Time to vote! (Patreon)
Dear Big Classic Patch Family,
Your opinion its extremely important to me, that's why I want to know the opinion of the people that are supporting my work.
Regarding last vote, we got very small differences between the options, so I decided to make a poll, including the ones that got biggest votes. (27 % wanted a new club teams mod version, 26 % a new career edition version).
I will not include the option that you want a new mod, with new season, because I m already working on that (it will be a surprise which year, I ll confirm that with you later).
Also, I included "National Teams Mod" as option, because I saw people did not vote it that much and I really want to see if it was the votes in that week or people are really in love with Career Edition Mod and Club Teams Mod. If so, I will respect your opinion and work in that direction!
I am also in discussion for a future collaboration with someone (not only Classic) and most probably that will be for FIFA 24, but I will keep you updated when the news will be 100 %.
After all, hard work as always, but I love what I am doing. Bless all of you, thanks a lot for your support and what can I say? ENJOY THE CLASSIC VIBE!!!
Thanks a lot for everything!
Sincerely yours, warmest regards,