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Chapter 1.1

Note to all workers of Gamma Lab.

There have been reports of improper use of company assets by personnel at Gamma Lab. I won’t name any names right now but I want you all to know I’m taking this very seriously. If we want to keep our end of year bonuses it will be necessary to deal with this internally. I trust you all (contrary to some evidence) to behave like adults.

We’re going to have to talk about this.

-Bob Johnson , HR Gamma lab.


I think the poll has run long enough now, so now I'm moving on to the sketching phase.

I'll be doing a little bit of prep work, and then I'll try to sketch some of them live on picarto.


I will do the stream on friday the 12th, starting around 8pm/20:00 Central European Time (CET). If nobody joins, no problem, I'll just continue sketching offline, this is just to see if people are at all interested in watching me stream.



Borusa Ryalam

Alas, that'd be 2pm my time, and I'd be at work


And of course, someone had to get intimidate with the assets xD Things can only go bigger from here. I'll try to join your stream. Curious to see you actually working on stuff live.


Alright! I hope it'll be at least a little interesting. (I probably won't do this often, unless it turns out people really love watching me sketch.)