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If you want to see Drake's video, message Caleb on twitter and ask him for "the sauce"

Cheers! 🍻


Bacon Duggan

someone link the zoomer meditations audiobook


yakuza games do get boring if you play them all back to back because some are stronger than others, but the first one you play will be the best. luckily yakuza 0 is a perfect starting point for Japanese Caleb


Can confirm Chalamet is Jewish. Have a friend from college who has had Shabbat dinner with him and Kylie multiple times

Christopher Mesler

Cancel the Vet appointment, I can guarantee you, he's puking up yellow because his stomach is too empty and he has a weak stomach that is getting irritated by the stomach bile when the bile has nothing to distract it. I'm an expert on this, my dog started doing this at like 4 years old, she has to eat something every 5, maybe 6 hours or she pukes two little piles of yellow. I have feed her in the middle of the night some kind of treat or just a small amount of dog food to hold her over until breakfast.

Christopher Mesler

I would break up her food into 4 smaller meals throughout the day to combat this instead of two large meals which is what most people do. I'm super confident in this diagnosis, especially if it happened at the same time of day.


its drake so he said "send this to someone under 18"