved one of the chairs in front of the sofa and sat down. “Okay, I need you to not move for a bit.” It felt comfortable doing this, though this was the first time I had performed a psychic examination in my own living room.

She was right, there was indeed a curse of some kind on her. It was powerful and old, so old. Her time must have been thousands of years in the past. I had not seen a psychic curse like this before, and its workings were a mystery to me. However, time had made it a little less secure than it would otherwise have been. I figured I might be able to push it out with a burst of energy. After all, I had done this before a couple times. A few years prior, when I was new to the force, a crime syndicate started selling psychoaddictive drugs and several kids ended up psychically cursed to want more of a very toxic drug. I fixed them with no problem and earned myself a commendation.

It turned out, this was nothing like that.

I did what I had done before. I simply pushed against the curse to make it leave. It didn’t budge. Whoever did this was more skilled than that crime syndicate. I probed the curse some more, it was complex, powerful, but not perfect. “So… you were correct. Whoever did this meant to prevent you from growing. I don’t know if I can remove it, it’s tied up to your essence pretty tightly.” 

I was probing Amy’s essence, and I could sense the sadness and disappointment in her. I didn’t want her to be unhappy so I probed again. “Maybe I can alter the curse, temporarily reverse its effects so you can grow to whatever size dragons are supposed to be.”

“Yes, please, if you could.” She said, excitement both in her voice and her essence. 

I focused on bending the curse instead of removing it, and to my surprise, it worked. Whoever did this wasn’t expecting this. I essentially reversed the parameters and pulled my mind out.

Immediately I was met with a wave of pleasure coming off of the red dragoness. It vanished as quickly as it came, but left a warm pleasant glow in its wake. Amy was caressing her abdomen, pleasantly surprised. She looked up to me and held out a paw, inviting me to cuddle up with her again. “Thank you…” She whispered as she kissed me tenderly.


2.The First Step

We woke around the same time the next morning. I showed her the shower and we cleaned each other. I made us breakfast, which was completely inadequate for her, of course.

“If you need more, I can run to the store. You can technically come with me, people will just assume you’re a manifestation and not pay you too much mind.” It was not entirely unheard of for psychics to keep manifestations around, but it was still unusual to bring them into a store.

Amy huffed. “No thanks. I don’t want people to think I’m your pet.”

I finished my sandwich and pondered. “We could go somewhere else. What do you want to eat? I imagine you’ll want meat?”

She nodded. “I like meat, but honestly, we dragons can eat pretty much anything that’s remotely edible. I’m not picky.” She smiled. “But, I really did enjoy your cooking.”

I considered. “Well, I can order sausages. How much do you think you’ll need?” 

Amy wingshrugged. “I don’t know. I’m feeling a bit weird today. Not hungry, but like I could eat anything.”

I nodded and placed an order for a hundred pounds of sausage and various items I was going to buy at the store. I figured this would keep her satisfied for a while, what was left could go into the freezer. We played a video game for an hour and a half while we waited. The delivery bot eventually showed up and with strained motors rolled through the living room into the kitchen to deposit my order. I swiped my card over the sensor on the bot’s top to confirm the delivery was received, and then it promptly left again. Amy did not trust the drone at all. She insisted that ‘golems’ have a habit of breaking free from their masters’ control and becoming a major problem. But after saying that, she quickly turned her attention to the huge stack of sausage packages I ordered. I opened one of the packages, offering to heat the sausages for her, but she didn’t need that, she just scarfed them all down in seconds. Immediately after the last bulge slid down her throat, she asked for another. I shrugged and obliged, opening another pack and getting rid of the plastic. She wolfed it down just as fast. She grinned and put a forepaw on the next pack. 

I was getting a bit concerned. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? You just ate ten pounds of sausage, that’s pretty wild as it is, but if you keep going you’re going to get sick.”

Amy simply grinned. “I feel fine. Better than fine even, I feel great. Though, I would really like another one…” She made a soft whimpering sound and fluttered her eyes at me. 

“Okay, okay…” I chuckled and opened the next package, the contents of which she again devoured in an instant. I couldn’t help but notice there was no bulge in her stomach. She was only the size of a human – smaller, technically, since part of her size was wings, tail, neck, and so forth, surely her stomach couldn’t hold fifteen pounds of meat. I stroked the underside of her belly to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. 

She cooed and lowered her eyelids. “Getting frisky already?” She chuckled and pawed at the next package.

“Where did all of it go?” I asked, perplexed.

She smiled. “I don’t know. Is it a problem?”

I opened the next package of meat and set it down in front of her, while kneeling down to closely examine her belly as she ate. I could see the food moving down her throat, but whatever bulges were made in her belly vanished as quickly as they arrived. I could hear a faint gurgling and stretching sound when she ate, but I thought that was just the sound of her eating, at the time. In her essence, I could sense that she was enjoying this. It wasn’t a hunger she was feeding. Not a conventional hunger anyway. We kept going until all the meat was gone. It was only by the end of it, when I put the last plastic package in the bin, that I was sure – she had grown larger. When she first came in, she was probably a hundred and sixty pounds or so. After eating that meal, she definitely weighed a lot more. I asked her to sit on a scale; it read two hundred and sixty-five pounds, confirming my suspicion. It seemed likely that my manipulation of her curse was what caused this.

I sat down on the sofa to take this all in. Amy snuggled up to me, quite excited and happy. I could feel her new weight, and the new strength in her limbs, she was gorgeous. One of her forepaws idly stroked the obvious erection under my shorts.

“You like it?” She cooed, pressing her chest against mine to demonstrate her new size. I obviously was, but I was also still taking it all in. Psychic manipulation of an organism was not unheard of, but it was very uncommon and never as efficient as this. But more importantly, the ramifications were… considerable.

“Yeah, you look great.” I said after a few moments. Acknowledging it felt like a formality. But, it prompted a grin from her nonetheless. She leaned on me a little more, and kissed me lightly. 

“How about a little more?” She whispered.

I have to admit, the idea of having sex with a larger dragon was exciting, and her larger presence in general was intoxicating. I was apprehensive about where it might lead, but I wasn’t reluctant when I agreed to feed her more.

We agreed that the most efficient course of action was to order cheap, bulk food such as sausages and potatoes. It wasn’t particularly appetizing, but then we weren’t really feeding her normal appetite. Drone delivery was limited to about a hundred pounds, so I placed a number of separate orders. Amy insisted it be deposited in the bedroom, where she lay on the bed, asking me to feed her. She pulled me on top of herself, fondling my chest and groin with her forepaws while I stuffed her open maw with potatoes and uncooked meat. She never chewed, instead merely swallowing everything whole.

Underneath me, the red dragon expanded. The only limiting factor was really how fast I could pick up food and put it in her mouth. Her belly and torso expanded, lifting me up slightly as she grew. Her limbs thickened and lengthened, the muscle and fat swelling slightly faster than the bones grew, making her heavier set as we progressed. She rubbed her inner thighs against me, letting me feel how soft but strong they were. Her forepaws were getting larger, clearly larger than my hands by this point, deftly massaging my chest and groin – again, to her credit, she never left a single scratch on me. Her voice was still the same, but the noises that accompanied it were getting deeper, matching her expanding physique. It was only a matter of minutes before eight hundred pounds of food were gone, and I was sitting on more than a thousand pounds of red dragon, soft, strong, and thick all over. She pulled my head closer to her muzzle and kissed me, deeply, tongue and all. Her tongue was massive. She let me play around inside her mouth, but when she put her tongue inside *my* mouth, she parted my jaws and filled me up, leaving me little choice but to experience her undulations and movements before she withdrew and kissed me more gently on the lips. I climbed off of her, and off the bed, careful not to hurt her wings, before I undressed.


3.The Hunt

Amy reoriented herself so she was laying on her side, allowing me to snuggle up beside her. She folded her strong limbs around me, pulling me against her ample body. I caressed her sides, drinking in the size she had grown to. She let me explore her body, enjoying my appreciation of her form. I started by kissing and caressing the base of her neck and worked my way backwards, putting my hands on her strong shoulders, sliding down her forearms all the way to her large forepaws, kissing them like one would a lady’s hands. Her large, thick wing muscles were directly behind her shoulders. I gently stroked them, up to what amounted to a second armpit where they met the wing and the opposite wing muscle on what was the wing’s shoulder. I moved further back, stroking her soft belly and the area between her generous thighs. Her haunches were massive, like a horse’s. her calves were, too, and her hind paws were huge. She giggled and placed them on my head, the soft undersides covering my face entirely. I kissed one of her feet too, like one would a dame’s hand, and proceeded back a little further to the underside of the base of her tail, where her genitals were. They had grown along with the rest of her, but perhaps not as much. 

I laid down beside her, and drew closer. Her slit was very discreet, nothing more than just that – a slit – from the outside. I gently pressed the skin around it outwards, spreading it, revealing pink walls. She was somewhat similar to a human’s vagina, with a tiny discreet clitoris, a urinary tract, and what I assumed was the vagina. The entire area was completely smooth with no labia – I figured the walls of the slit served a similar function; they were slick and moist, and Amy shivered briefly when I touched them. I leaned closer and started working the area with my tongue, moving around the clitoris and walls. She seemed to enjoy it, putting her forepaws on my ass and holding me in place. She moaned and whimpered as I continued for a little while. The inside of her slit was soft, but I could tell there were powerful muscles behind that soft pink flesh. She could close that slit if she wanted to.

She tugged gently at my butt and I looked up. She gestured for me to move towards her head, and I did, turning around and crawling over to lie beside her, my head on a pillow. She turned and righted herself, nudging my legs apart with her snout and placing her forepaws over them gently, letting her weight rest on her elbows. She kissed me on the lips gently, then moved down, licking my neck and chest, then my abdomen, before settling at my groin. Her long, thick tongue wrapped around my already painfully erect penis, before drawing back slightly and lowering her jaws around it. It was only then that I appreciated her teeth. Those long, sharp, white things, obviously meant to rend meat. She was careful, never more than barely touching any of my exposed flesh with those teeth, always keeping her tongue in contact, wrapping down and around my sack. Her tongue and hot breath left a film of moisture on my nethers – whatever I smelled of before, now I smelled of her. My erection was throbbing, I didn’t think I could hold back that much longer at that point.

After this, she withdrew and moved to the side as she made it clear she wanted to lie on her back again. Her large wings required a lot of space to maneuver and she had to be careful not to break the bed under her weight. She giggled as she awkwardly rolled herself on her back. I sat down on the base of her tail and guided myself in. I let my forearms slide around her thighs, my upper arms resting against the back of said thighs, while her calves pressed against the sides of my had. I simply pushed rhythmically. The size difference meant I had to work harder now, but I could still stimulate her. The psychic link also allowed some pleasure to bleed through back and forth, making things a little easier, and through the link I had the distinct feeling that she didn’t mind the awkward size difference at all – she liked it for some reason. She still made the same soft sounds she did before, but now they were accompanied with deeper grunts and moans. I kept pushing, and she squirmed, arching her back and flexing her powerful leg muscles. I could hear the bed protesting; the steel frame was bending under her weight and movements. The psychic link had us panting and grunting in unison, and we eventually climaxed like that, too.

As if on cue, the bed’s legs finally gave way, causing us and the bed to fall down half a foot with a loud metallic ‘clunk’, followed by an annoyed thumping on the wall by the neighbor. Amy laughed and pulled me close to her head. We cuddled for a little while.

“So, what’s next?” She spoke softly, but there was intent in her voice.

“What do you mean?” I asked, half knowing the answer.

She adjusted herself lazily, pressing her forepaws into my chest and groin a little more. “Well, what else is there to eat…”

I chuckled. “You wanna get even bigger, huh?”

“Hmmm. Don’t you want me to get bigger?” She bent her neck around so her head was close to mine, and licked my ear. “You seem to be enjoying it so far. You could have even more dragon to play with.”

I have to admit, her power was intoxicating. Having her even bigger could be fun. I was concerned about how far she’d want to go, but then again, if she *didn’t* want it in the first place, nothing would have happened. I told her I was game, but I wouldn’t be able to afford to keep feeding her like this. She had a different plan in mind.

Half an hour later I was leading her down the stairs of the city, so we could take off outside the more densely populated areas and not fly over the city. It wasn’t illegal to ride a dragon – there were simply no rules for it – but flying over the city was illegal for planes, drones, and presumably dragons. Amy let me mount her, but I had to use some psychic energy to keep myself in place. I didn’t have a saddle, and there was no way in hell she was going to wear one anyway.

Amy took off with grace and ease, and I could sense the psychic energy she was expending while flying. It was pretty obvious a creature like a dragon couldn’t fly on physics alone, this merely confirmed my suspicion. She flew low like I told her to, staying under the city’s radar, and only scaring the occasional wanderer. The area around the city was basically barren and unpopulated, no more than a handful at most were going to see us.

We flew for a while, and I used my psychic senses to find prey. I had used these abilities in the past to hunt criminals, I never expected I’d end up using them like this. I found goats pretty easily, and Amy followed my directions to them. She flew past them, raking them one at a time with her fore claws, before landing and gobbling them up one by one. With each meal I could feel her grow under me. Her neck thickened, gradually pushing my legs apart, and her wing-shoulders became larger and thicker, allowing me to lean back against them when she wasn’t flying. Her psychic aura became stronger as well, growing along with her body. When we reached the second group of goats she had grown large enough to swallow them whole, allowing her to simply snatch them up and devour them one by one. There wasn’t that much to be hunted in the area however, so we returned to the city pretty quickly. Amy landed us back in the spot where we had left.



Amy leaned down to let me off, then raised herself up again, puffing out her chest, beaming with pride. She saw me looking at her and smiled, leaning down to give me a kiss on the forehead.

“Hmmm… what could I eat that would not be missed? Any suggestions?”

I chuckled. “Creatures from the Hades Gate?”

She grinned. “Would you be able to summon them?” I hadn’t been entirely serious about her eating such creatures, but she seemed to be quite serious.

I shook my head. “Not as such. You just open the Gate and everything inside starts spilling out.”

We were standing in one of the tunnels dug in the side of the mountain. In ancient times this was the main way into the city, which at the time was mostly just the buildings carved from the side of the mountain and the open space inside. The old stone bridge still stood, but were no longer in practical use – everyone used the underground high-speed trains, or VTOLs if they felt a particular urge to burn money. Amy looked around. There was nothing but old rock and crumbled structure nearby, but I knew she could sense psychic energy. If she was able to detect me, she could probably find the Hades Gate. The large dragoness started walking, and I followed. I hadn’t actually decided yet whether this was a good idea, everything was happening too fast and I was constantly distracted by her massive body, her muscle and fat swaying and jiggling slightly with each step. It did not go unnoticed by Amy, and her grin again widened to enormous proportions as she adjusted her gait, turning it into a saunter, exaggerating the swaying of her hips ever so slightly. 

She led me to the center of the old city, the ruins under the current city. I figured the Hades Gate would have been somewhere around there, close to where it had been originally found. Over the years, spies and criminals had tried to locate it numerous times, but none had succeeded.

Amy found it in less than a minute. Presumably, she simply followed the ‘scent’ of raw psychic energy, homing in on its source. The artifact was a pocket dimension itself, hiding it in yet another pocket dimension was pretty smart. But, once she had located it, extracting it was easy. At least, it was a simple task. I had to overcome a terrible sense of dread removing it from its pocket dimension.

The artifact was a simple green gemstone, about a foot long and half as wide. It wasn’t particularly pretty or shiny, and it felt brittle. I wiped some of the dust away, and caught a glimpse of a terrifying hellscape, one where the hills have eyes and the ground has teeth, all the better to eat you with, if the monsters didn’t get you first. Amy leaned in close, examining it with great interest. She asked me what I thought it was. I told her that Psychics had done an examination after the incident and determined the gate was one-way. 

“What we’re seeing on the other side is a pocket dimension, all flesh, bones, and eyeballs, populated with monsters. My teacher, who participated in this examination, thinks the device is in fact an ark, containing a section of a lost world with its survivors, waiting for millennia until the time is right to eject its contents into the material world.”

Amy listened with intent, but I could see the saliva starting to accumulate. “Sounds delicious…” She grinned and nudged my hand. “Come on, toss it in.”

I was about to protest, suggest maybe something else, but before I had any chance to speak, she had pushed the green gem out of my hand with her tongue, and into her mouth, getting my hand covered in saliva in the process. Sitting down, she threw her head back and swallowed, perhaps a bit overly dramatic, given that she had swallowed much larger things an hour earlier. She grinned and let out a contented sigh “ahhh”…

Nothing happened.

I chuckled. “You know it’s still closed, right? It’s not gonna do anything unless I activate it.”

Amy huffed in annoyance, and looked a bit embarrassed. “Er, yeah. Of coure.” She looked at me, idly pawing at the ground. “So…”

With my arms crossed, I smiled. “Hmm?”

She laid down with her forelegs in front of her, then rolled onto her side, moving her head close to me. “I don’t know about you, but I could use some affection right now…”

I played along, kissed her on the nose. She responded with a kiss of her own, centered on the lips but effectively covering my entire face. I stroked the sides of her chin and she lowered the tip of her muzzle to my chest, kissing me there, and lower.

I undressed and created a static field of psychic energy to clear out the dust from where we were, so I could put my clothes on the ground. Once I had undressed I stood before her, naked. She was quite the presence, easily the size of an elephant. She lounged seductively, one forepaw on a thigh, the other pulled against her chest. I stepped closer to her head and stroked one of her side frills. She let out a faint whimper and I could see her wings briefly twitch in the corner of my eye. Moving back, loosely trailing one hand over the underside of her neck, I sensed her breathing and her warmth. Her excitement came through both physically, and through the psychic link. Her psychic aura had grown stronger, much stronger since we first met. I reached her chest, and she placed her forepaws around me, pressing me against her chest while she rolled over on her back, lifting me up. I sat up, looking at her face in front of me. She placed both of her massive forepaws on me, making cooing sounds as she lightly moved her paws over my body. Just one of her paws was bigger than my torso, the two of them effectively smothered me. Moving her paws apart, she bent her neck forward and licked me on the cheek.

“Mmmm…. You like this?...” She whispered, continuing to gently rub her paws against me.

I kissed one of the toes next to my face. “Yeah, you’re gorgeous.”

She cooed. “I could be bigger, you know…”

I smiled softly and stroked her paws with my hands. “Don’t you think you’re a respectable size already?”

Amy paused for a moment, and responded softly. “Sure, but… I could be more…” She licked me again, letting her tongue trail from my neck to my groin.

I chuckled, shaking my head, but my erection betrayed my feelings. “Where do I stand after that? I worry you’ll outgrow me…”

She cooed again, kissing me gently on the lips, letting her large lips linger on my face. “Is that so bad?” I could sense her heart beating faster and harder. “If you turned your mate into something greater, don’t you think you should treat her accordingly?”

At that point, I was genuinely torn. Being with such a large creature was amazing, her power was intoxicating, and like any addict, I wanted more. But, I wasn’t per se looking for a major life change. “I don’t know if I per se need someone above me.”

She moved the tip of her muzzle down, kissing my chest lightly. “Aren’t you curious? Don’t you want to see what I could become?”

I broke down. I thought I could control it. I opened the gate, just enough for a trickle. Amy immediately gasped. Behind me, from her belly, I could hear gurgling as demon flesh poured into her stomach. The dragon moaned deeply as she started expanding. Small squeeking and creaking sounds came from everywhere, as all parts of her body grew. She moved her head away as she straightened her neck. She panted and gasped as bursts of meat appeared in her stomach, making her growth rate uneven. I crawled over her chest and belly towards her nether region, her expanding and swelling flesh moving as she squirmed and twitched in pleasure. Reaching the underside of her tail I inserted an arm into her slit and started doing what I had done before with my tongue. I could sense I was having an effect, both in her psychic aura, which was already overflowing with pleasure, and her burgeoning physique, which was by now uncontrollably squirming and spasming with pleasure. Her limbs twitched every time a new splurge of demons and meat were thrust into her belly with a wet sloshing sound, briefly accelerating her growth and eliciting a gasp from her. The skin stretched out under me as the tissue behind it built up. I could sense her skin becoming thicker as well, as the impression I was making on her became less deep. Her hind paws were above me, held up by monstrous thighs and calves, twitching and growing larger and more massive by the second. Her moans become a rumble, deep and powerful, coming and going slowly as the gate spewed its unfortunate creatures into her. It may have been my imagination, but I thought I heard screams from inside her belly, where creatures were being digested alive. When she finally came, her aura peaked, the pleasure bleeding over into my mind, it simply couldn’t be stopped. I was aware of dust coming off the ceiling high above, and a rumbling going through my abdomen. It was only moments later that I realized I had been temporarily deafened by the immense volume of her roar when she climaxed.

Amy was still moaning softly, barely conscious, drunk on pleasure. I reached out for the Hades Gate’s aura and turned it off. Sliding off her enormous tail to the side, I returned to the ground. Her enormous form filled my vision. It was difficult to estimate her size accurately by that point, but she must have been at least as large as a blue whale. It wasn’t long before she regained her senses. I could sense her mind refocusing in the psychic link. Her enormous, powerful will. Her psychic power had grown along with her body. As she rolled over to rest on her belly, her mind examined mine through the link, like a human would examine an ant through a magnifying glass. I felt my left arm move, and then my right arm. Both making random movements, up down, forward backward. Then my head, turning left, right. My mouth opened, closed. Then she withdrew from my mind, allowing me control over my own body again. I could sense her enjoyment, her excitement at her new power. She rumbled in pleasure, flexing enormous muscle groups while sitting, and grinned at me, far below. Even though she had just orgasmed, I could sense new excitement building in her. Her growing arousal was like a fog over my mind. I don’t think she was actively trying to influence me, not at that point anyway. She had simply grown so psychically powerful that merely being connected to her meant I was subject to her emotions, which my comparatively feeble mind could barely handle.

The giant red dragoness looked down at me. “So…” She spoke in a feminine voice that was accompanied by a deep rumble. She leaned her head down to where I was standing. “Lay down.” She commanded. I did as she said, my throbbing erection the only part of me defying her.

Her lips parted, revealing countless foot-long, dagger-like teeth and a tongue considerably bigger than I was. The tip of her top jaw gently pressed against my chest, her nostrils breathing hot, humid air into my face, while the tip of her lower jaw settled between my feet. Amy’s tongue was an immense, soft, hot, moist, slick force of nature, pressing against my body, my groin, my inner thighs. It was by that point impossible for her to do anything like wrapping her tongue around my genitals. She simply pressed the mass of muscle down against me, like she was making me fuck her tongue. Despite the difference in size, or perhaps because of it, she was still actively enjoying our interaction. As her tongue and I continued to have sex, my pressure built, and soon I climaxed, hugging and kissing her nose. 

She kissed me and raised her head again, out of reach. Her grin had again taken on maniacal proportions. She pawed idly at the ground with one enormous fore claw, her shoulders slowly turning left and right. I could sense a fragment of uncertainty in her, a part of her that had apparently not yet caught up with her new powers and needed reassuring. She raised a paw and demonstratively held it over me, lowering it enough that I could touch it. If she had brought her paw down there and then, not an inch of me would have escaped being crushed. It was an odd behavior, but I could sense she was enjoying it. She set the paw down in front of me. “Kiss it.” She rumbled.

“I er…” I started, but the deep bestial growl starting to build up in her stopped me. She could have used her sheer willpower to force my movements and make me dance the funky chicken if she wanted. But, she apparently wanted me to submit willingly. Or, whatever qualified as ‘willingly’ in her mind. I stood up and walked a few feet to her giant paw and leaned down to kiss one of her toes. “On your knees.” She rumbled, slower this time, with some giddiness in her voice. I could still sense that mixture of excitement and insecurity coming from her aura, along with an overwhelming excitement and lust. I knelt down, and kissed her toe. This time I felt her pleasure building, and I covered my ears in time as she roared, causing the ground to shake and more dust to fall from the ceiling. 

The enormous red dragon rumbled contently, eyeing me with amusement. “Now… how about the rest?” I dreaded the question. “Your mind holds no secrets for me, little one.” 

I didn’t know when she had probed my mind. It could have been when she was controlling my body, it could have been at any other time since her last growth spurt. I was feeling conflicted at the time, but also… indignant. It was only a day ago she came to me, no bigger than I was, and I had helped her, given her all this. And now she was poking around in my mind against my will and calling me ‘little one’? Above, she chuckled. Did she know how I felt? Was she monitoring my every thought? I asked her. “I’ve given you everything you wanted. And this is how you treat me?”

She smiled. “And haven’t *I* given *you* everything you wanted? You wanted a powerful mate, and I became her, and did everything to you that you wanted.”

“And made me kiss your feet!” I snapped at her.

She didn’t respond angrily. Perhaps she simply didn’t feel the need to take me seriously anymore. “You have made me great, greater than you. And now you must defer to me. That is simply how things are now, it is nothing to be ashamed about.” She murred contently, paws clawing into the ground. “If anything you should be proud. Proud of what you’ve created.”

I could sense her reaching into the artifact’s battered aura. I had closed it, but there was no doubt in my mind that she had taken the knowledge of how to open it from my memories. “Hmmm… There is so much more…” Her excitement started building again. “Perhaps you would do the honors?” Despite having the ability herself, she was offering for me to open the Hades Gate one last time, to unleash what was left inside it into her.

I refused.

For reasons I still don’t know, she seemed genuinely hurt, and taken aback. It took her a few seconds to respond. “Then… I… I will help myself…” I could sense the Hades Gate being opened. Not merely ajar, like I had done earlier, but opened like a floodgate.

I started running.



I ran through the ruins naked. Behind me, the dragon was growing, faster than before. The sheer amount of material and monsters that was pouring into her stomach must have been enormous. For a few moments it looked as though she might have actually exploded, her huge belly pushing her off the ground her as her face filled with panic. But, her growth soon overtook her belly, and her proportions returned to normal before she was out of sight. The crumbling of the caverns was mixed with the deep bass rumbling of her pleasure, dust and pieces of rock coming off the walls and ceiling, old sections of structure finally coming down after countless centuries. The nearest exit to the surface was ironically near the park, where we had first met. 

Seconds after I had reached the park, an enormous, monstrous dragon head breached the surface, causing the people present to look at it instead and saving me from having to explain why I was naked. Buildings were starting to collapse as the structure of the mountain was caving in. The head rose higher and higher, followed by an enormous neck. Then, the street further away started bulging up like rising dough, and a red claw as big as a bus burst through, spraying rock, stones, and rock dust in all directions. A shadow fell over everything I could see as a massive foreleg followed the claw, destroying the rest of the street all the way to the dragon’s torso, which was now pushing its way up, enormous wings overhead being the obvious source of the sudden shadow. The head was out of view, obscured by clouds of rock dust, buildings, and the creature’s own torso. A second claw raised out of the widening crater and landed heavily on a roundabout, turning the street and underlying rock into so many pieces of debris, moving and shifting under the dragon’s weight as though they were liquid.

I kept running, but I couldn’t outrun the sounds of screaming and car horns and rumbling. The dragon’s growth was clearly audible, the sound of rubber stretching accompanied every bulge, every expansion, and every single part of her body made such noises, the pitch varying depending on the size of the body part. Far behind me, enormous hind paws crushed entire buildings as the monster stepped out of the hole. By now sirens were sounding, an evacuation order had been given. Panicking citizens ran for the stairs and tunnels leading out of the city. I don’t think many made it out. The deepening shadow told me that the dragon was growing closer – literally. To my right, I saw a red forepaw of unimaginable size swell and expand right through an historic theater building, knocking over ancient pillars like they were soup sticks and tearing through the roof like it was tissue paper. I realized it was her left forepaw I was looking at, meaning I was soon going to competing for space with her right forepaw, a fight I was unlikely to win. I briefly stopped to look where she was going to place said right forepaw, and ran the other way. I narrowly dodged it, only to be thrown up with the street as the impact sent a shockwave through the ground that raised it like ripples through water. Covered in dust, debris, and more scrapes and bruises than I had suffered throughout my entire life, I fled over the edge of the city. Thousand-year old stairways collapsed behind me as I tried to stay ahead of the wavefront of destruction. People were running in front of me, people were running behind me. Above me, the tan underside of the dragon indicated its presence, its belly slowly expanding over the side of the city edge. The collapse of buildings was a constant rumbling, though by that point I was barely cognizant of any sounds at all. A hind claw scraped down the side of the mountain as the dragon grew too immense for the city to hold. Dozens of buildings were casually turned to dust by the extremity, and on the other end of my vision, a fore claw was moving over almost as many buildings, sending them tumbling down to the older buildings on the lower levels. The survivors made their way over the bridge, the only remaining escape route, as we assumed - incorrectly, it turned out – that the underground train station must have collapsed.

Eventually the dragon stopped growing, but it had reached an unbelievable size, roaring in orgasmic pleasure as the last growth spurt ended. I could sense her psychic aura, bright as the sun. The head turned, as though looking for something. The vast wings spread, and the dragon simply took off, sending one last destructive shockwave through the city, leaving virtually nothing intact.

Of course news of this event had reached the other parts of the kingdom, so we didn’t need to call for rescue. Helicopters showed up, and we were airlifted away.



A helicopter lands next to a prefab field hospital just outside a small town in the mountains. In the distance, a column of dust rises where the capitol used to be. Around the collection of shipping containers that constitutes the hospital, white tents have been hastily erected. Several hundred people of all walks of life sit in and around them, on benches, around charging posts with their mobile devices, trying to contact loved ones. A line for a field kitchen moves at a brisk pace. Two uniformed men exit one of the containers, one a young man in army fatigues, the other an older man in a decorated officer’s uniform. The officer hands his subordinate a tablet back, annoyed. The tablet is playing the tail end of a recording, showing a man in a hospital gown talking to an interviewer.

“So you see, officer, that is why there was a pool of vaginal fluid in the middle of the city ruins. Also, I’m a psychic and you should probably tell your commander I need to talk to him.”

The subordinate ends the playback and puts the tablet away. “We found him with the other survivors, naked and covered in dirt and scrapes. He’s ripe for the loony bin, but I don’t think he’s dangerous. The parts where the creature shows up and destroys the city check out though, insofar as we can confirm anything at this stage.”

The officer nods as the two men walk towards a waiting helicopter. “What about the creature?”

“Most likely escaped from the Hades Gate. Satellites are tracking it, it’s already out of our airspace, headed for Zubronia.”

“I see. Notify me if it returns.” And with that, the officer gets into the helicopter, while his subordinate returns to the hospital. When the young man turns around, his expression is completely blank, and he robotically marches back to one of the containers, peering through a small window in the door. Inside, a man is being issued clothing from a clothing printer. The young man walks away, expressionless but for the tears in his eyes.



Enjoyable story, but one thing I might want to rework was the "breakup" at the end of chapter 4. It kind of puts a damper on things imo.


I thought it would add an interesting dimension to their relationship. Especially with the epilogue that I just added. Also, I wanted to write the final growth and destruction scene from the perspective of someone running for their life. And, finally, the guy wouldn't be ok with what the dragon was going to do, so a breakup was inevitable, short of seriously rewriting him. How would you rather have seen the story end?