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Alright guys :3 Tumblr did return me the account as I already notified to you, but they have totally ignored my afterwards petition and are not collaborating at all, so I am trying to reconstruct the post by myself. Thanks to a screenshot I submited here the first time I presented you the page, I've been able to reconstruct the structure :) 

Tomorrow will try to add the links and to finally send you the Password. Finished Nala Link is there though :D I added her.

Again, sorry for the trouble. It shouldn't happen again, since I know now what caused it and even if it would, I am saving a backup file :3

The page is the same (for now, I am thinking about using Google Docs if Tumblr annoys me): https://cachomon.tumblr.com/

I send you all a big hug! As for news about my 3D project, these days I will be working on the dialogs :3 I have to record them all and then to mount the Animatics.



Going through it yes ;__; tomorrow they should have asked my questions... I don't consider I have "child porn" there to be honest. Are fictional characters anyway, not like are humans or something like that. But well.... will be fixed soon ;w; I just hope they don't f*** my content just because of a stupid SUBJECTIVE rule.