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Until now, the Beta Link for Gengar didn't have the Shiny code :3 now that has been added! The images don't have shiny colors yet, but it's already functional. They will be repainted as soon as possible :3

The NSFW+ Riolu Shimeji has been finished! It will still remain only for Patrons (so in the Beta Links) for a bit more, we are trying to solve a bug that we hope is solvable. Our suspicion is that there are too many images, but we can't really confirm that yet. We are working on it :3 if after few weeks we didn't solve it yet, I will make it public anyway, just warning about it and to download it again when solved.

Enjoy! :D



Habrá uno de lucararios? A la gente le encanta le encanta lucararios, seguro que tendrá un porronaco de descargas xD


Si no lo comisiona nadie no xD Lo que más me gustaría es hacer los personajes que me diera la gana y que la gente lo apoyara... porque haría un montón de Pokémon. Pero la gente no patrocina con esa intención desafortunadamente y tampoco gano tanto como para eso... quizá algún día ;w; Pero vaya, Lucario seguro que lo pedirá alguien tarde o temprano :3