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A lot of creators feel gear does not matter. I truly feel otherwise. Would you enter a F1 with a stock car, would you go deep sea diving in a swimming trunk and bear head, would you ride a bike without a helmet ?

The gear is not to only keep you safe, but also to perform your best, so yes gear does matter.

I am a tech freak and love to get into a fiddle deep down into all my gear menus and keep tickling them to get my aesthetic. This is when I came across the new manual focus lens options. I picked up a couple of them one wide one tight just to see how it goes. There are many many joys that I realised with this, and they more than compensated for the razor sharp images that you associate with an auto focus gear system. With patience and practice nailing focus on these manuals is also very very possible, and more thou use them, more you start feeling at home,

These are my first few shots on an early morning, absolutely missing the focus but then some interesting frames nevertheless.

Ps: we did make some really really nice frames later on from here in full nudes but that is a story for another post another day :)

With Urja



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