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Hi there guys, sorry for the inactivity in posts but I can't really post anything because all the work is being done behind scenes. So, let's talk:

First of all and most importantly:
I've got a job.  After months and months of search, waits, stress, depression hitting hard, etc, I got one. And at least is pretty good and is something related what I studied for: Marketing Manager. To have "a normal job" is not what I want but well... I just can't survive with Patreon and commissions because I don't earn enough unfortunately... I wish. I started this Monday so you can imagine I have been overwelmed learning a lot of new stuff for me at job.

So, what about Shimeji?
I WILL KEEP doing Shimejis, to have a job won't stop me of doing what I love the most. Just understand that I am out like 10h per day and when I am back I want to rest or to do easy stuff. So I will work on Shimeji mostly on weekends :3

And well, Kilk will keep working on updates as usual! So feel free to support him as well if you want and can n.n

About the Shimeji Website:
We are still working on it :D but we are advancing! While Kilk is working on the Search options and such internal code, I am working every day a little bit in the Data Base of the shimes. Are almost 200 of them... so I am doing what I can ;w;/ I try to do few lines every evening.

By the way! About the layout, in theory we will go with the options 1 and 6, but rearranging the 1 a bit to be more efficient like 2nd option was <3 

If you are awaiting an answer from me:
The usual is that I READ ALL the messages the same day you send them. But understand I can't reply everything right after reading it, specially for long or complicated Quotes / questions... If are easy and fast things I usually reply immediately :3 but yeah.. for hard stuff you will have to wait more, sorry. I don't want to overwork myself or I won't keep the productivity.

With this said, just wanted to update you <3 and remember we are working hard on the website :3 so yeah, all the annoying AdFly links will disappear, making the Shimeji easily downloadable from the new website~ as soon as it will be shareable, we will post a link for Patrons to test it :D

I hope you like the website's idea and such <3


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