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Heya, lovelies! bit of a bummer post, sadly ):
I have to change the 3€ Tier Rewards (starting September) and deduct one Early Unlock.

This is how my rewards have looked like before:
1st Thursday: Early Unlock (3-5 doodles)
2nd: Patreon Only (3-5 doodles)
3rd: Early Unlock (3-5 doodles)  << this one's a goner <<
4th: Patreon Only comic (3-5 pages)

Due to my Boss cutting our hours (w/o informing us first !!aaa!!) I have to get a 2nd Job starting September, which will leave me working more hours in total, and cranking out between 12-20 drawings every month is just not gonna be feasible. ):
I completely understand if you want to unpledge (depledge thyself?🤔)
feeling a bit down in the dumps about the whole thing, won't lie! But I might look into finding a completely new job next year and then hopefully draw a bit more again (: I still would really like to start a comic, I have not forgotten!
Hope you have a great start into the month ❣


Submissive Guy Comics

Sending all good vibes and support! Glad you are taking a look at what you can do and not trying to do e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Love your art! Thank you for sharing it with us. :>


your social life and job first!! don’t worry about patreon, we will still support you no matter what!! you are already overworking yourself posting a lot of pieces every week. take care bby ❤️


It’s not much but I upped a tier. Hope job struggles work out better soon.


super sweet of you! always wish I could create more but I really gotta slow down a bit for the moment >:'( <3


you're a sweetheart! I super appreciate it & I'll try my best heading towards more art and less work interferences :D