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We're back on our Truely series, where we watch movies based only on real stories, and today it's time to watch the realest story ever told.


Mr Bean

Kind of a lot of build up, but at least the payoff of David not winding up at all and the rock not breaking Goliath’s skin was worth it!


Shut Is so real


every scene in this movie is the exact same scene


You know I would've guessed a whole movie about David vs. Goliath would be boring and I was right

Earl Harbor

So thanks for making me decide between watching you guys watch movies or go to my bowling league

Chris leMario

Wow. Thanks for the spoilers. Last time I check the comments before finishing the movie.

Chris leMario

The walking. The extras. The walking extras.

Chris leMario

Every other shot has a guy on a horse walking directly in front of the camera. And 40 people walking in circles in the background. All of which have walking sound effects at the same exact volume as the talking.


the blood of the cow head makes me strong!!!!


The fact that they’re wearing basketball shorts reminded of when my dad was in a low budget Christian movie as a Bible times guy and he is fully visibly wearing running shoes


I feel like they wrote this movie and finished and were like ahh fuck its 10 minutes long, lets just pad it out


please make goliath screaming a redeem sound for streams

Adam McClung

to answer jubio yes this is what the actual story was like ""Samuel 17:21-22 - David, overlooking the Phillistine armies, was approached by his brother. One horse passed eastward. "David." Two horses passed western-bound. "Your faith in God is commendable brother." Two horses passed heading east. One horse passed to the west. "But do not let it distract you from the threat that be." Two horses passed eastward and westward nigh-simultaneously. Another horse passed going west with a hint of south. And yes these horses are all making very loud clopping noises so you can't really hear David at this point. "I understand brthmpmmmpff but hmmmhmnnlll will protecmmgllff us in both this lffmmmnpff and beyond" 5 more horses went in a circle or something in the meantime."" The symbolism is seriously palpable in this scene and I think it really showcases the strength of Samuel as a writer ❤️ God bless this movie for getting it right ❤️


david is such a pick me

Chris leMario

David keeps delivering that shadow of death line but that verse was not invented until way later in the Bible. #biblefacts.

Logan S

HorseNeigh04.mp3 + SheepBaa02.mp3 + HorseRiderKeyedOut.mp4 =

Ian Drake

Kratos x Randy Savage