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Hey guys :D just letting you see how are my Shimeji folders and what there is inside!

As you can see, in the "In Process" folder I have 4! But well, the one with most priority there is Sylveon :) once him is done I will open a normal slot. The Rashi one also includes regular and shiny Typhlosion, but it's for a next year's bday so it has no priority yet. Charmander Extended is just an extension, so once in a while I edit it with the owner. And finally Xellos, one of the 12 characters I have to do from a webcomic! He is the second character I do of them, and despite they have no rush priority, I try to do at least one picture every few days to don't lose the rythm.

In the "Future Commissions" as you can see I have lots already there! They are from people that looked serious enough to save their data ^w^ specially the Holo+Tamamo commissioner, and Kokuwamon+Sayo commissioner. The others needed to save up and I told them there is no rush~ since there are no slots yet anyway.

And finally the "Just for fun" folder, which for now has Ryuunu, which I would love to continue as soon as possible but due to its complexity and my time is just impossible. It is a BASE shimeji so it must work for all the future Ryuunu, is more difficult than a single character design. Tetsumon family is for my closest friend, is her digimon and it includes Baby and Rookie for now, the In-training form would be the next~. For now is a stopped one as well but I may do one frame once in a while. And finally Toothless, because I really didn't find ANY good one and I feel like a strange obligation to do it XD I struggled a lot with the style (like a year ago lol) and I think it may be loved for people. What I may do in a near future is to do like Sylveon and ask for a Collaborative Commission for him :)

This post guys is like a test of what I will submit in this Patreon when is finished :D remember I am converting it into shimeji-only Patreon (maybe will submit other things just for fun and for giving you access to extra stuff just for being patrons).

[Just a point: if you don't see changes in the page is normal :) everything I am preparing is still offline, I will do the change when I have everything written and decided<3 so this way the conversion will be able to be done in a same day, two as max]




I WAS REFERENCED. Anyway, the design of the page has definitely improved; it looks immensely better.


Thank you ^w^ still a while until it's totally ready but improving it as fast as I can~ The thing is that Patreon changed 100% the design sizes and such in a very bad moment for me and all the graphic stuff is still with the old coding of the page (apart from avatar and banner, which I changed yesterday). Sooo well :3 getting there! ^^